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Russian defense-industrial sector to substitute imported US, EU components in 3 years


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
ITAR-TASS: Economy - Russian defense-industrial sector to substitute imported US, EU components in 3 years

September 16, 11:49 UTC+4
Russia will develop its own equivalent for each imported component to achieve its full independence from imported supplies, the government official says

© ITAR-TASS/Marina Lystseva

KRASNOARMEISK, September 16. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia will need three years to implement its program of ensuring import independence from the United States and Europe, Deputy Chairman of the Governmental Defense and Industrial Commission Oleg Bochkaryov said on Tuesday.

The government is currently working on an import substitution program that will be presented to the president, Bochkaryov said.

“This [import substitution] will not happen at once. The point is that we were integrated into the world economy and carried out a lot of joint work and therefore we can’t replace everything immediately. As a whole, this will take up to three years,” he said.

The program, which the government is drafting, assesses the level of problems and resources required for solving them, Bochkaryov said.

“It is clear that it [the program] will include a lot of items. There are easy positions that can be replaced quite quickly and there are things that will require resources, such as the development of domestic components and the conduct of tests,” Bochkaryov said.

It will be more complex for Russia to substitute imported supplies from the United States and Europe compared with Ukraine because they are produced at a higher technological level, the government official said.

Therefore, objectively more time will be needed to replace these supplies, he said.

Russia will develop its own equivalent for each imported component to achieve its full independence from imported supplies, the government official said.
OH SHIT !!! In about 4 years expect to be bombarded by Russian aircraft falling from the skies. Even worse than now !:rofl:
OH SHIT !!! In about 4 years expect to be bombarded by Russian aircraft falling from the skies. Even worse than now !:rofl:

In about 4 years you should expect new blown out of the sky astronauts.

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