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The Threat within-The Punjabi Taliban


Oct 26, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Pakistan have been busy for a long time in northern areas against Talibaan Militancy. starting from the Wana offensive nof 2004 we have lost substantial amount of Material and Human resource as well as strategic assets and our internal security have been dented continiously.

Our Armed Forces are fighting one of the toughest counter insurgency operations in Waziristan Orakzai Mohmand Sawat Malakand and many others regions of the North areas. And we have gained considerable success in this regard.

But one thing is always ignored in this regard. How can a few rag tag talibaan sit and plan in a cave of north waziritan can climb down the hills travel all the way to karachi and blow up P3C orion aircraft placed in one of the most secured bases of navy? or attack POF Wah facilities and even the Kamra Complex.
One wonders how is this even possible to gather so much intel and such accurate planning to attack a strategic target in lahore and all the local police and security organisation look totally helpless and incapacitated.
Yes the obvious answer that readers are already guessing is they have contacts supporters and workers all over Pakistan. And the big question is who are they?
are they undercover TTP militants? are thry Uzbeks? are they arab and tajiks working on field? the answer is NO.

They are the Punjabi Taliban that are always ignored by the security forces due to there political contacts. They are the one who spread hate and confusion amoung the masses. There networks provide all the intel and field operatives for such operations.
Pakistan have a huge population that live under the poverty line and there is mass illeteracy as well. Such niche of society is the primary target of these organisations. They provide free EDUCATION in religious schools run by them also providing monitory benifits of the children. In such schools they are taught there own defined version of Islam. These are the bases from which innocent Pakistanis are converted into supporters of extremism. Ofcourse these madrissas are not utopian terrorist acedemies. But they tend to mend minds of many toward extremism and many of them are picked up by terrorist outfit organisations.

I never understood why our security establishment fail to put hand on them.
Our country will never be completely secure unless all of these organisations are taken care of and banned. and there Religious schools closed permanently providing alternative sources of education by the Govt to these poor children.

i know many Pakistanis having loose religious affiliations to sub groups of these organisations will start to defend and attack this argument.
But thats a fact. We will never achieve true piece and complete eradication of militancy unless we sweep them all from all over Pakistan significantly Jhang, Faisalabad, Lahore, South Punjab, Quetta and Karachi.
considered assets may be
What assets yaar. They openly defame Pakistan. Support Terrorists. They have no Anti-Indian influence now. visit there madrissas. Only JUD is somewhat indulged in anti-indian activities. these LEJ and ASWJ Goons, They only preach Sectarian hatred Anti-state and Anti-Army Propaganda.
I cannot even remember how many times i have heard from them "Foj hmarey ilaqon mei na ghusti to hum ye sab kyun kartey" F***head retards consider themselves as a separate force against Pakistani State and show there loyalty openly with Taliboons. Giving Fatwas against Pak Armed forces in favor of Talibaan. What kind of assets are those. I will say only Political Influence in Some of Rightist Parties make them safe.

Don't be so naive. They are no assets to army. they are the most active propaganda machine against army in Pakistan.
What assets yaar. They openly defame Pakistan. Support Terrorists. They have no Anti-Indian influence now. visit there madrissas. Only JUD is somewhat indulged in anti-indian activities. these LEJ and ASWJ Goons, They only preach Sectarian hatred Anti-state and Anti-Army Propaganda.
I cannot even remember how many times i have heard from them "Foj hmarey ilaqon mei na ghusti to hum ye sab kyun kartey" F***head retards consider themselves as a separate force against Pakistani State and show there loyalty openly with Taliboons. Giving Fatwas against Pak Armed forces in favor of Talibaan. What kind of assets are those. I will say only Political Influence in Some of Rightist Parties make them safe.

Don't be so naive. They are no assets to army. they are the most active propaganda machine against army in Pakistan.

LEJ malik Ishaqs roams freely along with rest of his fcktards in the land .. he accepts 100's of murders so his men and organisation... its an open secret that our police , agencies ,army have knocked out hundreds and hundreds in so called muqabla's etc How ever these fcks are on the loose roaming freely this confirms the fact they have full support.
Pakistan have been busy for a long time in northern areas against Talibaan Militancy. starting from the Wana offensive nof 2004 we have lost substantial amount of Material and Human resource as well as strategic assets and our internal security have been dented continiously.

Our Armed Forces are fighting one of the toughest counter insurgency operations in Waziristan Orakzai Mohmand Sawat Malakand and many others regions of the North areas. And we have gained considerable success in this regard.

But one thing is always ignored in this regard. How can a few rag tag talibaan sit and plan in a cave of north waziritan can climb down the hills travel all the way to karachi and blow up P3C orion aircraft placed in one of the most secured bases of navy? or attack POF Wah facilities and even the Kamra Complex.
One wonders how is this even possible to gather so much intel and such accurate planning to attack a strategic target in lahore and all the local police and security organisation look totally helpless and incapacitated.
Yes the obvious answer that readers are already guessing is they have contacts supporters and workers all over Pakistan. And the big question is who are they?
are they undercover TTP militants? are thry Uzbeks? are they arab and tajiks working on field? the answer is NO.

They are the Punjabi Taliban that are always ignored by the security forces due to there political contacts. They are the one who spread hate and confusion amoung the masses. There networks provide all the intel and field operatives for such operations.
Pakistan have a huge population that live under the poverty line and there is mass illeteracy as well. Such niche of society is the primary target of these organisations. They provide free EDUCATION in religious schools run by them also providing monitory benifits of the children. In such schools they are taught there own defined version of Islam. These are the bases from which innocent Pakistanis are converted into supporters of extremism. Ofcourse these madrissas are not utopian terrorist acedemies. But they tend to mend minds of many toward extremism and many of them are picked up by terrorist outfit organisations.

I never understood why our security establishment fail to put hand on them.
Our country will never be completely secure unless all of these organisations are taken care of and banned. and there Religious schools closed permanently providing alternative sources of education by the Govt to these poor children.

i know many Pakistanis having loose religious affiliations to sub groups of these organisations will start to defend and attack this argument.
But thats a fact. We will never achieve true piece and complete eradication of militancy unless we sweep them all from all over Pakistan significantly Jhang, Faisalabad, Lahore, South Punjab, Quetta and Karachi.[/quote I dont think soo it is a high levelled threat now!!! After Zarb e Azb!

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