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How the ISI plans to wage war in India

The intelligence and the army is beyond the control of the GOP or Nawaz, so all statements made by their FO or Nawaz is just bluster. PA controls Pakistani's India policy and proxy war under the Jihad label is very much part of it.

The ISI has 500 terrorists waiting to cross over to India.

On his visit to Leh this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused Pakistan of waging a proxy war against India. Modi's statement was not mere rhetoric, but based on actual evidence.

Modi's diplomacy at his May 26 swearing-in ceremony and after -- meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif -- has not gone down too well with terror groups in Pakistan controlled by the Inter-Services Intelligence.

The first indications of increased terror activity came when Lashkar-e-Tayiba chief Muhammad Saeed met with ISI representatives to discuss terror operations in Kashmir, intelligence sources told this correspondent.

"They decided to send in least 500 militants to India," one intelligence source said, speaking on condition that he would not be named in this report.

"In order to facilitate this, the Pakistan army increased the number of cross-border violations, so that it could act as a cover for the militants crossing over."

Cross-border firing occurs almost every day at the India-Pakistan border. A Military Intelligence report says this is Pakistan's attempt to send in militants in groups of between 10 and 20 every day into India.

"They (the Pakistan army) have been firing at BSF (Border Security Force) posts," the intelligence source added, "and engaging Indian forces in gun-battles to provide a safe path for the infiltrators."

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At least 800 Kashmiris based in Pakistan have also been recruited for the ISI's terror campaign, intelligence sources say.

Five years ago, their Pakistani handlers had told them to fend for themselves and that they would be summoned only if a need arose.

According to India's Intelligence Bureau, most of these Kashmiris, who had left India about 15 years ago, wanted to return to Kashmir and reunite with their families.

The IB had conceived a plan to provide these Kashmiris safe passage into India, gather intelligence, and assure them immunity. But this plan did not work out as expected.

IB agents, who were part of this operation, blame the Manmohan Singh government for its failure to communicate this plan to other security agencies in the country.

Last year, the Delhi police unknowingly picked up two Kashmiris who were part of this ghar wapasi programme, claiming they were members of the Hizbul Mujahideen group. This incident deterred other Kashmiris from accepting the IB offer and making the journey to India.

The ISI has now re-established contact with these Kashmiris and recruited them for the agency's new terror campaign in Jammu and Kashmir, Indian intelligence sources tell this correspondent.

Some politicians in Kashmir, these intelligence sources add, are also under scrutiny for allegedly coaxing Kashmiri youth to create unrest in the valley.

Jammu and Kashmir will go to the polls later this year.

"There is no action by the local administration to curb this," the intelligence source said, "which is leading into a proxy war by Pakistan."

The ISI also plans to increase funding to the banned Students Islamic Movement of India, which is desperate for a comeback. "The ISI," the intelligence source told this correspondent, "feels there is a need to nurture a home-grown outfit like SIMI."

How the ISI plans to wage war in India - Rediff.com News
A politically correct article. ISI does not NEED to push many men into India. They will only need a few recruiters. There is enough local talent who would give up everything in the name of God to destroy India.

The problem lies within. Not without. Kasab would not have made it to the thoroughfares without local support.
Yes in Mumbai according to you we sent 10 live targets but before becoming target they took out 200 off yours
How could you talk like one who is brain dead? You are comparing 10 heavily armed terrorists to innocent unarmed men women and children, 164 of them killed in cold blood? But you shout yourself hoarse when American drones kill a couple of innocent civilians in Pakistan?

I think I'm beginning to lose my brain cells out here on PDF reading the deplorable standard of posts!
No I wanna say hindu will never be a friend of muslim, they hate muslim too much
I have 2 muslim friends and they are like my chaddi buddy... So plz dont generalise, its the radicals we hate no religion is better than humanity.

Are you equating the Bangladesh freedom movement (which resulted in a declared war between India and Pakistan) and the Mumbai terror attack? Hmm.. Isn't it a littles sad that the achievements that some Pakistanis brag about are considered terrorist acts by rest of the world
Its the difference in mentality.
Plans to?? They are already waging it for decades; and losing it. :)
On fire ....:rofl:
Bro, you can't imagine how much I love Indians living in bubble fantasies. Accept that ISI has pissed you off...that's all :lol:
Happy hallucinating :wave:
he he he he its not owrproblem but yours and when pakistanies talk like that its realli hillarious but still you have yourownpoint ofview and you know what your this attitude suits owr goals ... good keep it up :)
Sir I never said I support that I said those 500 which they say we are planning to send in India will be live practice so I reminded them last 10 which they say we sent killed nearly 200 off them before going down yes from bottom off my heart I hate Indians but I don't support killing off civilians because that is not allowed in Islam

You were proud of 200 civilians who died in mumbai but can your small idiotic mullah mindset check what happened to pakistan the next year . And remember you @sshole it wont take a second for me to talk the same to ur civilians but as i am not taliban supporter like you i wont say that bcoz i dont feel proud of terrorism related deaths and respect the civilans who die in both the countries

In 2009, the worst of any year, 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectarian-related incidents were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334, according to the "Pakistan Security Report 2009" published by PIPS.[6] These casualties figure 48 percent higher as compared to 2008. On the other hand, the rate of suicide attacks surged by one third to 87 bombings that killed 1,300 people and injured 3,600.[7]

Terrorist attacks staged in Pakistan have killed over 35,000 people, 5,000 of which are law enforcement personnel, and caused material damage to the Pakistani economy totalling US$67 billion by the IMF and the World Bank.[8]
You were proud of 200 civilians who died in mumbai but can your small idiotic mullah mindset check what happened to pakistan the next year . And remember you @sshole it wont take a second for me to talk the same to ur civilians but as i am not taliban supporter like you i wont say that bcoz i dont feel proud of terrorism related deaths and respect the civilans who die in both the countries

In 2009, the worst of any year, 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectarian-related incidents were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334, according to the "Pakistan Security Report 2009" published by PIPS.[6] These casualties figure 48 percent higher as compared to 2008. On the other hand, the rate of suicide attacks surged by one third to 87 bombings that killed 1,300 people and injured 3,600.[7]

Terrorist attacks staged in Pakistan have killed over 35,000 people, 5,000 of which are law enforcement personnel, and caused material damage to the Pakistani economy totalling US$67 billion by the IMF and the World Bank.[8]
Mr you also loose thousands in maoists and kashmiri attacks


Kuch logo ka kuch nahi ho sakta.. even 68 years later.. one simle thing they don't understand, they are chosen wrong way n still going on.... when Taliban n ISI will control all pak that time may understad:oops:
Lol, I had something similar. ISI is India's nightmare :D

You failed with LET,LEJ etc. Now ISIS has emerged as the Oasis for the guys like you. Wait for your wet dream to be true. ISIS scums are no more than live target practice for Indian Armed forces.
I have 2 muslim friends and they are like my chaddi buddy... So plz dont generalise, its the radicals we hate no religion is better than humanity.

cant remember if it was your post I replied to but in that post poster said he told his friend he will break his face if he ever said something bad about Israel, friends like that??
he will break his friend's face for saying something bad about a "country", the country he dont even know nothing about, the country he has no link with. That like me telling my friend i will kill you if you said something bad about maldives
Mr you also loose thousands in maoists and kashmiri attacks

Learn the difference maoists are not pakistanis but the attacks in kashmir or the mumbai attack is done by Paksitani based terrorists whom you are proud .Hence i pointed out that the same terrorists is killing innocent pakistanis also so what is there to be proud of you taliban
You failed with LET,LEJ etc. Now ISIS has emerged as the Oasis for the guys like you. Wait for your wet dream to be true. ISIS scums are no more than live target practice for Indian Armed forces.
I honestly pity your thinking, ISIS are freakin terrorists, dont associate them with us, do you actually think they are oasis for the people of the country who have the 7th largest airforce in the world and who's army has been the biggest contributor to United Nations peace keeping missions, the ISIS are considered terrorists and should be eradicated just like we eradicate the taliban,
you aint saints yourself, youve been backing insurgency in Pakistan yourself, try to look at yourself before pointing fingers at others,
typical bigot indian.
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