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Chinese army stops water supply for Indians in Ladakh

now is the time Indian troops responded with bullets, so much for the talks, these kinds of act projects chinese as mere posers, why dont they declare war on us, we too have an old score to settle with them.
call us dwarf? go to check your pathetic avevage height with us, you malnourished indians. You approve again sky is the limit for your delusion.

Modi need this kind of treatment to show him what does tough really means.
sorry if not dwarf, midget or better than that tiny morons.
There is a clear disconnect between the CCP & the PLA. Someone is trying to play the big bad Wolf here. Xi maybe powerful leader but this double speak is strange.
Cool, be racist, cause Indians are the ones that can pull this off, what with the great economic or other performances or history.
This is probably not racism, this is your mental and physical dwarfism. Your identical quality. If I had said "That all Chinese men/women are twins" then it would be accounted for racism.
I don't understand why don't ITBP provide security to labourers, contractors at construction site in the border area.? Everytime I hear such news, first thought that hit my head is why there are no security forces with the workers? How can Chinese soldiers just come and threaten our workers to stop work? Where the hell is ITBP at that time.? They should always be with the workers on the project site.
Amazing, great job done by China.

Bad manufactures, bad qualities, chinks, and evil communist by Indian claim. :rolleyes:
Seems like the PLA has grown a brain of it's own and it no longer accepts the supremacy of the CCP.
Looks like they're trying to push India further away,thus,isolating them further in their own neighbourhood.

by the way,this incident is not an isolated one.India faces this kind of "Awkward Behaviour" from our northern neighbour regularly.
Question is not what is China doing the question is what the hell your might army :p doing
Seems like the PLA has grown a brain of it's own and it no longer accepts the supremacy of the CCP.
China's leadership is still under change.
The anti-corruption campaign is till going.

Start arming a free Tibet movement and Muslims in China both of whom hate these han dogs and I bet you the chinaman will come in line.
If Modi thinks the same as you, India will lose another 10 years fast growth.
Modi takes security of our nation in a serious way and every inch of our soil he will defend, why the hell you guys need our water? when you got water in Tibet? haha you people just like to steal and rob but have you not got enough land? just stay on your side why you need to keep coming to ours?

We will see what he will do soon.
Please mark my words here. "No bullets will be shot",
no matter how tough his words were.

Please refrain yourself from saying insulting words like "han dogs". Or I will report you.
I thought you guys said that in these situations modi will show his big muscles and Chinese will run away!
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