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Mar 9, 2014
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DEMOCRACY, the concept came from the ancient Greeks who combined the words demos (people) and krates (rule) to create the term. Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens of a country rule by majority vote providing a political system that the United Nations describes as "a universally recognized ideal." "We The People" are the fundamental part, a centerpiece and " We The People" elect our representative to make laws and design soc-economy delivery systems for the benefits of " We The People".

In today's world, democracy is considered to be the best form of government. In a true democracy, real power lies in the hands of We The People" exercising our right to elect our representatives who in return are responsible and answerable to us. Democracy is based on the principle of equality for all. All members of the State are equal in the eyes of law. All enjoy equal social, political and economic rights and state cannot discriminate among citizens on the basis of caste, religion, sex, or property and similarly have equal right to choose their government. Since true democracy is based on public will, there is no chance of public revolt unlike sham democracy currently installed in Pakistan.

Living 25 years in North America, I have seen the benefits of democracy first hand. Welfare of the people and issues relating to public welfare take precedent over "personal interest" of the politicians. Where a black child born in Hawii and raised on the street of Chicago gets elected to the office of " The President of the United States". Election are contested on the issues and concerns raised by " We The People". National Health Insurance program such as " Obamacare" become the deciding factor for a relection. In Canada, leader are directly asked tough question in town hall meetings. If elected what will be your foreign policy? How will you ensure pension will be available beyond year 2050? How will you improve educational system of the country? what will be your immigration policy... so on and so forth.

I know you will argue that these western democracies are 2 centuries old and Pakistan never got a fair chance of democracy in last 67 years but question still stays, when given a chance even for 2 year or full 5 years term in Pakistan's history, was anything delivered to We The People? No... billions were taken in loans by political leader and delivered to Swiss Banks in there family name. Pakistan currently owes $60 billion in loans and Pakistani's have 200 billion is Swiss Banks, a net profit of Tax free $140 billion to elite.

In the case of Pakistan where 70percent of the people live in rural areas owned by Feudal lords such as Chaudries, Sain and tribal elders, social slavery has been a norm. These lords of the lands own cattle's and treat their land workers as cattle's aswell. "We The People" drink the same water as the cow and managed by the same " Danada"(baton) used to handle the animals. For these lords, "We The People" are no different, so they are free to make the decision for their cattle's and us without total disregard for our political likes and dislike. Like an animal, if we and the cattle's don't agree, "Dandacrasy" is used to convey the message.

Democracy word is used to make the public happy, giving them a feeling that there vote counts for something. In a true democracy the political view and voice counts but we don't have democracy... just "dandacrasy". The current government of PLM-N represents the same mind set of the Feudal. Danda for this and danda for that and that is how business is done from Islamabad to Lahore.

Under current democracy champions of PLMN, even dandacracy has changed into "DandaCrazy" in one short year of the government. Who is not been beaten with the Danda if they tried to express their opinion or demand public welfare from the so called champions of democracy? In last one year alone, the government has used its dandacracy on protester every time trying to silence their voices. We have seen clerks got dandacracy for seeking a raise in wages, nurses got dandacracy for demanding permanent jobs, doctors were handed dandacracy for seek better benefits, media was giving a taste of dandacracy for demanding reopening of their TV channel, religious crowds were handled with dandacracy for their right to peaceful assembly and even women seeking justice for missing persons were handed down dandacracy by PLM-N government in Islamabad..

Funny thing to note, when the same danda is used by the Military against them, they don't like it and rally " We The People" around them to demand the democracy in the country because it now suits their agenda to get back in the ruling mode and "We The People" fall for the trick again and again, getting no benefits of a true democracy. During elections a few feudal lords who are manipulators, collect votes with the greatest success through the control of their human herds, get democratic power. The result, plutocracy is formed and the word democracy is used by the ignorant, uneducated and incompetent lords stopping the intellectual progress, economic benefits and welfare of the Public.

When will the public learn that Pakistan has "plutocracy" under the garb of democracy-democracy in name and form, plutocracy in reality and "We The People", politically trained animals, fall for the same trick again and again. Maybe time has come for all 180 million people to stand up and demand their right to self governance by the true representative of We The People, For We The People by We The People and refuse to accept Plutocracy enforced on us through Dandacracy. If we stand together against Dandacrazy government, together we make a better Pakistan for all of us to live and enjoy the true benefits of democracy which has become a fundamental right of "We The People" in the 21st Century.

where are all those who seeking democracy and consider themselves as democracy champions?
Pakistan is relatively new to democracy....it will take time for the people to get mature in terms of how they vote and who they vote for. Evolution of a society reaps far greater rewards whilst the revolution does the opposite.

I would just like to say this....Democracy is just a tool....think of it as a car. If you have an inept driver but sensible passengers the car can still move forward...if you have a capable driver but rowdy passengers the car will still move forward. However if you have an inept driver and rowdy passenger...no matter what model car you have you will never reach your destination.

PS. Car can be a euphemism for any form or system of governance.....
Pakistan is relatively new to democracy....it will take time for the people to get mature in terms of how they vote and who they vote for. Evolution of a society reaps far greater rewards whilst the revolution does the opposite.

I would just like to say this....Democracy is just a tool....think of it as a car. If you have an inept driver but sensible passengers the car can still move forward...if you have a capable driver but rowdy passengers the car will still move forward. However if you have an inept driver and rowdy passenger...no matter what model car you have you will never reach your destination.

PS. Car can be a euphemism for any form or system of governance.....

Thanks, here we have a broken car which stalls every kilometer, adding to the problems are corrupt mechanics and driver lie and take us around the same block and passengers are villagers. We can't wait 2 centuries to go through evolution as 21 centruy is very competitive. Either you are in or you are isolated from the world. We need a drastic steps to correct the mistakes through tough decisions.
Pakistan is relatively new to democracy....it will take time for the people to get mature in terms of how they vote and who they vote for. Evolution of a society reaps far greater rewards whilst the revolution does the opposite.

I would just like to say this....Democracy is just a tool....think of it as a car. If you have an inept driver but sensible passengers the car can still move forward...if you have a capable driver but rowdy passengers the car will still move forward. However if you have an inept driver and rowdy passenger...no matter what model car you have you will never reach your destination.

PS. Car can be a euphemism for any form or system of governance.....

Well said.

Pakistanis really need to reduce their "rowdiness" level.

If I may add to your excellent post!

In a working democratic system, opposition serves as a backup driver. Keeping the main driver informed about upcoming sharp bends, potholes, and other road hazards.

Unfortunately in our country, our educated elite do not want to work as a backup driver. They instead prefer to create sharp bends, potholes, and other road hazards to the point that car falls in the ditch and only tanks remain on the road.

Thanks, here we have a broken car which stalls every kilometer, adding to the problems are corrupt mechanics and driver lie and take us around the same block and passengers are villagers. We can't wait 2 centuries to go through evolution as 21 centruy is very competitive. Either you are in or you are isolated from the world. We need a drastic steps to correct the mistakes through tough decisions.
Well said.

Pakistanis really need to reduce their "rowdiness" level.

If I may add to your excellent post!

In a working democratic system, opposition serves as a backup driver. Keeping the main driver informed about upcoming sharp bends, potholes, and other road hazards.

Unfortunately in our country, our educated elite do not want to work as a backup driver. They instead prefer to create sharp bends, potholes, and other road hazards to the point that car falls in the ditch and only tanks remain on the road.


Sorry to say we don't have democracy in Pakistan. I guess you guys missed the point that plutocracy has been the norm and will be for years. The purpose of the democracy is to make laws for national interests and public interests alike. Pakistani assembly is rubber stamp assembly where bills are not passed but like uneducated lords only resolutions are passed. Lack of education is the key reason for this pitfall. If dandacracy be given full 5 year, it will become kingship like the arab lands.

What if the opposition become a " friendly opposition" between lords and sain's... a game of turns and corruption, then people are not left we no other option to throw them in Jail and bring revolution to install true democracy. Do you think under current system, Sheikh Rashid, Asad Umer, Fasial Raza Abadi or Haider Abbas Rizvi can ever become Prime Minsters of Pakistan like Barack Hussain Obama? No it will always be combo of the corrupt of plutocracy. Bilawal and Hamza are your future masters and owner your broken down car, refinacing it from banks and transferring the wealth to swiss account and you will be left to bow down to them for another 30 years before they pass it on to there kids. I prefer that a Tank rush this junk car and its driver for better Pakistan.
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Sorry to say we don't have democracy in Pakistan. I guess you guys missed the point that plutocracy has been the norm and will be for years. The purpose of the democracy is to make laws for national interests and public interests alike. Pakistani assembly is rubber stamp assembly where bills are not passed but like uneducated lords only resolutions are passed. Lack of education is the key reason for this pitfall. If dandacracy be given full 5 year, it will become kingship like the arab lands.

What if the opposition become a " friendly opposition" between lords and sain's... a game of turns and corruption, then people are not left we no other option to throw them in Jail and bring revolution to install true democracy. Do you think under current system, Sheikh Rashid, Asad Umer, Fasial Raza Abadi or Haider Abbas Rizvi can ever become Prime Minsters of Pakistan like Barack Hussain Obama? No it will always be combo of the corrupt of plutocracy. Bilawal and Hamza are your future masters and owner your broken down car, refinacing it from banks and transferring the wealth to swiss account and you will be left to bow down to them for another 30 years before they pass it on to there kids. I prefer that a Tank rush this junk car and its driver for better Pakistan.

My dear,

I am a keen student of governmental systems in the subcontinent.

We are unfortunately saddled with dynastic parties. Doesn't matter if you are a UPite, Bihari, Bengali, Keralite, sindhi, punjabi or Pashtun.

It doesn't matter, we as people really really prefer leaders and their kids as long as they belong to specific ethnic or religious group.

Gandhi clan, Mujeeb clan, Bhutto clan, Wali Khan clan etc. have been around for decades.

Should we allow these clans to rule our regions?

Heck not.

But these clans will not go away through revolution. The only way to get rid of them is to wait them out and vote them out.

So many of us don't give a damn to voting public. They are the decision makers.

Look at my city of Karachi.

Highest in literacy, highest in economic status in Pakistan

yet, we cry and shout and even die for one man show.

Wait till Altaf's daughter is carried on flower laden charpoy with all of Karachi shouting jeevay jeevay Qaid jeevay.

Then MQM and hence Karachi will be ruled for decades by a new version of BB.

So my dear, this is just a scenario.

you can't sow the seeds of tomatoes and hope for potatoes.

look at the seed first.

look at the seed. the awam. Thank you.
It is indeed a deep rooted cultural issue of personality worship and "badmash/ghunda" worship.

Does that mean we should let it go? Let these corrupt run the system, amend the system for their convince? Dismantling it and taking a fresh start is immediately required. After 8 years of Musharaf regime, they promised the nation that they have changed but they are the same. We the people, need to take action and dismantle the system that is protecting them. We can't say that because we have uneducated people in the country and wadara's not allowing the school so we shouldn't seeking buying a computer and using google. We don't need wadar permission to further ourselves in the future.

We are in the 21st century and for Pakistan to advance, we need rapid steps to change the system while these evils and their "chilar party" have promised to uphold the same corrupt system. Change is inevitable and on its way to Pakistan. Just wait and see as civil society, media have rejected their dandacracy, we are not far from a true democracy.

My dear,

I am a keen student of governmental systems in the subcontinent.

We are unfortunately saddled with dynastic parties. Doesn't matter if you are a UPite, Bihari, Bengali, Keralite, sindhi, punjabi or Pashtun.

It doesn't matter, we as people really really prefer leaders and their kids as long as they belong to specific ethnic or religious group.

Gandhi clan, Mujeeb clan, Bhutto clan, Wali Khan clan etc. have been around for decades.

Should we allow these clans to rule our regions?

Heck not.

But these clans will not go away through revolution. The only way to get rid of them is to wait them out and vote them out.

So many of us don't give a damn to voting public. They are the decision makers.

Look at my city of Karachi.

Highest in literacy, highest in economic status in Pakistan

yet, we cry and shout and even die for one man show.

Wait till Altaf's daughter is carried on flower laden charpoy with all of Karachi shouting jeevay jeevay Qaid jeevay.

Then MQM and hence Karachi will be ruled for decades by a new version of BB.

So my dear, this is just a scenario.

you can't sow the seeds of tomatoes and hope for potatoes.

look at the seed first.

look at the seed. the awam. Thank you.

In a True democracy AWAM or Jamoor is the power. Are you suggesting that we should let it go? Let these corrupt run the system and amend the system for their convince? Dismantling it and taking a fresh start is immediately required. After 8 years of Musharaf regime, they promised the nation that they have changed but they are the same. We the people, need to take action and dismantle the system that is protecting them. We can't say that because we have uneducated people in the country and wadara's not allowing the school so we shouldn't seeking buying a computer and using google. We don't need wadar permission to further ourselves in the future.

We are in the 21st century and for Pakistan to advance, we need rapid steps to change the system while these evils and their "chilar party" have promised to uphold the same corrupt system. Change is inevitable and on its way to Pakistan. Just wait and see as civil society, media have rejected their dandacracy, we are not far from a true democracy.
Does that mean we should let it go? Let these corrupt run the system, amend the system for their convince? Dismantling it and taking a fresh start is immediately required. After 8 years of Musharaf regime, they promised the nation that they have changed but they are the same. We the people, need to take action and dismantle the system that is protecting them. We can't say that because we have uneducated people in the country and wadara's not allowing the school so we shouldn't seeking buying a computer and using google. We don't need wadar permission to further ourselves in the future.

We are in the 21st century and for Pakistan to advance, we need rapid steps to change the system while these evils and their "chilar party" have promised to uphold the same corrupt system. Change is inevitable and on its way to Pakistan. Just wait and see as civil society, media have rejected their dandacracy, we are not far from a true democracy.

In a True democracy AWAM or Jamoor is the power. Are you suggesting that we should let it go? Let these corrupt run the system and amend the system for their convince? Dismantling it and taking a fresh start is immediately required. After 8 years of Musharaf regime, they promised the nation that they have changed but they are the same. We the people, need to take action and dismantle the system that is protecting them. We can't say that because we have uneducated people in the country and wadara's not allowing the school so we shouldn't seeking buying a computer and using google. We don't need wadar permission to further ourselves in the future.

We are in the 21st century and for Pakistan to advance, we need rapid steps to change the system while these evils and their "chilar party" have promised to uphold the same corrupt system. Change is inevitable and on its way to Pakistan. Just wait and see as civil society, media have rejected their dandacracy, we are not far from a true democracy.

Ruler / ruling party is a tiny portion of a democratic system.

Volunteerism, literacy, economic prosperity etc. are some of the essential pre-requisites of democracy.

Hope this helps.
True democracy, clean system, purify society, masieh is here with the change which pois people of Pakistan do deserve all these promises are pretty good to fool some people, who are fade up of loadshadding, inflation, security issues. But real question is who is the massieha in making, what steps process will be perform to fix core issues. Which isn't Nooras, family politics, or show bazzi. But the problem which raise these vulnerability in the system, which allow the nation to stop thinking, stop growing, stop realizing that there is something bigger then biryani plate which allows him to sell his vote, the money which isn't the treasure forever.
Ruler / ruling party is a tiny portion of a democratic system.

Volunteerism, literacy, economic prosperity etc. are some of the essential pre-requisites of democracy.

Hope this helps.

Thanks... you don't need to help me as I grew up mostly in North America, God help you and Pakistan. Your theory fails badly in Karachi model. MQM workers volunteer, are most educated and economically better than any other place in Pakistan yet sit on the ground and listen to a drunk idiot who sometime speaks, gags, sings and threats.

Let me teach you a few things. The fundamental to democracy is equality for all and justice for all. I ask you to read my blog again and it tells you how a true democracy works. In a true democracy wadar and you are equal and so is true in the eyes of justice in case of a legal battle between you too. In Canada and US, I stand in the same line to get my coffee where a minister stands and on the airport, the minister stands in the same line as me. If he is treated differently, I have a right to take him to the court under " Canadian charter violation and i don't need to wait 20 years for my turn. The case will be decided by impartial judge in weeks or maybe few months. In a democracy, all the elements of the government work for the welfare of public with check an balance system and vengeance by no means is tolerated. I have my freedom's protected under the constitution and I pay my fair tax to make sure the law is enforced on all equally..

So in short, equality for all and justice for all are the basics. Once that is established, then come forming a government under fair election system. Once the government is formed, it works to protects its people, giving them opportunity for economic prosperity and keeping the national interests ahead of political interests. Citizens are given access to free education and good citizenship is taught in the school and through sesame street on the media. Democracy is not a business of counting chattels.
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