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Oct 23, 2009
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I recently started a thread on Zimbabwe which was well received by certain members here. My experiences in Africa included a lengthy stay in South Africa both during my childhood and for work purposes during the past few years. In this post I intend posting information about South Africa which will include its history, people and terrain.

History :-

The areas comprising current Southern Africa (Botswana,Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa) was predominantly occupied by a tribe known as the San or Khoi as far back as 44000BC. They were a hunter-gatherer tribe which did not farm or keep life-stock. Around 2000 years ago, certain Black tribes from the north of Africa migrated to the south. They are known as the Nguni which comprise amongst others the Zulu and Xhosa. These were pastoral tribes seeking land for farming and grazing their cattle. After realizing that the San were incapable of defending themselves, the visitors invited their kin from the north to join them and the visitors soon became invaders (Israel-Palestine conflict?). The San were restricted to certain areas of their former lands whilst the Nguni people occupied the arable areas.

The San people

During the late 1400s Vasco Da Gama, a Portuguese seafarer seeking a sea route to India passed the Cape. When his men attempted to land, they were attacked by the Khoi tribes and they beat a hasty retreat. I guess that the Khoi learned from their previous experience with the Nguni and decided not to be so hospitable to visitors in future. The Cape was now however "discovered" by the Europeans. In 1652 the Dutch decided to beat the English to it (similar to one thief racing against another thief to rob a bank) and set up a trading station at the Cape which was headed by Jan van Riebeck and official of the Dutch East India Company. He arrived at the Cape with three ships and many soldiers and their wives. The Khoi realized that these big badazz White dudes with their firing irons were not worth the fight. So they beat a hasty retreat to the inlands of the Cape. Shortly after the arrival of van Riebeck, the Whiteys in Europe started fighting over religion and which version of Christianity was acceptable (yeah and they laugh at the Mossies today) . A crap-load of fleeing Whitey Protestants landed at the Cape from all parts of Europe and they inter-married with the predominantly Dutch community there. Wallah, you now have a new race called the Afrikaners. Ironically, these Whiteys who loathed the Darkie Khoi would not hesitate to take capture Khoi women when there was a shortage of Whitey women and make them their umm "wives" after giving them a few sprinklings of Christianity and declaring them to be Christians offcourse (early version of love Jihad?) . Historically therefore the Afrikaner is a mixture of European Whiteys and Black aunties from amongst others the Khoi people. The Afrikaners engaged in a few wars over cattle with the powerful Xhosa tribe living in the Eastern Cape. The military strength of the Xhosa was however destroyed when a high priestess of that tribe after having a vision ordered the tribe to slaughter all its cattle, eat up all its farming crop promising that God will thereafter drive the Whiteys into the sea. The Xhosa tribe lost thousands to starvation thereafter. And we still trust priests today to deliver us from evil.

Afrikaner men with their firing irons

Now, never trust an Englishman to forget a bad deed which you did to him. In the 1850s when the Brits realized that the Dutch were economically weak, they landed a force at Cape and captured the Cape Colony from the Dutch. This understandably peeved off the Afrikaner whose loyalty lay with Holland. Well the Afrikaner decided to trek inland to what is today known as Kwa Zulu-Natal and Gauteng (Transvaal). They trekked via cattle drawn wagons and when threatened, they formed a circle with these wagons which was known as a "laager" which became an encircled fort from which they could take cover and fire at the attackers. Ironically, the most famous beer in South Africa today is called Castle Laager which is consumed by all of its races.
a laager ...no not the beer but the wagons duh

Well the long and short of it is that the Afrikaner reached then Natal and came across the Zulu. Now the Zulu, unlike the Xhosa, wisely did not consult their priests when they saw these bearded Whiteys and their big boned wives entering their territory. They decided to teach these trespassers a lesson. The Zulu king was a guy named Dingaan. He wasn't the most moral of characters since he earlier assassinated his half-brother Shaka, founder of the Zulu nation, in order to take over the throne. Rumour has it that Shaka in his dying breathe told Dingaan and his assassins "laugh at my death you shall but the White Devils shall avenge me!". And you thought that only Shakespeare was poetic in those days huh?

Dingaan after promising the Whiteys land in Natal, made them perform some of his chores like attacking some of his weaker enemies and rounding up his stolen cattle. The Whiteys were led by a guy named Piet Retief. After obtaining Retief's trust, Dingaan apparently invited them to a feast conditional that they left their guns at the entrance to the Zulu forts. By now the Whiteys (as is usual with all Whiteys) were piped up with the promise of free land from this stupid Darkey and accepted the condition believing that they could trust the Darkey king. When the Whiteys entered the Zulu fort they were butchered by the Zulu warriors (doesn't that remind you of the TTP and Pakistan government relationship ? ) .
picture of Zulu impi (regiment)

King Dingaan ordering the deaths of the gullible Whiteys

The slaughter of Retief by Dingaan angered the remaining Afrikaners throughout South Africa who vowed revenge (and we laugh at the Muslim concept of harm one-harm all). They gathered a large force and using their laagers they challenged and defeated the Zulus at Blood River. The Zulus were defeated. The Afrikaners now captured large parts of Natal from them and the English in turn decided to send a naval fleet and colonize Natal. Talk of somebody else doing all the hard work only to get done by. The peeved off Afrikaners then trekked away to areas which became known as the Orange Free State and Transvaal which in turn became known as the Afrikaner Republics headed by a guy known as Paul Kruger. Today, the Kruger coin and the Kruger National Park are named after him.

Oom Paul

In the 1800s a new breed of "visitors" started entering the then divided South Africa. These were the indentured Indian laborers brought in from now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Initially there was much opposition from certain of the Whiteys in South Africa to the British empire importing these rag-tag filthy scum people. A guy named Wiley apparently stood at the docks of Durban on the arrival of the first shipload of Brownies. He gathered a large crowd of Zulus. He incited the Zulus to slaughter the animals as they descended from the ships, telling them that this was meat being brought in for their consumption. Offcourse when the Zulus saw those puny little Indians descending from the ship, they raised their hands in disgust at Wiley telling him that he was mad to call them for a feast of bones as they walked away. Now like all other "visitors" to South Africa, the Indian indentured laborers passed on news to their homeland about this wonderland and soon more and more Brownies arrived as traders etc. They were however never regarded as permanent residents and were expected to return to then India. The Afrikaner Republic prohibited the entry of Indians into their territory. Perhaps they were afraid of corner shops and mobile phone repair shops springing up all over the place ?
Indians arriving in Durban

The Brits asked the Afrikaners to be good boys and hand over the Afrikaner Republic to them. The Afrikaners reply was "gaan fok jou ma" (interpretation of this may ban me on this forum but use your imagination). The Brits regarded Queen Victoria as their mother and took strong exception to this vulgarity. Thus commenced the well known Anglo-Boer war. This war involved placing captured Afrikaners in concentration camps by the Brits which resulted in huge spread famine, disease and starvation to those families. The Afrikaners to date hate the British with a passion. Needless to say the Brits captured the Afrikaner Republics and the modern day South Africa was formed under the title Union of South Africa. It was governed by "liberal Afrikaners" (ie azz licking British puppets) but under the rule of Britain (IOC Kashmir?).

dead Afrikaners at a concentration camp - the first world holocaust?

In 1961 the Afrikaners realized that Great Britain wasn't so great anymore and they declared themselves an independent Republic. Forgetting the torment which they underwent, they adopted apartheid as their national policy. Offcourse this ticked off the Blacks. At this stage the Indian population had grown widely and the Afrikaners decided to grant them citizenship. At least somebody scored here. Not really, the Indians were told that they are also second class citizens. This led to a civil war where the ANC and certain other Black organizations went into exile to fight the apartheid regime. Amongst this all, the Commander of the ANC's military wing Nelson Mandela was captured after he tried to place a bomb under a military bridge and sentenced to life imprisonment (some Commander he was, couldn't he delegate duh ?).

The war continued and in the 1980s, the world after deciding that this whole apartheid thing was a bunch of crap, enforced sanctions against South Africa. Amidst the violence, lots of the Whiteys decided to pack for Perth and headed off there to get away from the violence and those pesky Darkies and Brownies. This was known as the "Chicken Run" period. Offcourse the phase caught on throughout South Africa and soon the Darkies and the Brownies were also packing for Perth. Nobody knows why. But soon every Chicken Run Whitey who wanted to get away from those pesky Darkies and Brownies in South Africa was assured of a Darkie or Brownie neighbor when he arrived at Perth. By 1994, the Whiteys realized that they had enough of being labelled "lunatics" , "mass murderers", "genocidists" , "murderers of women and children" , "bad rugby players" so they decided to throw in the towel and call up an all inclusive democratic election (hey Israel, hope that somebody from your government is reading this). The election resulted in Nelson R Mandela being elected the first President of a democratic South Africa (obviously he was released from jail earlier for him to become President!). He was clearly a better President than a military Commander since he became widely acclaimed by all South Africans (including the Whiteys in Perth) as the father of the nation.

Sla Hla kahle Tata.


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South Africa comprises 11 provinces. It is a full democracy. It has a free (often not fair) media and very strong trade unions with strict labor laws. The second President of South Africa was Thabo Mbeki. He was un-ceromoniously removed from office by the governing ANC after they accused him of being too dictatorial (wow imagine a group of workers in a factory marching up their boss and firing him for being too dictatorial - only in South Africa). They replaced him with the third interim President, K. Mothlane. He rarely uttered a word on anything during his brief tenure and this seemed to please everybody (PM M Singh of India?). Perhaps he was just scared that they would fire him as well , who knows. The most widely hated President of democratic South Africa title has to go to the current President, Jacob Zuma. He was Mbeki's Deputy President and the guy responsible for deposing Mbeki after Mbeki had him charged for fraud and corruption. And you guys thought that South Asian politics was colorful ? The people of South Africa refused to believe Mbeki when he claimed that Zuma was a corrupt guy but changed their minds shortly after Zuma was elected President and built himself a palatial home with their monies. When the people demanded that the ANC fires Zuma, the response was "what kind of democracy will the world think of us if we fire every President we hire? Just remain quite and he will soon end his term of office") Nice logic.

The Black people are the largest population of South Africa. Not for long though since the Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are arriving here on a large scale basis. The Whites still control the economy. Crime was a horrendous initially after democracy but seems to be gradually under control now that the law enforcement agencies are getting their acts together. There is strict firearm control in South Africa. Sentences are usually harsh for crimes and the courts are independent of the government. The most common form of transport for the poor people in South Africa is the mini-bus taxis. The roads in South Africa are well maintained but there are large scale deaths due to these coffins on wheels due to poor vehicle maintenance.
View attachment 40343

South Africa minus the crime spates is heaven on earth for all of its people. It has a great infrastructure. Housing needs are being addressed by the government. The main opposition party in South Africa is the Democratic Alliance which is predominantly governed by Whites. It has a huge Black following especially in the Cape amongst the Colored community who are descendents of the Khoi mixed with some White blood (seems like some people miss the suffering huh). The leader of the DA is a White aunty called Helen Zille and she is fond of botox which is a face makeover thing. Her favorite pastime is to bash Zuma and his corruption. His favorite pastime remains being corrupt.

View attachment 40345 President Zuma

Helen Zille

How South Africans view them

South Africa is rather well developed for tourists and affordable. It has great safari parks, first world accommodation and a well traversed network of roads. You could be living in a first class city and get to see the big five animals within a two or three hour's drive. The Whiteys were emigrating on a large scale soon after democracy citing crime as a reason and were placed on the endangered list of animals together with the rhinos by the government. They were removed from the endangered list a few years ago after the government did a census and realized that many if not most of them returned to South Africa after falling prey to criminals in the countries to which they emigrated, notable the UK and the USA.

V&A Waterfront and shopping complex in Cape Town


Drakensberg Mountains resorts

Road networks in Durban, South Africa

The rural areas of South Africa are occupied primarily by Black inhabitants. South Africa is overall neat and orderly when compared to most South Asian countries. There is an efficient local government system in place which is responsible for hygiene. Unlike North India, you would not find tons of garbage strewn on the sideways in the rural areas (hint hint BJP).

Religious tolerance is paramount in South Africa. There has never been any major reports of religious intolerance. Race remains a minor issue in the new South Africa. Most people are moving away from the history of their past and are embracing their new democracy with warmth.
Boet are you from SA ? If so what on earth are you doing on this forum ?
Boet are you from SA ? If so what on earth are you doing on this forum ?

Nope, am Indian. Lived in Mozambique for 4 years as a child and we "snuck into" South Africa ocassionaly. Worked in South Africa for a few years and now in Zimbabwe. South Africa rubs off on you. Nice hearing the term "boet" again :D
I think Mandela and Mbeki did better than Jacob Zuma,maybe people should give DA a chance
Nope, am Indian. Lived in Mozambique for 4 years as a child and we "snuck into" South Africa ocassionaly. Worked in South Africa for a few years and now in Zimbabwe. South Africa rubs off on you. Nice hearing the term "boet" again :D
Ah ok...I personally think that Southern Africa is one of the most amazing places in the world to live in...only thing that is terrible is the crime.
Ah ok...I personally think that Southern Africa is one of the most amazing places in the world to live in...only thing that is terrible is the crime.

Crime happens everywhere ...just over exposed in South Africa by its media
I think Mandela and Mbeki did better than Jacob Zuma,maybe people should give DA a chance

That is democracy. Inept Presidents doesn't mean inept governing parties. The ANC is the only party who can meet the aspirations of all South Africans. Most Blacks regard the DA as an offspring of the Nationalist apartheid party. How can they be expected to trust them ? In time though, the DA like the BJP of India may just take over. The younger generation of Black voters are starting to see past the apartheid history and race (the DA being predominantly a White led party )
That is democracy. Inept Presidents doesn't mean inept governing parties. The ANC is the only party who can meet the aspirations of all South Africans. Most Blacks regard the DA as an offspring of the Nationalist apartheid party. How can they be expected to trust them ? In time though, the DA like the BJP of India may just take over. The younger generation of Black voters are starting to see past the apartheid history and race (the DA being predominantly a White led party )
But DA is not offspring of the National party,while the ANC cooperate with the national party in west cape some times,and in a healthy democracy,one party in power too long is not a good thing
DA must never come in to power, the best would be that they are able to form a stronger opposition to the ANC in order to spur them into action, not because of their association with apartheid (whether real or not) but because the DA is still very much a white party. We can have a white president (under the ANC) but never a white party.
Nope, am Indian. Lived in Mozambique for 4 years as a child and we "snuck into" South Africa ocassionaly. Worked in South Africa for a few years and now in Zimbabwe. South Africa rubs off on you. Nice hearing the term "boet" again :D

can you share link to your zimbabwe thread ?
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