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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Israel could flatten the whole middle-east in matter of seconds if it wanted; last time Arabs tried to mess with Israel they got their assess handed to them. Kiss the hand that you cannot bite and that is what exactly the Arabs leaders are doing, but you religious nuts seem unable to grasp the fact that you can't fight Israel, you are not nearly intellectually competent enough to whiten a Jew's shoes let alone to destroy Israel, you Islamofacists and the rest of the leftist scums who have wet dreams about Israel's destruction will take your dreams to your graves. Live and let fucking live. Stop poking Israel with your needles so you won't get crushed with its paws.

Erdogan seems to be following Mullahs. Makhmod Ahimadinutjob in particular.

Thank you.
Israel could flatten the whole middle-east in matter of seconds if it wanted.

Yeah! And I'm sherlock! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are one retard. In 2012 an Israeli offensive against tiny besieged Gaza they used all their munitions and the US resupplied them.

Yet you are that retarded. :lol:
Egyptians are coward no doubt and filthy history that refuse to help Palestines in the past.
Such a cruel generalization to call all Egyptians cowards just because of one act of our government don't you think? We've always helped Palestinians in the past, sending whatever we could to help them.
If it comes for such aids, then it's wrong not to help and that was a wrong move by the government to block the supplies. If you're speaking of military intervention then I'm sorry but our country isn't in any way ready to go to war at this point of time. Also, with all due respect for Pakistan, don't ask other countries for to intervene militarily when your country doesn't.
Such a cruel generalization to call all Egyptians cowards just because of one act of our government don't you think? We've always helped Palestinians in the past, sending whatever we could to help them.
If it comes for such aids, then it's wrong not to help and that was a wrong move by the government to block the supplies. If you're speaking of military intervention then I'm sorry but our country isn't in any way ready to go to war at this point of time. Also, with all due respect for Pakistan, don't ask other countries for to intervene militarily when your country doesn't.

Good point. I want my Pakistani brothers to also realize this is a policy of the recent government. Most Egyptian people support the Palestinians and 500 activists today tried sending aid into Gaza.

Egypt has in the past gone into wars for the Palestinian people and their sacrifices are much appreciated. Egypt is in no position to enter a war today. What we need isn't military action on behalf of us. It is diplomatic action, maybe economic action.

Unfortunately, the region seems to be in a competition between two blocs. So it's causing a division. Egyptian leaders can't do much either. They get aid from the US and Saudi Arabia which kind of influence their decision making.
Such a cruel generalization to call all Egyptians cowards just because of one act of our government don't you think? We've always helped Palestinians in the past, sending whatever we could to help them.
If it comes for such aids, then it's wrong not to help and that was a wrong move by the government to block the supplies. If you're speaking of military intervention then I'm sorry but our country isn't in any way ready to go to war at this point of time. Also, with all due respect for Pakistan, don't ask other countries for to intervene militarily when your country doesn't.

I apologize if I tend to insult Arabs or Egyptians, that's not my way, however, I don't understand why Egyptians can't overthrow Al-Sisi government in order to help Palestine brothers? Just want to see all Arabs nations with excellent leaders should be peaceful without fighting each others daily, right?
Such a cruel generalization to call all Egyptians cowards just because of one act of our government don't you think? We've always helped Palestinians in the past, sending whatever we could to help them.
If it comes for such aids, then it's wrong not to help and that was a wrong move by the government to block the supplies. If you're speaking of military intervention then I'm sorry but our country isn't in any way ready to go to war at this point of time. Also, with all due respect for Pakistan, don't ask other countries for to intervene militarily when your country doesn't.

Brother, disregard his post. Accept apologies on my behalf. Lumping all people of a country, for whatever reason, is just vile. Especially a sovereign muslim country like Egypt where the people have done a lot for Palestinians throughout history.
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I apologize if I tend to insult Arabs or Egyptians, that's not my way, however, I don't understand why Egyptians can't overthrow Al-Sisi government in order to help Palestine brothers? Just want to see all Arabs nations with excellent leaders should be peaceful without fighting each others daily, right?

Because they'll be killed. It isn't as easy as you think. Even if millions demonstrate, under the radar it would be the same government.

Only possible solution is for the army to get rid of the government. The army can't govern the nation though. Egypt would lose all loans plus Arab aid. Saudi Arabia would end aid to Egypt because the Saudi Arabian leadership has turned into a extension of the Israeli government.

There would be extreme poverty and Egypt would be unable to survive unless Arab nations support it. The problem is, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc ... don't want a pan-Islamic like region which could spell an end to their monarchy rule. But, it's also because they're allies of US/Israel behind closed doors.

All of them have to be overthrown at the same time and the Middle East would have to go through a major struggle if the US tries destroying it again for the sake of this Jewish colony. EU could make this world a much more peaceful place if they put effort to support the people and oppose US policy.
Turkey buys Israel staff and has diplomatic relation so this kind of words are use the Gov in Turkey is ProIsrael and give fuel to Israel
Egypt and Turkey is both same
Erdogan just spat in face of 50 million victims of Nazism.

What are you going to try a coup like you did in Egypt!?? Too bad, AKP caught your plans and put all those slaves of yours behind bars for 20 years each.
Give it time, AKP is trying to get the Turkish people to become more religious at a slow pace unlike Arab morons(AQ) who try making religious law over night. They can't change everything at once. There are many secular people in Turkey still who are fine with relations with Israel.
You are so naive i feel sry for you sometimes. :)
You're in your own world. You can be secular and lead a religious lifestyle as well.
I know it from first hand you dont need to tell me this.
The naive part is your worshipping of AKP, now we can see the purpose of Erdogans baseless rants from your exsample.
You're in your own world. You can be secular and lead a religious lifestyle as well.
You need to stfu about Turkey. You don't even have a country but you're claiming ownership of Xenon's country too? Now you know more than he does about Turkey all of a sudden?

Go be a good boy and finish your lizard.


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