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Indian Special Forces

View attachment 40968
PARA SF COMMANDOS OLD PIC View attachment 40970

RR QRT/Ghataks and JKP SOG.

guys,only SOG goes on special operations as they are trained to matchup with Ghataks.

And that digi print t shirt can be bought from shops in JK.

bro, read my post again,
MARCO ABNESH KUMAR SAXENA retired from marcos a while ago. now he is working in reliance industry.
AADESH KUMAR is the one who get Shaurya Chakra for his action in kashmir.
i don't know about garuds, but marcos are selected in SG, personals for SG are selected from army special forces, marcos and SFF. i don't have a link to support this, that doesn't mean i am dreaming i have my own sources, just like you have in army.

Sorry Sir, when a Colonel of the IA having served 5 of his 20 years in Kashmir tells me that SFF and SG are 100% Army I better trust him.

You give me a link and I will apologise and never ever again say this.

Till then I am not buying any of this.And I know you are making this up..if not kindly post more details about SG and I mean it 100%.
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Sorry Sir, when a Colonel of the IA having served 5 of his 20 years in Kashmir tells me that SFF and SG are 100% Army I better trust him.

You give me a link and I will apologise and never ever again say this.

Till then I am not buying any of this.And I know you are making this up..if not kindly post more details about SG and I mean it 100%.

bro, i told you i get these information from my friend who is in marcos and i don't have any reason to distrust him. don't know there is anything in internet about SG to give as a credible source.



navy VBSS in russia during INDRA 2014

bro, i told you i get these information from my friend who is in marcos and i don't have any reason to distrust him. don't know there is anything in internet about SG to give as a credible source.

Listen bro...with all due respect to you and your feelings for Marcos I highly doubt that Marcos or Garud will ever make it to SFF forget SG.

The reason being that SFF is a force for mountainous warfare and not amphibious beach assaults.

Now, high altitude warfare is no childs play like many of you consider that a Marcos sitting in Vizag wil go and kick everyones *** in Leh or Batalik.

The Indian Army has specialised schools where students are trained for years...yes years not months to be specialists.

AFAIK(and which is a pretty reliable source) the Marcos and Garuds are not regular at any of IA's high warfare school.

So how do you think that Marcos would be in SFF leave SG aside.

The IA top brass thinks of Marcos as assets around water bodies 'only' and "only".Marocs are not known for high altitude warfare...Srinagar(where Wular is located as many of you wont know) is not high altitude.

What my problem is that people have read 2-3 articles and have no technical knowledge and source for these kinds information but have big stories to share which is pretty amusing sometimes but gets irritating when the right people are nkt given credit.

Half of the SG's importance got over when NSG was made.SG wings were clipped when they were repearedly found to be offenders for covertly carrying out operations against PLA on their own without cooperation with Intel units.

SFF consists of Tibetians, Gorkhas and Paras.There is even a pic of Col Shekhawat which you might have seen.

What some fanboys are trying to do is that after watching Hollywood movies they are trying to show that India has a 3 service commando unit which is not the case.

What is laughable is that the unit which does such covert or black ops is not SG but CIT-J and CIT-X founded 2 decades ago and currently has a different name under RAW.They have ex Army SF and Police and Intel officers.
why is that bro?? one of them have the VBSS patch...

I cant read that patch, resolution is way too low.

VBSS members are just regular officers and sailors who are part of a boarding team.

Those men in the pic were manning MG`s on board of a ship. So technically they are not VBBS (in that pic)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wular Lake and its मगरमछ[/paste:font]

वुल्लर, Wular Lake, lying between Sopore and Bandipore, is the largest lake in India(some claim it to be the largest in Asia. However, I have my doubts. There just seem to be a lot of lakes staking claim to that title!!!). Surrounded by towering mountains, the lake measures 16kms long and 10kms wide. The size of the lake varies depending upon the season. Fed by the river Jhelum, it acts as a natural flood reservoir. The jade green water of the lake is not stagnant, but flows at a sleepy pace as the Jhelum enters the lake from Srinagar and flows out towards Pakistan.

This river link proved to be a convenient waterway for insurgents making a beeline to Srinagar. They would enter from the Pakistan side and merge with the populace in the villages dotting the banks of the lake, or sneak onward to Srinagar piggybacking on the Jhelum. As a result, the lake and the surrounding mountains became a hotbed for militant activity.

The presence of such a large lake warranted the need to bring in the Navy to help patrol the waters and curb the militant traffic. The call was answered by the Indian Navy's Marine Commandos, Marcos as they are better known. Also known as the Frogmen(no doubt because of their mascot) in the Indian Navy, these very, very, very young officers and sailors were tasked with the tough job of clearing out the lake and the surrounding mountains of terrorists.

The Frogmen have not only secured the lake, but also the villages on the banks of the lake. The lake, and the river are no longer used as a terrorist's waterway. In fact, they are so good at it, they have begun branching out into the mountains, patrolling and scouring for militant hideouts(out of sheer boredom I guess...the militants have a real tough time with these guys around). Their performance has warranted a much more sinister name(by the media...and I guess by the militants themselves). The Crocs of Wular Lake. They cannot be differentiated from the locals(I would say one or two looked like militants themselves!!!) if not for their uniforms. We had trouble recognizing them as Naval officers. We had to be told that they were officers of the same Navy thatour dads belong to.

Meenakshi and Ameeta aunty, giving the militants a run for their money? ;)We Come Unseen, the very fitting motto of the Crocs of Wular Lake.And did I mention that they are young? Very young??. So young that they were embarrassed when we referred to them as "uncle", or even "भैया "! It was humbling to know...to actually see these guys(of our age group by the way) to be putting their lives on the firing line, man their posts, guard the front and sleep on hard beds of rock and soil just so we can sleep easy on our comfortable beds(with air-conditioning, I might add). And when on patrol, they survive on a ration of three-bars-of-chocolate-a-day. I did know this...but it is a shocker when seen in the context of the threats they face every day.

Allow me ask you this...do you think you can eat three chocolates a day and guard this land against an almost invisible enemy in some of the most difficult terrain on the planet for a salary of Rs. 25,000?! I think not!! These guys are not in it for the money...there's something to these guys that sets them apart from the rest of us...

Did not intend to take you on a guilt-trip(hell, that's the last thing you want on a vacation)! It's just that...it was...is...very humbling to know this first hand. Makes you...want to think twice...about...you know...stuff(Wow...that is very clear!)

Unknown soldier, We salute Ye!


Thanks... but looks like a character from a Cartoon Network show :lol: Too cartoonish for me
yes, you are right bro

navy VBSS in russia during INDRA 2014
Not VBSS. VBSS does just that- Visit, Board, Search, Seizure- the ones that man the MMGs and HMGs onboard IN warships are part of the ship's force protection security company who are NOT part of the VBSS team.

why is that bro?? one of them have the VBSS patch...
There is no "VBSS patch" VBSS and force protection members wear a patch saying "INDIAN NAVY" with an Anchor and nothing more.

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