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We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

He open his mouth only for the publicity and his own interest.

Don't worry, we got our own popular nut jobs. I think Mr. Swamy and Mr. Saeed would get along quite well.

Here's a conspiracy theory, what if they're the same guy, but the guy just goes back and forth from the border, wearing a different mask, depending on which country he's in? O.O

Friend why should you waste your time for this Swamy nut talking?
He only interested in publicity.Ignore him.
Q: Swamy, let’s come to the concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Can you explain what do you mean by ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and how will it be different from today’s Secular India?

Swamy: Let me start with this. This election was an amalgam of three issues.

One was Narendra Modi’s governance record. People were convinced that this man can rule the country. And it was a big plus for us because on the other side was the ‘buddhu’. There was no match.

Second was the fight against corruption which I led. People got convinced that yes these people can remove corruption. There was not a single corruption charge either against me or Modi. So the people were convinced and there was support for BJP as party of honest people.

Third, the cadre of the BJP which had gone to sleep after 2004, after 6 years of secularism of NDA, they suddenly got fired up that Modi means Hindutva with RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat putting the entire weight behind him. So Hindutva was the third factor. And all three factors are important. You can’t just do governance and expect people to support you. There is large number of Hindus who believe that they have got a raw deal. And it also includes particularly educated young people.

Now coming back to your question of ‘Hindu Rashtra’, it does not mean that only a Hindu can be a prime Ministry. ‘Hindu Rashtra’ does not mean only Hindus can occupy public office. That is a ‘Muslim Rashtra’, ‘Christian Rashtra’ but never a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

All through history, even Shiva ji, who spoke about Hindu Rashtra, had a Muslim as commander-in-Chief. In 1857, we made Bahadur Shah Zafar as emperor who appointed a Hindu his Prime Minister. If your secularism is that the church and the state are to be separate, and that is the original definition, then we have already done that throughout the history.

Second, the Hindu concept of secularism is ‘Sarva Dharma Sam-bhava’ and it means that all religions lead to God. So we show respect to all religions. The Jews came, we looked after them. The Parsis came, we looked after them. The Arab Muslims came and we looked after them in Kerala. But will the Muslims say that all religions lead to God? No, they’ll never say that. They’ll say if you don’t believe in Islam, you are Kaafirs. And you are fit for either conversion or killing. Christians will say that you are pagans if not Christians and that devil has got your souls. You are to be saved and in extreme form like crusade they will kill also. So the only religion in the world that has practiced Sarva Dharma Sam-bhava is Hinduism.

Q: My question is how would this Hindu Rashtra be different from the secular India that we have today?

Swamy: We’ll teach Sanskrit. We’ll teach them the correct history of India. We’ll say that all Hindus are one. That varna is not birth based. Its discipline and duty based.

Q: You had written an article in DNA for which Harvard had dropped your courses. In that article you wrote that those Muslims who don’t accept Hindu ancestry should be disenfranchised. Do you still stand by that?

Swamy: First of all, my courses had nothing to do with that. The courses related to Economics.

Yes, I stand by that statement because it’s drawn out of the partition of India. India was one country, there was no country called Pakistan. So the British had to create a legal entity called Pakistan. So they had introduced a bill in parliament that was called “Indian independence Act”. It was passed in June 1947 after a big debate.

In the debate, they said that there are Muslims who say that we have no connection with Hindus except for the fact that we ruled over them and we don’t want to live with them. The British said that we can’t abandon them and it’s our job to protect them. So we’ll partition India into two countries – India and Pakistan.

For Muslims who said that they have no connections with India and that they didn’t want to live with Hindus, partition was created. Therefore, Muslims who wanted to live separately went to Pakistan. But those Muslims who stayed on were people who accepted that they are willing to live with Hindus and they had connections with Hindus. And what is that connection? That is the ‘Scientific study on DNA’, published in the University of Cambridge, Journal of Genetics. There were studies in Houston, Mysore University as well. All these DNA studies show that the Hindu DNA and Muslim DNA is the same. So what does it mean and that’s what I had said. And if you don’t want to identify with Hindus, Pakistan is there for you.

Q: You are also supposed to be an authority on foreign relations, how do you look at what is happening in middle-east especially the way ISIS is marching ahead with vengeance? According to some media reports, the ISIS has the vision of an Islamic state that stretches up to Gujarat in India. How serious is that from Indian perspective.

Swamy: Serious enough for us to prepare for war. We’ll have a war.

Q: War with whom?

Swamy: War with the Islamic caliphate that will be set up very soon which will include Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Q: What should the Government of India do?

Swamy: Start preparing. Send troops to Afghanistan. Make friends with Iran because they are Shiites and those militants are all Sunnis.

Q: You want India to send troops to both Afghanistan and Iraq?
Swamy: Yes, to Iraq to save our people and I’m happy that India has send its warship there. India should send at least 200,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Q: There is a fear that once these Americans leave, these Talibans will get upper hand and they will turn their focus towards Kashmir.

Swamy: There is no fear, it’s a certainty. Americans will hand over Afghanistan to Taliban and go. And their appetite is Jehad and Kashmir is the obvious place. So we should be ready to go to war. You don’t start the war. They’ll start it and you finish it.

Q: A related question is, what, according to you, would be the solution for Kashmir dispute because it’s lingering for quite a long time.
Swamy: Military solution as there is no peaceful, democratic solution. We have to disown Jawaharlal Nehru and say that he took this matter to UN without the sanction of the cabinet and therefore, it’s an illegal application. Withdraw the application from the UN and put Pakistan on notice and clear out.

Q: Do you think India has the military might to defeat Pakistan?

Swamy: We can acquire the military might. We have the man power for that .

Q: Till the time we acquire that, what should we do?

Swamy: How much time do you want? Have you studied the problem? I have studied it. We need two years only.

Actually, we can defeat Pakistan even today. But we have to neutralize China.

Q: But Pakistan is a nuclear weapons state.

Swamy: So what? Let them use nuclear weapons. We’ll use it on them. There will be no Pakistan left. May be 100 million will die, no problem.

Somebody misled Modi to say nation needs 'bitter medicine', says Subramanian Swamy (India TV Exclusive)

This retard wants war that let it be that we would love to start the war and soon they will face lot Ghaznis again and soon all the somnaths in India will fall and also Red Fort Delhi and this time no prisoners will be taken every one in India will be taken out
Another gold comment from this fella.

God help your country then. He sounds far worse than our laal topi drama. We also don't consider him a man of importance, shocking to hear this guy means anything in India.

The guy is one of the best Lawyers in India and has one many cases by himself , i doubt he believes in some of the stuff he says himself.
Congratulations. I am sure when he gets an actual debrief from the Indian Strategic Command about our Nuclear posture, he would have to increase the number of Indians dead in a Pakistani nuclear strike from a 100 million to a Billion.

If we are attacked, we will unleash a sort of hell that will become a collective 'chita' of a Billion or so Indians. Pakistan has nothing to fear from a lunatic like him, Indians do.

Actually, we will not need the Nuclear option in case India attacks first. Then, Pakistan will have the diplomatic upper hand and no country will try and force Pakistan to back down or de-escalate while we defend out country with our full conventional might in a defensive posture. Indian Force has no chance against Pakistan on Pakistan soil.

Conventionally, the odds in favour of India, such as their 2 times larger military, will be neutralized as they attack and we dig down and defend. An aggression war with Pakistan will leave their military shattered and in such a position where they will not be able to resist/defend themselves against any other adversary......and that may be the perfect opportunity for a 3rd country to take advantage of.

What worries me, is that India may just opt for the Nuclear option when its attack on Pakistan goes horribly against plan.
Talk about Pakistanophibia- :lol:-

Actually, it is Islamophobia in his case as he wants to go after Afghanistan too and the imaginary Caliphate that he has created in his tiny little excuse of a brain.

any war between ind=pak has always been started by pak. even the war of 2008 (which never happened) was started by pak.

Well, this time it will be India.....as per this swamy guy :)
Mr swamy let me assure you .. You will turn into radioactive ash .. N those who somehow manage to survive will die of poisoning .. Or radiation .. Ur land won't produce food for the next 1000 years n .. Even so a few million indian survive they will be too retarded or abnormal to even run their own households.. The nukes dropped on Nagasaki n Hiroshima ain't shit compared to nukes today..

What if only those Hindus survive that are already so retarded as to follow this dumb ****??? Can they become any more retarded?
To Kejriwal bhi Gandhi ka leta hai, uske bhi fan following me ghus jaa.

Teri baat nahi maana to chutiyapa shuru karega kya ? Kejrival Gandhi's ke nahi leta , ye to Gandhi ke chamche hai . He is an extremely intelligent person, but looney at times. He has won many court cases all by himself its rather stupid to write him off completely.
This is how the story goes.
  • Indian Muslims share DNA with the Hindus which makes them Hindus.
  • Caliphate will be established and India will go to War with Caliphate.
  • India should wage War and send 200,000 troops to Afghanistan (invasion)
  • Keep dumping your head in the sand on Kashmir
  • We can defeat Pakistan in a War, but we need two more years
  • Before we go to War with Pakistan, we need to 'neutralize' China through War.
  • Start a Nuclear War , doesn't matter how many Indians die (as long as i'm not one of them), we have to finish the satanic, evil Pakistanis.

    End of thesis, good luck to India. May God give you more of these 'Think Tanks'.

jab insan kay paas apni okaat say ziada paisa ajaye tu ise kisam ke ******** wali batain shuru kardeta hey u know so don't mind lol.... istime India sab say best example hain ******* say bharay howay mulk ki lol PDF pe bhi ba-asani dekhi ja sakhti hey lol
Teri baat nahi maana to chutiyapa shuru karega kya ? Kejrival Gandhi's ke nahi leta , ye to Gandhi ke chamche hai . He is an extremely intelligent person, but looney at times. He has won many court cases all by himself its rather stupid to write him off completely.

Any intelligent man will weigh his words and it's implication before spitting it out, for this reason he was thrown out of US university. He is a lunatic, and lives in his own makeshift fantasy world, and has lost his touch with reality.
Sometimes you need people Mr.Swamy :D. He is a bit loony though, that is well accepted, I think making bombastic statements is him trying to get more headlines. And it clearly works.
Any intelligent man will weigh his words and it's implication before spitting it out, for this reason he was thrown out of US university. He is a lunatic, and lives in his own makeshift fantasy world, and has lost his touch with reality.

Did something i say upset or Irritate you ? :p::haha:

The 2G Spectrum Scam: Amongst others, Swamy had also written to the Prime Minister seeking permission to prosecute Raja. When there was no action forthcoming, Swamy filed a case of his own in the Supreme Court about this matter. He has also made serious allegations against the role of Sonia Gandhi’s sisters in this matter and has sought permission to prosecute Sonia.

Subramanian Swamy is lord again, wins big in 2G case - Hindustan Times

Security of EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines): In January 2012, Swamy filed a PIL questioning the security of EVMs. While the case was earlier dismissed in the High Court, sometime in 2013 there was a news item (it was a probably report of a Supreme Court judgement) admitting that EVMs are not tamper-proof.

Indian Money in Swiss Banks: Swamy has founded and is the chairperson of Action Committe Against Corruption in India (ACACI). After spending many years fighting to get the Indian black money stashed away in Swiss banks back into the country, ACACI has the specific agenda of fighting against corruption in high places and getting the black money back. (To jog your memory, the black money scandal was very big about 5 to 6 years ago. Conservative estimates said there were trillions of dollars in black money stashed away – enough to be about three times Russia’s GDP. After quite a bit of hue and cry, this scandal, like others including the Fodder Scam , too has petered off with time.)

In addition to the above, Swamy has also exposed Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi like no other. First he alleged that Sonia’s claims of a degree from Cambridge were false. He then reasoned why she could not become the Prime Minister in 1999 (when she selected Manmohan Singh as the Prime Minister). He uncovered that both, Sonia and Rahul, did not have Indian passports.

Sanction to prosecute telecom minister A. Raja

On 31 January 2012, the Supreme Court of India accepted Swamy's petition against the Prime Minister's Office in the 2G case, saying that all public authorities should give a sanction within three months against any public official if a request is made for prosecution.

Petition to strike down "single directive provision"

In 1997, Swamy filed a petition in the Supreme Court of India to strike down a provision which barred CBI from investigating corruption charges against officers of the rank of joint secretary and above without prior permission of the Govt of India called as "Dr. Subramanian Swamy Versus Director, Central Bureau of Investigation & Anr." On 6 May 2014, a five-judge constitution bench held the single directive provision as invalid and unconstitutional.

Nataraja Temple Case

Subramanian Swamy had filed a petition in the Supreme Court with priests of the dikshithar sect challenging the decision of the Madras High Court on transferring the administration of the Nataraja temple to the then Tamil Nadu government in 2009

Now add to that the recent Prima facy evidence against Gandhi's , as they have to appear in court as accused ..

You are simply Delusional and stupid :lol: ..
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