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Sectarianism, Religious Bigotry, Role of the Government and Takfiri Agenda

Peaceful Civilian

Oct 18, 2011
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Massacre by Salafist Saudi-backed Nawaz Sharif Regime-

In a typical display of brutality reminiscent of his spiritual father, Zia ul Haq, the Shahbaz Sharif regime massacred over a dozen unarmed Sunni Barelvis and wounded nearly another hundred workers of Minhaj ul Quran.

Certain sections of the media as well as some sectarian (pro Deobandi)
'fake liberals" of Pakistan are doing their best to deflect attention away from the Sharif brothers regime for this latest atrocity. After failing to stop a much needed military action against the Taliban and their abettors, the Sharif brothers probably on the orders of their Saudi paymasters, launched a brutal crackdown on the Minhaj ul Quran institute run by Pakistan’s leading anti-Taliban Sunni cleric, Maulana Tahir ul Qadri.

The clear aim of this police brutality by the family run Nawaz Sharif regime was to undermine the growing support for General Raheel Sharif’s operation against the Taliban. The current military operation has already spread to Karachi where just last night, a leading Taliban commander was killed in a joint operation by the army and police. This is bad news for the PML N – an open supportor of the Taliban and its urban affiliate, the ASWJ-LeJ.


Leading the police brutality against the Sunni activists of Minhaj ul Quran was a prominent PML N thug by the name of Gullu Butt. Here is a news story with undeniable evidence of his involvement in the brutality as well as clips and eye witness accounts where he is leading the PML N administered police towards their brutal operations against unarmed the helpless Sunni activists of PAT.


An ASWJ-LeJ terrorist, Rana Tariq was also part of the contigent that lead the attack on the orders of PML N. In Punjab, especially Lahore, Shahbaz Sharif and Nawaz Sharif keep a vice like grip on the administration which has been mostly under their thumb for the last 30 years -


Along with other leading Sunni (SIC, ST) and Shia organizations (MWM), Maulana Tahir ul Qadri has been a leading voice in condemning the brutality and religious fascism of the Deobandi Taliban and ASWJ. Along with nearly every other political party including PTI, PPP, MQM, ANP and PML Q, Tahir ul Qadri’s Pakistan Awami Tehrik has supported the army’s military action against the Deobandi terrorists of the Taliban. While PTI has come on board, the Saudi backed PML N – a family run business has exposed its pro Taliban colours with its pathetic and lukewarm support against the growing anti Taliban sentiment in Pakistan.

The police brutality against the Sunni Minhaj ul Quran activists by the Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif Punjab regime is an impotent response of their failure to stop the military operations against the Taliban.

While PTI, PML Q and MQM have stood in solidarity with the Sunni victims of the Shahbaz Sharif regime, PPP has lost further groud by its dithering on this issue. Instead of condemning this police brutality in clear terms, some PPP leaders like Nisar Khuhru were too busy giving lectures on the Constitution to the victims of this tragedy. Even the Punjab PPP lead by Shaukat Basra was clearly embarrassed by this most recent example of the spinelessness of this own party.

Some Pakistani Fake liberals who find common cause with the anti-Christain, anti-Sunni, Anti-Shia and anti-Ahmadi clerics of ASWJ are too busy abusing and mocking Maulana Tahir ul Qadri to feel too sorry for the Sunni victims of police brutality. The same fake liberals coddle up to hate spewing Deobandi clerics and seldom criticize them. These fake liberals never use anything resembling the vicious language which they selectively reserve for easy and harmless targets like Maulana Tahir ul Qadri. For these fake liberals, the Sunni Barelvi-Shia-Christain-Hindu-Sikh alliance is a resounding slap to the dishonest narrative of Shia vs Sunni. Maulana Tahir ul Qadri’s clear denunciation of Deobandi terror groups like the Taliban destroys their misrepresentation of Deobandi terrorism as Sunni vs Shia sectarianism.

Meanwhile, the Punjab police which is always under the direct control of Shahbaz Sharif is now tampering with medical evidence



Sunni Brevlvi’s mercilessly killed by Pro Deobandi Fascist ASWJ Sipaha-e-Sahaba Punjab establishment

Former Police Officer Exposes CM Shahbaz Sharif on Lahore Incident


Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif is also the political face of Deobandi terrorists: New York Times vindicates LUBP’s claim


On the eve of Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif’s visit to the White House last month, the New York Times published an op-ed piece, “An incomplete democracy”, by Michael Kugelman, a senior program associate for South Asia at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars. The entire Pakistani media blacked it out because the writer—-and through him the New York Times itself—-acknowledged what we at LUBP have been claiming for the past 5 years: That Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N (and now the PML-N government) is the political face of Takfiri Deobandis led by the banned terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ, currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Deobandi ASWJ-D). Pakistanis must read the article as it also points out the sinister role played by the ISI-Army in the misery in which the people of Pakistan have been hurled. About the connections of the Nawaz League with the LeJ, the New York Times Michael Kugelman:

“Mr. Sharif’s government, for instance, has called for dialogue with the fundamentally antidemocratic Pakistani Taliban. It also does little about the horrific plight of Pakistan’s religious minorities. In fact, Mr. Sharif’s political party has been associated with militant organizations like the Sunni extremist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.”


Shahbaz Sharif’s Punjab Police Elite Force used to escort Ishaq to various firing ranges where he practiced his Shia-killing shooting skills

Malik Ishaq of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi practising firing skills with Punjab Elite Force


Recently, emboldened by a highly partisan Supreme Court, financial backing from the Saudis, and a nod from the Army/ISI, the Nawaz League has been making formal political alliances with ASWJ-LeJ. Above is a photograph in which Nawaz Sharif is praying for electoral success along with ASWJ-LeJ leaders. These very leaders have been baying for Shia blood in the name of Islam: What does it prove about Nawaz Sharif who claims to be the leader of all Pakistanis?

During the last elections (May 2013), the Nawaz League went one step ahead when it actually awarded tickets to Shia killers who were (and are) formally associated with ASWJ-LeJ. Some of these murderers and promoters of Shia genocide included people like Abid Raza Gujjar
, Sardar Ebad Dogar http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2013\04\22\story_22-4-2013_pg1_7#sthash.2qqYCT6Q.dpuf, and Anjum Aqeel Khan

Editorial: Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif is the political face of Deobandi terrorists: New York Times vindicates LUBP’s claim

After winning the May elections, the Sharif government has been actively promoting the Takfiri agenda. It has been trying to ban Shia mourning processions. Lately Nawaz Sharif has gone on the offense to serve the Takfiri cause. Once he called the Taliban “our brothers and children” who are basically a harmless lot who have “merely gone a little astray”

In one go, Nawaz Sharif has given legitimacy to the Takfiris.The people of Pakistan must come together and recommended the following part of our archives for understanding the nexus between the PML-N and the ASWJ-Led force Nawaz Sharif to work for Pakistan, and not for the Takfiri agenda of Saudi Arabia.

Among those blamed for the sectarian violence in the country are mainly Sunni militant groups, such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipah-e-Sahaba,Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and members of Shia militant groups such as Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan. However, predominant Sunni militant groups are often blamed for attacks on the minority Shias and also on Sunni/Brailvis or Sufis, rarely resulting in reprisal attacks by them.

Punjab Gujranwala
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Four years of Gojra incident passed- Christians are still waiting for justice.

The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) is calling for justice four years to the day since a horrific attack on the Christian town of Gojra in Pakistan.

It was on 1 August 2009 that a Muslim mob went on the rampage in the town, burning eight people to death, including children, and torching dozens of homes.

The attack was triggered by reports that local Christians had desecrated the Koran, a crime punishable by life imprisonment under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

Some eye witnesses claimed that the police stood by and ignored pleas for help from the Christians as the attack unfolded.

In the immediate aftermath, there were promises that the perpetrators would be caught and punished.

Yet no one has ever been brought to justice for the crime and Christians are wondering if anyone ever will.

A preliminary investigation soon after the attack concluded that the Koran had not been desecrated as alleged.

Police also arrested dozens of suspects, yet no one was ever brought to trial or imprisoned. There were reports that witnesses were intimidated and that police drew up a charge sheet attempting to re-frame the attack as an instance of communal violence between Christians and Muslims, rather than an attack by Muslims on Christians.

PAKISTAN: Four years of Gojra incident passed- Christians are still waiting for justice — Asian Human Rights Commission

Before we proceed any further, we need to take a closer look at :

1. Although Nawaz Sharif’s is a democratically-elected government, he has been calling for a dialogue with outfits which do not believe in democracy and want to destroy Pakistan’s constitution and political-democratic. This is not only ironic, it also shows that the Sharif government itself has little regard for democracy. This is true historically because in the past Sharif’s PML-N has always undermined democracy whether in power or in opposition.

2. The Sharif government has done little to end “horrific” miseries of the minorities in Pakistan. Records show that anti-minority carnage's and acts of vandalism were planned and executed by the operators PML-N and LeJ

3. The last sentence is very significant. It does not say that the PML-N and the LeJ are “allegedly” partners-in-crime. It clearly says that the PML-N and the LeJ ARE terror allies.

There are a couple of questions to ask at this point. First, why didn't Pakistani media raise hell over the New York Times claim that the PML-N and the LeJ are partners-in-crime? Second, why didn't the Sharif government sue the New York Times for making this claim? After all, a successful lawsuit against the New York Times would have brought enormous moral and political benefits to the Sharif government. The answer to the two questions is the same: What the New York Times claimed about the PMLN-LeJ is hundred percent true. Thus, total silence all over. After winning the May elections, the Sharif government has been actively promoting the Takfiri agenda.


Strange Contradictions. On the other hand Nawaz Sharif family is Sufi Sunni, as they say.

Shahbaz Sharif is at Data Darbar

maryam nawaz at Data Darbar and at Tasawwuf Conference
Strange Contradictions. On the other hand Nawaz Sharif family is Sufi Sunni, as they say.

Shahbaz Sharif is at Data Darbar

maryam nawaz at Data Darbar and at Tasawwuf Conference

In the last six years, since 2008 when CM Shahbaz SHarif came into power in Punjab province, thousands of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians have been killed at the hands of Deobands ASWJ-SSP-LeJ.
A list of major attacks by Deobandi ASWJ-SSP-LeJ terrorists in Punjab since 2008 is already describe above :Attack on Ahmadi mosques, Lahore Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Data Darbar, Lahore Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Sakhi Sarwar, Dera Ghazi Khan Attack on Sunni Barelvis, in Pakpatan Attack on Shias in Chakwal Attack on Shias in Khanpur Attack on Shias, in Lahore Attack on Shias, in Rawalpindi Attack on Christians, in Lahore Attack on Christians, in Shanti Nagar and many other incidents.


Pro-takfiri Deobandis out to back Saudi-backed Nawaz govt
They came out to back Saudi-backed biased and anti-people government of the PMLN who faces a strong political
In more than one ways, Even Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif is worse than Indian CM Modi (who faced visa sanctions by the US State Department) because of his active involvement in nurturing and protecting.

Here is Nawaz sharif backed Tahir Ashrafi, notorious Deobandi who was caught red handed drunkard in 2012, now Opposition from Sunni Bralevis. He is responsible for Gujranwala incident that happened after his speech against Ahmadis already discussed in other thread,.

Sahibzada Hamid Raza of Sunni Ittehad Council had earlier made clear that Nawaz Sharifs government was not in favor of military operation to eliminate the Yazidi takfiri nasbi terrorists of outlawed Taliban. He said that army launched operation on its own leaving no option before the PMLN government.Tahir ul Qadri has vowed to stage Revolution March to oust the PMLN government. When Mr Qadri, a Sunni leader was returning from abroad, Tahir Ashrafi was in Saudi Arabia from where he spoke against Tahir ul Qadri.
It is on record that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Law Minister Rana Sanaullah forged political alliance with ASWJ terrorists in order to gain political mileage in areas such as Bhakkar, Jhang and other parts of the Punjab province. Law Minister Rana Sanaullah also led join public rallies with ASWJ chief Ludhyanvi in Jhang Punjab. The alliance between CM Shahbaz Sharif and ASWJ was solidified when his political party PMLN accepted many ASWJ-LeJ leaders into its fold and issued them tickets in the 2013 general elections, eg Abid Raza Gujjar belongs to LeJ.

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In the last six years, since 2008 when CM Shahbaz SHarif came into power in Punjab province, thousands of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians have been killed at the hands of Deobands ASWJ-SSP-LeJ.
A list of major attacks by Deobandi ASWJ-SSP-LeJ terrorists in Punjab since 2008 is already describe above :Attack on Ahmadi mosques, Lahore Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Data Darbar, Lahore Attack on Sunni Barelvis in Sakhi Sarwar, Dera Ghazi Khan Attack on Sunni Barelvis, in Pakpatan Attack on Shias in Chakwal Attack on Shias in Khanpur Attack on Shias, in Lahore Attack on Shias, in Rawalpindi Attack on Christians, in Lahore Attack on Christians, in Shanti Nagar and many other incidents.


Pro-takfiri Deobandis out to back Saudi-backed Nawaz govt
They came out to back Saudi-backed biased and anti-people government of the PMLN who faces a strong political
In more than one ways, Even Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif is worse than Indian CM Modi (who faced visa sanctions by the US State Department) because of his active involvement in nurturing and protecting.

Here is Nawaz sharif backed Tahir Ashrafi, notorious Deobandi who was caught red handed drunkard in 2012, now Opposition from Sunni Bralevis. He is responsible for Gujranwala incident that happened after his speech against Ahmadis already discussed in other thread,.

Sahibzada Hamid Raza of Sunni Ittehad Council had earlier made clear that Nawaz Sharifs government was not in favor of military operation to eliminate the Yazidi takfiri nasbi terrorists of outlawed Taliban. He said that army launched operation on its own leaving no option before the PMLN government.Tahir ul Qadri has vowed to stage Revolution March to oust the PMLN government. When Mr Qadri, a Sunni leader was returning from abroad, Tahir Ashrafi was in Saudi Arabia from where he spoke against Tahir ul Qadri.
It is on record that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Law Minister Rana Sanaullah forged political alliance with ASWJ terrorists in order to gain political mileage in areas such as Bhakkar, Jhang and other parts of the Punjab province. Law Minister Rana Sanaullah also led join public rallies with ASWJ chief Ludhyanvi in Jhang Punjab. The alliance between CM Shahbaz Sharif and ASWJ was solidified when his political party PMLN accepted many ASWJ-LeJ leaders into its fold and issued them tickets in the 2013 general elections, eg Abid Raza Gujjar belongs to LeJ.

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I agree with the expression "pro-takfiri deobandi" . This is to differentiate these khawarij from the generality of the deobandis in Pakistan [ majority ] , who are Patriots and do not engage in terrorism.

There has been too much bashng of deobandis on PDF in general. Which is wrong. Because most of them are patriot Pakistanis. This is the case with any Pakistani community.

So, Nawaz seems to have links with only an extremist group within deobandi Pakistanis.
Chaudhry Abid Raza PMLN MNA 107, was convicted in the murder case of six people during an assassination bid on former Gujrat Tehsil Nazim and ex-MPA Ghulam Sarwar Bhooch (late) back in 1998. Mr Bhooch had then survived the bid. Abid Raza was awarded a death sentence under section 7 of Anti Terrorism Act and he remained in the Gujranwala prison where his contacts had been developed with a key figure of a banned outfit who was also facing jail in the murder case of senior police officer Ashraf Marth. -
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