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Prime Minister Modi Fumbles on Pakistan

u are right
but the soft image have their draw-backs
when you want to be influential you cannot rely in the soft-image, India would not completely abandon its soft-image neither would we participate in world fight against terrorism by invading countries. We would just have a tougher stand in issues relating to India and be non-aligned to the world as we use to be

you can't be influential by being soft on your own core issues
hi sardar g! hope u still have that kripaan.

Anyways here is how my take on this.........

U said u will have tougher stand regarding matters to India.......So i will talk a little abt Matters concerning Pak-India

India can tell itself on how much strong stand it wants but the real key here is Pakistan and will that work on us? We are also a regional power here and we dont like people taking or talking tough with us and we know how to harass india at our will too.

So This tough talk is something none will buy here. Ever wondered that with yr every second day gibberish abt pakistan and our protectors why is that none in pak has ever responded? Because here none takes u and yr leaders seriously or we just dont care abt yr country hence talking tough and taking tough stand will only make u on the troubling side as Pak is the main stakeholder in Kashmir issue and enjoys a tremendous influence with in yr country not just kashmir valley. So yr just asking for trouble here as Pak's intel services know how to control yr nation overwhelmingly then what little u enjoy over pak.

Further more the biggest mistake u made was to take our desire of peace and accommodation of yr 'extraordinary' claims as our weakness.....(A usual sign of immaturity). U had the time that now seems u have lost and now our stances and takes will get tougher and tougher each passing day as we even dont like this mass murderer and his sympathizers who r in helm of power in yr country(according to our opposition chief who is one of the people leading the protest, according to him Modi will be a destabilizing factor for the region. Thats an opinion here shared by many in here abt him and his india). So from my POV yr putting yrself further risk to ever win some concessions from us. BTW yr congress gov was no better either their stance was also tougher. So for us basically nothing has changed either BJP or Congress.

But now when global and regional balance of power is shifting and we are again gaining our lost influence and after op zarb e azb concludes even this last remaining things which used to engage us or rather distracted us will not be there anymore. So will u still be in a commanding position like u were before? Thats a question whose answer will be interesting.

So to avoid further harassment and instability within yr country to make sure yr economic growth is on per with estimates u will have to comply otherwise the standards of goals that u have set will not be able to be achieved.

Regarding yr saying abt Influential in yr core issue with us is also a feutile thinking as explained above it will never work for u.

Exactly... thats' what we Indians have been doing for the past 68 odd years.
:lol: sure.
Still doesnot negate the fact that world consider Pakistan as a terrorism factory which exports it to India .
World also knows Indians are not exactly snow white as they portray themselves.
All in all, the following quote appearing in Indian Express sums it up as what Pakistan thinks of all the Indian tantrums.
Enough said.
The cancellation of foreign secretary-level talks didn’t stop Mr Basit from having another round of meetings with Mr Malik and other Hurriyat leaders on Tuesday.
If anything, Modi's tough line and less than friendly overtures are strengthening Pakistan's soft image abroad, a feat that our own government has repeatedly failed at. For the first time in three decades, Pakistan is being seen as the country that wants peace and India as the instigator of regional tensions.
Soft terrorism ? I do think world doesn't know much beyond that about pakistan !

Topic:Nytimes is well known india basher,abused modi throught election :|
World also knows Indians are not exactly snow white as they portray themselves.
All in all, the following quote appearing in Indian Express sums it up as what Pakistan thinks of all the Indian tantrums.
Enough said.

:lol: India allowed that to happen.. I don't understand how you guys find bravery in foolishness and brazenness...
Gen Akbar was the one who was arranging guns for the Kashmiri ww2 veterans who had revolted after the massacres .. But unlike Pakistan .. Which had no ordinance factories etc.. And the Pak army tht was short of weapons itself .. Only 300 "condemned" bolt action rifles were provided..

You have been proven an idiot .. One only has to go through your "postings" to confirm tht..(if someone even has a slight doubt)...
No as much as PAK ambassador is & Ex PAF chief is , he was asked to take print out of UN resolution and read it...... & then start talkng they were born like you.
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All in all, the following quote appearing in Indian Express sums it up as what Pakistan thinks of all the Indian tantrums.
Enough said.

The cancellation of foreign secretary-level talks didn’t stop Mr Basit from having another round of meetings with Mr Malik and other Hurriyat leaders on Tuesday.

Considering that Pakistan's initial position was preparation for the India-Pakistan talks being the reason to invite the Hurriyat leaders, nobody is impressed with this second day of "preparation" for talks that are now no longer on the cards.

Btw, if the GoI wanted to put a stop to it, they could have. The Huriyat leaders are not magically appearing inside Pakistan's HC, if GoI allows them to visit, it is because it suits them.
World also knows Indians are not exactly snow white as they portray themselves.
All in all, the following quote appearing in Indian Express sums it up as what Pakistan thinks of all the Indian tantrums.
Enough said.

And what do Pakistan achieve by talking to them ....... NIL
hi sardar g! hope u still have that kripaan.

Anyways here is how my take on this.........

U said u will have tougher stand regarding matters to India.......So i will talk a little abt Matters concerning Pak-India

India can tell itself on how much strong stand it wants but the real key here is Pakistan and will that work on us? We are also a regional power here and we dont like people taking or talking tough with us and we know how to harass india at our will too.
Our tough talks are not meant to appease pakistan,

So This tough talk is something none will buy here. Ever wondered that with yr every second day gibberish abt pakistan and our protectors why is that none in pak has ever responded? Because here none takes u and yr leaders seriously or we just dont care abt yr country hence talking tough and taking tough stand will only make u on the troubling side as Pak is the main stakeholder in Kashmir issue and enjoys a tremendous influence with in yr country not just kashmir valley. So yr just asking for trouble here as Pak's intel services know how to control yr nation overwhelmingly then what little u enjoy over pak.
you are more than welcome, you intelligence agencies have been trying for decades now ... you can do that in the future too

Further more the biggest mistake u made was to take our desire of peace and accommodation of yr 'extraordinary' claims as our weakness.....(A usual sign of immaturity).
Pakistan never ever had desire for peace, the civilian govt might have, can't say the same about military

U had the time that now seems u have lost and now our stances and takes will get tougher and tougher each passing day as we even dont like this mass murderer and his sympathizers who r in helm of power in yr country(according to our opposition chief who is one of the people leading the protest, according to him Modi will be a destabilizing factor for the region.
Lets not talk about mass murder, more people have been killed by pakistan sponsored terrorism, hence you don't have a say
Our country our leader, you think he is De-stabelising deal with it, we have dealed with your dictators and your weak PM's too

Thats an opinion here shared by many in here abt him and his india). So from my POV yr putting yrself further risk to ever win some concessions from us. BTW yr congress gov was no better either their stance was also tougher. So for us basically nothing has changed either BJP or Congress.
sir, you don't think we are aware about the consequences ? what would be more terror attacks ?

But now when global and regional balance of power is shifting and we are again gaining our lost influence and after op zarb e azb concludes even this last remaining things which used to engage us or rather distracted us will not be there anymore. So will u still be in a commanding position like u were before? Thats a question whose answer will be interesting.
situation has been stale-mate since 1998, both are nuclear, even if pakistan gains influence nothing would happen on ground

So to avoid further harassment and instability within yr country to make sure yr economic growth is on per with estimates u will have to comply otherwise the standards of goals that u have set will not be able to be achieved..
Sir, India has learned to grow despite pakistan, a friendly pakistan would be helpful but well nothing can be done about it

Regarding yr saying abt Influential in yr core issue with us is also a feutile thinking as explained above it will never work for u.
We don't want influence on Pakistan, we want influence on world trade
Its India that needs most cooperation to keep up with demands of its massive sustainability cycle, neither Pakistan nor China.
There is a growing frustration in both GoI as well as track 2 participants that Pakistan under NS seems to want to go the way of the earlier government of PPP by seeking to walk back from the Musharraf-MMS talks. It is also known that PA under Kayani (after Musharraf left) also withdrew support for that plan. NS wants to hark back to Lahore discussions of 1999 & not start with what was achieved by Musharraf & MMS. That plan has widespread support across the board in India and almost no one will ever offer more than that. The Pakistanis seem to be pushing to open that up for more concessions & the GoI seems to have come to a conclusion that Pakistan will simply not sign up to MMS-Musharraf plan and any discussion is essentially going to be fruitless. In any case, actual talks are happening only behind the scenes. Mr. Modi's government is not buying what has become a standard Pakistani tactic - to ask the Indian side to show more "understanding" of GoP's inability to deliver "tangibles" while seeking further concessions to "strengthen" the civilian government's hands. Modi's advisors & Mr. Modi himself seem to have decided that Pakistan's government & the strengthening of it is not their concern nor will they be drawn into such discussions. What they want is to see is delivery on issues & if that does not happen, whatever be the reason, they are inclined to deal with GoP without any of the usual muddle headedness.

What GOI is presently doing is draw up new red lines that cannot be crossed - this is one of them, and I believe more will follow. A great move and not without warning, the FS did warn their ambassador to refrain from this unnecessary grandstanding.
hi sardar g! hope u still have that kripaan.

Anyways here is how my take on this.........

U said u will have tougher stand regarding matters to India.......So i will talk a little abt Matters concerning Pak-India

India can tell itself on how much strong stand it wants but the real key here is Pakistan and will that work on us? We are also a regional power here and we dont like people taking or talking tough with us and we know how to harass india at our will too.
Sorry , last time India moved in 71 , and during Kargil , your Gen shifted shifted his house to china and send PM to US and your FM sending SOS to SA/ UK/ Germany /Russia pleading to stop India. .....and same done after mumbai, reality Hurts

So This tough talk is something none will buy here. Ever wondered that with yr every second day gibberish abt pakistan and our protectors why is that none in pak has ever responded? Because here none takes u and yr leaders seriously or we just dont care abt yr country hence talking tough and taking tough stand will only make u on the troubling side as Pak is the main stakeholder in Kashmir issue and enjoys a tremendous influence with in yr country not just kashmir valley. So yr just asking for trouble here as Pak's intel services know how to control yr nation overwhelmingly then what little u enjoy over pak.
If Indian Intel Started then whole Pak started to go burring , its matter of time.... in 2 years you will start seeing the result , Tooth for an eye and eye for an head, Srilanka was the starting point, bigger embarrassment also coming. How you feel when you PAK diplomats start caught in terror activities?

Indian Intelligence already neutralise most of ISI assets in India , Nepal, Sri lanka and now starting in BD. Coughing your Sri lanka diplomat is one.

Further more the biggest mistake u made was to take our desire of peace and accommodation of yr 'extraordinary' claims as our weakness.....(A usual sign of immaturity). U had the time that now seems u have lost and now our stances and takes will get tougher and tougher each passing day as we even dont like this mass murderer and his sympathizers who r in helm of power in yr country(according to our opposition chief who is one of the people leading the protest, according to him Modi will be a destabilizing factor for the region. Thats an opinion here shared by many in here abt him and his india). So from my POV yr putting yrself further risk to ever win some concessions from us. BTW yr congress gov was no better either their stance was also tougher. So for us basically nothing has changed either BJP or Congress.
Mass murder claim is not proved, he is statesman more rigid then Indra Gandhi , you know well Indra Gandhi and what she did.

But now when global and regional balance of power is shifting and we are again gaining our lost influence and after op zarb e azb concludes even this last remaining things which used to engage us or rather distracted us will not be there anymore. So will u still be in a commanding position like u were before? Thats a question whose answer will be interesting.
Well gaining Influence where? your reach is till Afghan

Can you please list your influence of area , during Kargil , china didn't helped you, did it? But Israel send nuke and ammo along with Russia.
Are you getting New Weapon technology form western world like india getting?

So to avoid further harassment and instability within yr country to make sure yr economic growth is on per with estimates u will have to comply otherwise the standards of goals that u have set will not be able to be achieved.

Regarding yr saying abt Influential in yr core issue with us is also a feutile thinking as explained above it will never work for u.

:lol: sure.

I heard PAK Die to play cricket with india and plea every day in order to get money....Sorry, India has changed in last 20 years and please come back to reality.

Problem is most of your ppl talk with facts and figure and only talk fancy dreams
Yes, Pakistan does have a soft image, which has receded over the years but remains intact somewhat, particularly among those who visit the country.

Well we dont think so.Pakistans soft image in international stage attained its peak when US hunt down their enemy in Abottabad.May you can increase image among Arab nations.But when it consider to whole world ,Pakistan done it once and for all.

On topic.I think Modi played his card very well.He send a perfect message by inviting all SAARC leaders during his swearing ceremoney.But I dont think that he is interested in all these exercise.He did it to clear his part.Tommorow if he cancelled entire diplomacy with Pakistan we wouldnt have any surprise in it .
Reason is that this present issue of meeting separatist leaders is not big deal since previous govt allowed it.But present govt did it purposefully and now it seems they were eagerly looking for a cause to cancel this talks.
PM move his card only after extensive analysis .
What GOI is presently doing is draw up new red lines that cannot be crossed - this is one of them, and I believe more will follow. A great move and not without warning, the FS did warn their ambassador to refrain from this unnecessary grandstanding.

I have no blinkers on this matters, I'm not too concerned about red lines & grandstanding if there is actual movement towards a possible solution. That simply seems not to be, red lines & their use then become demonstration of a lack of interest to humour the Pakistanis. Kind of like - No pudding.?....no chair then..!
Thank you mr modi, in confirming that the indian state is our eternal enemy, it must be dismantled for the future of Islam in South Asia.
Thank you mr modi, in confirming that the indian state is our eternal enemy, it must be dismantled for the future of Islam in South Asia.
lol, don't think / don't take chance...... until you wanted to divide into 3 now....First decide who will run PAK, Govt/ PA/ ISI/ Taliban or new kid in block ISISI ?
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