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Do India's Space Program and Mars Mission Make Sense?

India has highest levels of illiteracy , poverty, open defecation , and are wanting to set up INDIA 2.0 on Mars... Hahahahaha... Indians

Atleast we have something to be proud of among the odds. What do you have?
Mars mission costed half the price of F22 . People who oppose india's space ambitions are either naive, delusional or jealous.
India has to invest in the future as well. the government spends loads on welfare programs but corruption and bureaucracy diminishes the effects, spending extra 74 mil will not make any significant changes, but this 74 mill will increase our credibility in high end technology among the world. ISRO is financing itself as well by launching commercial satellites from around the world
Get a life pakistani!

P.S. pls justify SUPARCO, why does your govt has space program?? What you are implying is india should stop training engineers, doctors,scientists until poverty is taken care of.

Sending spacecraft to mars is not as easy as painting rockets, and satellites green and shouting takbir like crazy.

Admit you are jealous, embrace the truth and move on.

Infact it was my friend who told me that no matter,even if they settle in mars,They are bound to remain poor as this is part of there nature.

So Riazhaq brother,I don;t agree with you.
India is home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people who lack basic sanitation facilities. India's share of the world's poorest has jumped from 22% in 1980 to 33% now.
Does it make sense for India to waste its resources on a space program?

Please look at the following:

View attachment 81982

Haq's Musings: India's Share of World's Poorest Jumped From 22% to 33% in 30 Years!

View attachment 81983

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

Could have invested that in Alibaba Stock exchange made billions by now

View attachment 82770
Instead the images released would be same as the one we saw in 1995
GEE! Why isn't Pakistan the great nation investing in Alibaba stock exchange and making Billions by now?oh wait you dont even have the money to invest! riiiight! :suicide2:

watch only last 3 minuted video about the India's mars mission :lol:

@RiazHaq is defeated 2:1 in that debate :rofl:
Arre bhai, did you seriously watch that video? don't even bother to watch Madarassa educated economists and their views they can pull graphs and data out of their arse and show how better they are than India, its all feel good factor for them.
Just like Pakistan won all wars with India and still they gave back India their land after winning.
Believe them ;)

Pakistanis would know that as all their rivers go through India first. :lol:
They always blame us for Water wars,drought and floods now we are sending them funky tasting water?
Too bad India.Atleast dont resort to biological warfare in drinking water.:coffee:
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Could have invested that in Alibaba Stock exchange made billions by now

View attachment 82770
Instead the images released would be same as the one we saw in 1995
Bhaisaab its a long term investment in r&d of space tech. These cumulation of informations will continue to help india hundreds of years down the road. These tech cant be achieved through begging. Hopefully you got the answer. It is easy to wake people who are sleeping but it is harder when they are faking to be asleep.
Their country, their money, they can spend on whatever they like, as long as they do their own thing an don't bother us, there is no reason for me to care. However, just for arguments sake, I will say that priority should be on public health and well being not just for India but for any country, but like I said, its their problem not us.
India is home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people who lack basic sanitation facilities. India's share of the world's poorest has jumped from 22% in 1980 to 33% now.
Does it make sense for India to waste its resources on a space program?

Please look at the following:

View attachment 81982

Haq's Musings: India's Share of World's Poorest Jumped From 22% to 33% in 30 Years!

View attachment 81983

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

India has highest levels of illiteracy , poverty, open defecation , and are wanting to set up INDIA 2.0 on Mars... Hahahahaha... Indians
You know I've never understood how Pakistanis could so shamelessly parade such myths (lies really) as facts- literacy rates in India are HIGHER than Pakistan (UNESCO report 2013), India has a higher HDI despite having far more people, Per capita income is higher in India, India is reducing its poverty rates year on year no matter what measure you use (Indian produced or international) in fact the UN is on record stating that India and China are the ONLY TWO nations on track to MEET their Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on poverty reduction by 2015, at the same time by all accounts poverty in increasing in Pakistan.

Is India perfect? Hell no!! Is India working damn hard to improve itself? F*ck yes!

It doesn't take a genius to figure out which nation is pulling away from the other and understandably that makes those left behind sick to their stomachs and I have pity for these unfortunate souls.

And anyway this logic that a poor nation has to spend 100% of its resources on poverty reduction is beyond absurd, I have no idea what qualifications mr @RiazHaq has but he is clearly no economist or capable of telling the truth. How does one think nations develop? How does one (who has some pride and doesn't go begging to the IMF and donor nations every few months) generate enough revenue to look after its poor and be self-dependant? Is anyone deluded enough to think the so-called "developed" nations of this world were created as wealthy paradises where poverty is unheard of from day one OR they have seen their own share of appalling levels of poverty and have DEVELOPED themselves out of it through the creation of industry (which produces jobs, inflows of investment, improvement and nurturing of institutions.

Anyway ISRO gets a tiny, tiny share of India's national budget as do the military- education, health and poverty relief funds get FAR more. The space race and NASA made the US into the technological super power it is today- I'm not saying ISRO is going to transform India but it is going to make a tangible difference to India and any foreword momentum is good.

India isn't going to develop overnight but the likes of ISRO were there are tangible trickle down effects for the common man (in fact their mandate is to help the Indian people) and such are going to help drive India foreword and thus I can see why this despicable ranting is coming from.
But they don't answer, how a poor illiterate country as they say is able to do such a complex mission successful...
And they have no answer. For them to concede what India did was nothing short of incredible would be a bitter pill to swallow and maybe even cause some very uncomfortable introspection- why are their institutions consistently failing across the board whilst India's are now producing success after success?

Why is India (a nation they are taught to consider below them and backwards) able to go from this:


To this:



But this is human nature- jealousy is an ugly emotion.
You know what? If I were the PM of India and there is no sanction on you, I would push for Space Co-operation with your country, the only one who have thirst for Scientific knowledge in the whole middle East. I also like the way Iran' Space programme is carrying on in spite of your two hands being tied!!
True indeed among the middle east only have praise for, kurds and iranians, afghanistan and of course pity for yezidis!
The priority is indeed on betterment of our people, but that does not mean we stop work on other fields especially tech.

My comment was not for Indians and I didn't say don't work on any other field. I was talking in general, not about this mission. I understand some ppl here come across as if they are judging India's space mission (some might have valid reason, some might just want to bring you guys down), that's why I didn't want to comment anything initially, but this is a forum so I was giving my opinion. Like I said earlier, its your country, do whatever suits you guys, ignore the haters.
My comment was not for Indians and I didn't say don't work on any other field. I was talking in general, not about this mission. I understand some ppl here come across as if they are judging India's space mission (some might have valid reason, some might just want to bring you guys down), that's why I didn't want to comment anything initially, but this is a forum so I was giving my opinion. Like I said earlier, its your country, do whatever suits you guys, ignore the haters.
Yes of course, taking care of our people is non negotiable indeed. don't get me wrong also i have very soft spot for poor people doesnt matter if they are poor people from india, pakistan or china. they share the same suffering.
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