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Breaking News blast in Chennai Railway Station

.....LOL.....blasts happen in Chennai and the 'rakhwalas of Hinduism' are blaming Bengalis since the train passes through W.Bengal but their tiny brain couldn't comprehend that the train passes through several other states as well.....height of stupidity or blind hatred?

Where were these 'rakhwalas' during the Azad Maidan riot which happened in their heartland(Mumbai).......
They are experts in harassing individuals but when few people were desecrating the Amar Jawan Memorial, they were sitting with their tails tucked in and watching.......HYPOCRITES....
INDIA is for those who r loyal to india not for those who would want to fly saudi or Pakistani flag so i would say 15% minority stands as terrorist not Hindus as thr is not other palce for them.

Stop accusing all minorities.
It seems the target was nellore, where Namo was to held a rally today. But since the train was 1.30 hours late, it exploded in Chennai.
But I am pretty sure, its the terrorist chance to experience Chennai Police techniques of torture.
Sad News RIP. Hopefully No ISI bashing this time before proper investigation.
Even after 60 years India failed to integrate 15% of it's population in the mainstream, the blame lies on India and selected few of your kind who'd put fingers on them on any terrorism mishaps.

If you have even a little shame, go away.

We have know one thing. Ghettosiation of Muslims happens in every place. As far as TN is concerned minorities are well integrated. We can blame the minorities themselves for failing to integrate as well. And Congress with its appeasement policies, further divided the equation. Sometimes uniformity must be forced for all for the sake of national good. Congress failed to do that.
.....LOL.....blasts happen in Chennai and the 'rakhwalas of Hinduism' are blaming Bengalis since the train passes through W.Bengal but their tiny brain couldn't comprehend that the train passes through several other states as well.....height of stupidity or blind hatred?

Where were these 'rakhwalas' during the Azad Maidan riot which happened in their heartland(Mumbai).......
They are experts in harassing individuals but when few people were desecrating the Amar Jawan Memorial, they were sitting with their tails tucked in and watching.......HYPOCRITES....

You mean you had intimated us about the Azad Maidan riots beforehand and we failed to turn up?
You need nutrition. Have Horlicks, complan or something.

No we bengali's eat fish for high IQ. Horlicks is too expensive for liberal bengali's like me, but Mamata Banerjee has promised a lot of development so I am expecting the GDP of Bengal to grow at 10-15% per annum. Soon I will be able to afford Horlicks or complan. Which is better ?
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