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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Typical desperate propaganda for the presidental elections next month. What about ISIS or Hamas? Are they inncoent Erdogan? Of course for backward Islamists like him ISIS or Hamas are righteous kafir opponents while Jews are evil and responsible for everything bad which happens. Gimme a Break!
So people in Israel believe the settlements are the reason why there are no rockets in west bank?
Israelis who supported the eviction of settlements from Gaza believed that:

1) It will decrease Arabs hate and violence.
2) It will increase the international legitimacy of Israel.

But results were the opposite.
Mere rhetoric. He still maintains trade with Israel. If he was a real muslim leader he's order the army to fight Israel.
Israelis who supported the eviction of settlements from Gaza believed that:

1) It will decrease Arabs hate and violence.
2) It will increase the international legitimacy of Israel.

But results were the opposite.
I understand your point but the truth is settelments just made things only worse and not better for anyone it was the Israeli military presence that made a difference not the settlements, whole world sees the settlements as illegal.

Mere rhetoric. He still maintains trade with Israel. If he was a real muslim leader he's order the army to fight Israel.
Why should we fight Israel? :crazy:
Please explain how fighting against Israel would be stupid?

There are lot of zionazi lovers or sleeping cells in the Turkish armed forces and politics. What do you think they will do if Erdogan goes into direct military confrontation with the zionazi state? Besides, Turkey is neither surrounded by allies nor it has the kind of international clout required to face the zionazi state directly. So, fighting a proxy war is the best option.
There are lot of zionazi lovers or sleeping cells in the Turkish armed forces and politics. What do you think they will do if Erdogan goes into direct military confrontation with the zionazi state? Besides, Turkey is neither surrounded by allies nor it has the kind of international clout required to face the zionazi state directly. So, fighting a proxy war is the best option.

Although those are good points they are completely irrelevant to the question of whether or not turkey (or any muslim country) should go to war with Israel. Jihd is a fard in this situation, so there is no choice.
Although those are good points they are completely irrelevant to the question of whether or not turkey (or any muslim country) should go to war with Israel. Jihd is a fard in this situation, so there is no choice.
Who says that a proxy war cannot qualify as a Jihad? Did our Prophet not tell us to use hiqmaat in life? Jihad without hiqmaat leads to unnecessary loss of lives and most of all it paves the way for the enemies of Islam. History is full of this kind of examples. Have patience and wait for the right moment. This is why Allah Subhhanatwala loves those servants who have patience, something totally missing in the present day jihadi fighters. Tell me if Al Qaida and ISIS type organizations have succeeded in liberating the Muslim World. They have not, matter of fact, they have plunged the Muslim World into greater turmoil and danger by inviting the enemy in and hence strengthening the hands of the munafik rulers of the Muslim World. These munafik rulers and their foreign masters now equate Jihad with terrorism and the world to a great extent believes it. Do you not see why CIA trained Al Qaida once? Do you not see the backing of the US behind the ISIS? Why would they secretly train these fake Jihadi organizations if it had not served their purpose? Ask yourself these questions before jumping onto the ISIS type jihadi wagon.
Hitler had killed millions of Jews in gas Chamber. Israel doesn't do that. They simply retaliates when they are attacked.
Such a cruel generalization to call all Egyptians cowards just because of one act of our government don't you think? We've always helped Palestinians in the past, sending whatever we could to help them.
If it comes for such aids, then it's wrong not to help and that was a wrong move by the government to block the supplies. If you're speaking of military intervention then I'm sorry but our country isn't in any way ready to go to war at this point of time. Also, with all due respect for Pakistan, don't ask other countries for to intervene militarily when your country doesn't.

Why should Pakistan interfere in a region it is so far away from? Turkey and Egypt should be more responsible Muslim leaders as they are actually there in the region.
Erdogan is a great leader. Wish Pakistan had one like him.

How is he great? For simply stating something and not acting upon what he said? He is a hypocrite in my opinion.

Yes, he may have done some good, but if he were to be pro-Muslim & pro-Palestinian he would actually take action rather than just words.

Stop dealing with the Israelis, and forming alliances with Europe through NATO.
And yet no country can do shite to stop. How desperate!
If they have the guts and political will, they should take some actions rather than hollow words.
Who says that a proxy war cannot qualify as a Jihad? Did our Prophet not tell us to use hiqmaat in life? Jihad without hiqmaat leads to unnecessary loss of lives and most of all it paves the way for the enemies of Islam. History is full of this kind of examples. Have patience and wait for the right moment. This is why Allah Subhhanatwala loves those servants who have patience, something totally missing in the present day jihadi fighters. Tell me if Al Qaida and ISIS type organizations have succeeded in liberating the Muslim World. They have not, matter of fact, they have plunged the Muslim World into greater turmoil and danger by inviting the enemy in and hence strengthening the hands of the munafik rulers of the Muslim World. These munafik rulers and their foreign masters now equate Jihad with terrorism and the world to a great extent believes it. Do you not see why CIA trained Al Qaida once? Do you not see the backing of the US behind the ISIS? Why would they secretly train these fake Jihadi organizations if it had not served their purpose? Ask yourself these questions before jumping onto the ISIS type jihadi wagon.

Jihad, meaning actual combat to free our brothers and sisters, is a fard. That remains true irrespective of what our strength is like in comparison to the enemy. We could have nothing but stones, it would still be an obligation. Allah has given His hiqmaat for when we should wage jihad, we do not need to pretend like we have to do so as well. too many of you see things through a matierilitic lens. Know that if we march as we are supposed to we will receive victory no matter how much stronger the enemy may seem.

The reason groups like ISIS etc have not liberated the ummah is because to do so requires a true Islamic state (Caliphate) and jihad is not the method to establish the Islamic state. They lack the knowledge and sometimes the sincerity on how to restablish Islam. Also because the majority of such popular groups are actually US backed with the intention of creating dissention among the Muslims. Liberation of the ummah will come when a sincere leadership among Muslims appear to revert the governmental system back to an Islamic one and unite the Muslims under one ruler. Then jihad al-talab can be waged against the enemies of Islam.
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