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Should Scotland have simply declared independence like Kovoso did from Serbia

yay or nay

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Nope, that is plain counter productive and what will these people be doing? Will they fight their fellow Scots, who voted by a clear majority to stay with the union?
I think you're overdoing it with your retarded threads.It's like a kindergarden race in here with all of your juvenile questions,threads and polls.

"who is bigger ? Who is better ? ". Should they do this or that ?"..'nough allready !
Nope, that is plain counter productive and what will these people be doing? Will they fight their fellow Scots, who voted by a clear majority to stay with the union?

This reminds me of the pro-independence separatists in Canada's Province of Quebec several years ago.

Its still part of Canada, and will remain so. Why challenge the security and established order in these said societies?

There are hosts of modernizing and third world nations that would dream to have the rights and liberties of the people in the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).
I think you're overdoing it with your retarded threads.It's like a kindergarden race in here with all of your juvenile questions,threads and polls.

"who is bigger ? Who is better ? ". Should they do this or that ?"..'nough allready !

I will make sure that the beautiful women of Romania will attain their freedom from Romanian Men especially those in Legal Practice as soon as I'm at the helm of affairs in Pakistan ! :smokin:
Did Americans conduct a referendum when they seceded from Britain? Did Confederates conduct a referendum when they seceded from the US? No. If Scotland declared independence from the UK, over 90% of Scots would have fought.
Nope, that is plain counter productive and what will these people be doing? Will they fight their fellow Scots, who voted by a clear majority to stay with the union?


Never ! Not even autonomy,we crush dissent like that in blood,in the streets.

Oh come on Romanian Ladies are practically Heavenly Nymphs - They deserve a place of their own ! :(

You know I agree about the Separatism thing - We don't tolerate that either; One's country is the most sacred thing after God !
Those videos are hilarious, this result isn't a shock, polling companies have been predicting this result for ages.
You can't even see what's going on in those videos, it is likely that those ballots were simply lying around ready to be counted.
Notice how the only people who are complaining are nerds like the guy who made the video and butthurt people with a chip on their shoulder. Salmond has accepted it.
Well lets look at the facts, the majority VOTED NO so that would make alot of people angry, and Serbia is not a good comparison full of proper nazis not the bs Ukrainian ones.
Well lets look at the facts, the majority VOTED NO so that would make alot of people angry, and Serbia is not a good comparison full of proper nazis not the bs Ukrainian ones.

Those who voted NO would have fought for Scotland. They are Scottish. Scotland is their country. Just as Americans fought for America, Confederates fought for the South, those who voted NO would have taken up arms to defend Scotland from English invasion.

There is no free lunch. Why would the British government give land to Scottish people for free? Is Canada an independent state? No. Is Australia? No. Is New Zealand? No. Only the US is because Americans fought for it.
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