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Low turnout, More Violence as Kashmiris Boycott India Poll


The Kashmiri's were effectively brain washed till 1989 and it was like any other state in India - whatever happened ever since?
Joke of the day! thanks for that one....

Keywords, Jaesh e muhammad, Lashker e toiba, Harkat ul mujhahideen, Harkat ul ansar, JKLF, etc etc

what 50% voter turnout?

Yes indeed, when the Indian security forces get to vote. Easy, cook up the numbers.
More violence as Kashmiris boycott election

SRINAGAR India Wed May 7, 2014 6:49pm IST


(Reuters) - A bomb blast near a polling booth in Kashmir injured a policeman on Wednesday, amid further stone-throwing protests and a widespread boycott of the general election in the mainly Muslim region.

Separatists have called on voters to shun the election in Jammu and Kashmir, holding staggered voting in its six parliamentary seats to allow 700,000 army troops and police to mount a mobile security operation.

That has failed to prevent a string of killings of village elders, blamed by police on militants seeking to intimidate voters. In the most serious incident, three insurgents and one army officer were killed in a clash on April 27.

The bomb exploded outside a polling station at a village in the Baramulla constituency, one of two voting on Wednesday in northern Kashmir, injuring a police reservist, police said.

There were numerous reports of protesters throwing stones at police and election officials in the valley. A bomb was also thrown at a police station the Baramulla district, but no one was injured.

Only a quarter of voters have turned out in Jammu and Kashmir so far in the five-week election, in a show of passive resistance to rule from New Delhi and concern over a likely victory by Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Kashmir has been a source of strife since British India was divided into independent India and Pakistan in 1947, with many Kashmiris, and Pakistan, saying the region should have been part of Muslim Pakistan, not Hindu-majority India.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since 1947, two of them over Kashmir. India says Pakistan supports the separatist militants. Pakistan denies this, saying it only offers moral support to the Kashmiri people.

More violence as Kashmiris boycott election| Reuters

India elections: Kashmir police crack down on separatists before poll

More than 500 people detained before latest round of voting on Wednesday
  • Agence France-Presse in Srinagar
  • theguardian.com, Tuesday 29 April 2014 20.49 AEST

Police in Indian Kashmir have detained more than 500 people including separatist leaders before the latest round of voting in the restive region, officers and separatists said on Tuesday.

Police said the crackdown took place in Kashmir's main city of Srinagar and throughout the constituency that votes on Wednesday as part of the India's six-week general election. "To ensure peaceful and violence-free polling in central Kashmir, police have been taking preventive measures and arrested around 400 stone-pelters and trouble-mongers," a police statement said. "Nobody will be allowed to disrupt the electoral process. The arrests have been made and will continue to be effected to instil confidence among the voters."

Police targeted 130 people who they suspected would lead protests on Wednesday against the polls, arresting them in raids on their homes, a senior officer said. The Muslim-majority Kashmir valley, where a separatist movement against Indian rule is centred, posed a heightened challenge for security forces during previous rounds of polling this month. Top separatist leaders, who reject the elections as well as Indian rule over Kashmir, have been detained in police stations or confined to their houses, separate statements from two main separatist groupings said.

Voting has been light so far in the valley after a campaign of intimidation by local militant groups, who killed three people last week and warned locals not to take part. Police faced stone-throwing protesters in the southern Kashmir valley during voting on 24 April. They used teargas and batons to disperse crowds protesting against the poll. About a dozen rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces since 1989 either for independence or for the merger of the territory with Pakistan. The fighting has left tens of thousands, mostly civilians, dead. Kashmir was divided between India and Pakistan soon after the two countries gained independence from Britain in 1947.

India elections: Kashmir police crack down on separatists before poll | World news | theguardian.com
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Pro-freedom camp hails north Kashmir for ‘boycott’

Srinagar: Various pro-freedom groups Wednesday hailed the people of north Kashmir for boycotting the Parliamentary elections.

“Despite heavy military presence, restrictions, and an atmosphere of fear created by the government, the rejection of polls by the brave people of north Kashmir is commendable,” a spokesman of the Mirwaiz Umar Farooq-led Hurriyat Conference said in a statement. The spokesman said that elections held under Indian constitution could in no way be a substitute for the right to self determination as pledged by the UN to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Till Kashmiris don’t get their political rights, Hurriyat would continue to espouse the cause of freedom and represent Kashmiris political aspirations and sentiments on local as well as international level,” the spokesman said. Expressing satisfaction over the “complete boycott of elections by people of north Kashmir,” senior leader of Hurriyat Conference Jammu Kashmir (HCJK) Shabir Ahmad Shah said the day was not far “when Indian oppression will vanish from Kashmir.”

Shah, who is detained at police station Raj Bagh, said the people of Kashmir by “defeating the nefarious designs of National Conference, Congress, PDP and other pro- India parties had sent a clear message to world community that Kashmiris will settle for nothing short of an end to Indian occupation.” “I salute all those Kashmiris who laid their lives, who are languishing in jails and others for their courage and valor in defeating pro-India elements,” Shah said , according to a statement. Shah said the boycott of parliamentary elections was a “rehearsal for the upcoming Assembly elections.” The “exemplary boycott” by people of north Kashmir had shown once again which side the people were on , Hurriyat Conference (G) Chairman Syed Ali Geelani said.

Rejecting the government figures of voter turnout as concocted , Geelani alleged that the “Indian army had left no stone unturned to force the people of Tangdar, Uri, Gureez and Bandipora to vote in elections, but despite tremendous pressure people showed courage and stayed away from the election drama.” “Major Ragu of 14-RR today once again came in civics in Bandipora areas and threatened the locals to cast votes, but the bold and brave people resisted him and took out a huge procession and raised anti-India, anti-election, pro-Islam and pro-freedom slogans,” he said.

While terming the people from Lolab, Lalpora, Trehgam, Kupwara, Baramulla, Sopore, Bandipora, Pattan, Palhalan, Dooru, Sumbal and Sonawari as the “assets of the freedom movement,” Geelani said by rejecting the “sham election process the people the people had once again shown their commitment to the freedom movement.” JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik also hailed the people of north Kashmir for “boycotting elections and showing their loyalty to the sacred sacrifices of martyrs and the freedom movement.” “Despite coercion and a blanket ban on the activities of the pro-freedom camp, the courage and resolve shown by the people of north Kashmir in boycotting the Parliamentary elections is a morale-booster for entire Kashmiri nation,” Malik said.

Pro-freedom camp hails north Kashmir for ‘boycott’ | Kashmir Reader

And yet the 'sham elections' are done all over the country. :D We are genius. And evil. :devil:
50% Voters turnout seems boycott to Pakistanis. :wacko::wacko:
50% Voters turnout seems boycott to Pakistanis. :wacko::wacko:

The voter turn out has come down to 39.6 from 50% according to Indian sources. As I said. We have reasons for not believing in this 50% figure and that is proving to be true. This figure was fake. You and other Bharati kids on this forum should take a breath since more reports would be shared soon to further demolish this fake figure of 50%. For now check @Aeronaut posts for neutral sources reporting Election boycott by Kashmiris. Thank You. :)

BARAMULLA: North Kashmir recorded 39.6% voter turnout amid protests and a terror attack on Wednesday. This is the highest in the Kashmir valley in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. Earlier 28% and 26% turnout was recorded in Anantnag and Srinagar.

Reports said a youth was critically wounded after a tear gas shell hit him during clashes with paramilitary forces in Bandipora, which witnessed widespread clashes throughout the day that prevented people from voting.

Polling was slow in the morning, but voters came out to vote in large numbers particularly in Kupwara district. Long queues were seen at many polling stations there while there was unrest in Baramalla and Bandipora.

Baramulla town wore a deserted look as police and paramilitary forces patrolled streets. Not a single vote was cast at 11 polling stations in Sopore town till 2.30pm. Twelve votes were polled at Mazebugh. Sopore has long been a separatist stronghold and has traditionally boycotted polls.

"How can we forget the hanging of (parliament attack convict) Afzal Guru and participate in the election?'' asked Sopore resident Farooq Ahmad Dar. "You expect us vote for the people who have enabled execution of Guru inside the Tihar Jail without even informing his parents here.''

Guru's village, Doabgah, observed a complete poll boycott, which was reported from places like Palhalan as well. Several booths in the area recorded zero percent polling till 2pm.

Some youth captured and reportedly locked polling stations at Hardshiva near Sopore and Bandipora. But the Army unlocked the booths, where polling staff was kept hostage.

One jawan was wounded when a crude bomb was hurled at the polling station in Pattan. Hizbul Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attack.

North Kashmir records 39.6% turnout - The Times of India
PS:Voter turnout was allegedly only 26% in Srinagar. I think even this is a exaggerated figure.
Bharat figure of 50% turn over mean actual turn over was less then 5%. Only hindus in Kashmir voted.
The voter turn out has come down to 39.6 from 50% according to Indian sources. As I said. We have reasons for not believing in this 50% figure and that is proving to be true. This figure was fake. You and other Bharati kids on this forum should take a breath since more reports would be shared soon to further demolish this fake figure of 50%. For now check @Aeronaut posts for neutral sources reporting Election boycott by Kashmiris. Thank You. :)

North Kashmir records 39.6% turnout - The Times of India
PS:Voter turnout was allegedly only 26% in Srinagar. I think even this is a exaggerated figure.

39.6% in Baramulla and 65% in Ladakh yesterday. 39.6% seems normal voter turnout. The total voter turnout for entire state was about 50%. ;)
39.6% in Baramulla and 65% in Ladakh yesterday. 39.6% seems normal voter turnout. The total voter turnout for entire state was about 50%. ;)

Actually voter turnout was too low in the valley region. It is only after adding turnout from Ladakh that this voter turnout was distorted to give it a much acceptable look.

Anyways more reports would be quoted soon about failure of elections in IOK.
Actually voter turnout was too low in the valley region. It is only after adding turnout from Ladakh that this voter turnout was distorted to give it a much acceptable look.

Anyways more reports would be quoted soon about failure of elections in IOK.

You had many districts in Pakistan where voter turnout wasn't even 25%, you talking about failure of election in Kashmir. This is called height of delusion. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

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