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Mumbai Attacks

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Bhai jaan, kam se kam hum Afghanistan ko apne desh ka ek aur province (Afghania) to nahin maante. :azn:

Cheers, Doc

Bhai Jan, actually it is the opposite...it has been Afghanistan which claimed our western belt and even attacked Pakistan in 1962 and was beaten roundly by the Pakistani Tribesmen and Military.

BTW the term Afghania was used since long to represent Pashtuns even before the Afghanistan name came into being as a State.

International politics is works on a simple logic......nail your enemy at the first instance......expose his evil deeds in front of the entire world as soon as you have the first valid proof of his involvement.....is it too difficult .....

India had proof..and it went on with an excellent diplomatic offensive against Pakistan ...and secluded and cornered Pakistan using whatever proof it had.....and the world got convinced ...and look at your country..now....your govt.. has to justify each and every move..it makes even inside your own country.....
Your lack of knowledge is apparant here. It's you shut up about things you don't know about.

Same holds good for Pakistanis if they don't want to believe that Pakistan is a terrorist breeding ground....the whole world is convinced and is working double shift to make Pakistanis work ten times more harder to get visas into their nations....

I couldn't care less about what the whole world believes. Whole world believes what their government wants them to believe. If Pakistan breeding terrorism was in some government's interests, they wouldn't talk about it. Just like how India breeding terrorism is in interests for some countries, so they never talk about. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know.
As far as indian consulates go, it's not just the consulates, its the number of so-called information centers and secret centers that india has to support terrorism. I don't see any results that india has achieved in Afghanistan other than building some roads. I do know what they have been doing as far as TTP is concerned.
Isn't that your personal opinion, this kind of censorship is not the answer. You have to counter argue and put points against a statement.

He is not saying what he means by deluded. If he means that we do not believe that TTP is behind the attacks, then he is wrong. Most Pakistanis believe that. If he is talking about indian involvement, then he is misinformed. People have reason to believe in indian involvement. If you believe that each and every bit of information is presented to people by governments, you're the one deluded.

It not only makes sense to me but many of your fellow Pakistanis as well read the comments made by them if you don't trust/believe Indians. And for godsakes try looking at things from their and our way as well it just might make a little sense to you and your fellow Admins here.

If I remember there were no comments on the article you posted.

It makes a "a little sense" to you and some Pakistan-hating Pakistanis. I couldnt' care less what these people have to say. I do not know what comments you're posted but the posts are always along the lines of "you must be deluded" or "conspiracy theorists" etc, which never answer the concerns but just use cheap tactics to shut people up.
Yeah! And after killing Karkare and Salskar, those Hindu RAW terrorists went to Taj and Oberoi to kill more of their brethren. Of course they did all this to malign Pakistan.

Dude you seriously need to get yourself a mental check-up.

The bounds to which people have no idea what they're talking about couldn't get any worse. And this is just an example. Son, do you seriously believe if it was hindu extremists behind these attacks, they will make it THAT obvious by simply just him?
Since GoP has already accepted this operation was partially planned, funded and supported in Pakistan. So all your post becomes irrelevant.:argh:

That's really irrelevent. You don't know what happens behind close doors in politics.
The Nadeem article fails to address anything worthwhile. Yes, those who believe TTP are not behind the attacks are deluded. But the concern is where TTP is getting its logistical and financial funding. The article fails to address that except saying that 'anyone who doesn't agree with me is a moron'.
Nobody answered my posts on page 2 as to what's going on with the Samjhauta express story. Do americans have their own version of the story? Are they confusing the attack with some other attack?
My sincere thanks to all the Indian bloggers who have posted in this thread.

My dear Indian Brothers, by voicing your comments here you have upheld the honour of those of our martyred brothers and sisters who can no longer speak for themselves. Today the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis will claim that those innocents were killed by our own government and tomorrow they'll claim that the incident never happened and that it is a figment of our imagination. But it is upto to us to ensure that the flame of those dead countrymen is never allowed to die out. NEVER FORGET... NEVER FORGIVE!
So yet again they shifted the blame to Pakistan for Samjhauta express with false evidence. Not too long ago they were blaming Pakistan then hindu extremists and now Pakistan again. Attacking Pakistani nationals in india is the last thing LeT would do.

What is false and what is true is not known by me and you. It is known by investigators. Purohit was never blamed for Samjota although it was inquired because Suitcase were assemble in popular city Indore were meeting of Malegoan Blast was held.

They don't blame, they blame LeT. If you consider LeT a part of Pakistan, then do mean Pakistan otherwise an Islamic Militant.

So as it turns out all this blaming shifting has been done by US treasury. On what grounds and for what reasons is unclear, because not too long ago it was established that hindu extremists were behind this. And what is US treasury doing dealing with terrorism? That's not one of their roles is it?

So to summarize it.

Before 1st July 2009, everyone, including indians, believe that it was hindu extremists behind Samjhauta express bombings.

On 1st July, a US treasury article shows up blaming LeT. Surprisingly, it has absolutely no input from indian government but rather seems to be independent. No proof or reasoning is given except this statement:

"al Qaida provided Qasmani with operatives to support the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India."

All this time before it was said by indian government that it was hindu extremists. Now from no input from indians, it is said that it was LeT. Either US is confusing this with an another attack or saying this for another reason which is unclear.

No one is confusing, its Ziad Hamid who is confusing you a lot. We don't know what US published or not. Hindu Extremist Purohit was called in as suspect then released because he was not involved in that. The reason he was suspected is mentioned above. Please care to read it again. - Thanks

Ok no one is asking you to watch it. Don't watch it if you think they are BS or something. It is not made for any international audience.

Christine Fair also said that india is supporting terrorism in Pakistan so if you agree with her on that you should also consider what else she said.

If he said we agree, but not too long Mrs. Clinton told that there has been proof about India's involvement in Baluchistan or in Pakistan. Is not Clinton more aware than your C fair. Wait a minute. You talk about US treasury.... without proof blamed LeT. Is not this also without anything. You should stop two way games first of all.

Let me admit India involved in Baluchistan because I think they are. Then what ? You are the most unhuman to spread terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. You are having JeM, LeT, Hujju, etc. Now you have shifted from Kashmir to Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad. First of clear your terrorism then talk about Baluchistan.

The Nadeem article fails to address anything worthwhile. Yes, those who believe TTP are not behind the attacks are deluded. But the concern is where TTP is getting its logistical and financial funding. The article fails to address that except saying that 'anyone who doesn't agree with me is a moron'.

TTP ? Oh! Hopefully you have good memory. TTP announce just after Mumbai Attack that if India attacked Pakistan, they will join Pakistan side and will fight till last blood. Again two way game. Stop it enough Hamid Fan.

That's really irrelevent. You don't know what happens behind close doors in politics.

Looks Perfect, you are still behind door. Try to kill Hamid Dreams and come to real world

Nobody answered my posts on page 2 as to what's going on with the Samjhauta express story. Do americans have their own version of the story? Are they confusing the attack with some other attack?

- Hopefully I covered your Page 2 Successfully.

indians will caught red handed stealing yet they will claim its was someone else doing it. That's how big liar and deceivers they are.

Sorry BD troller, for you no answer.
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dada don't mind but i think you have forgotten you country's history....the flag that you are posting under your name would have been different if we didn't intervene....beimani korle cholbe?:coffee:

Your media and govt fed you bull crap and your are still living in it. Bangaldeshis did india a big favor by seperated from india's enemy. So show some gratitude.

Regardless what you bringing up is not an argument for the topic but misrable failure to hide indian involvement in terrorism.
Regardless what you bringing up is not an argument for the topic but misrable failure to hide indian involvement in terrorism.

What topic are you refering to? The topic here is Pakistan's involvement in the Mumbai Attacks. If you want to talk about Indian involvement in terrorism, go to the appropriate thread. Your attitude is so typical of the Bangladeshis nowadays -- you're just blindly following the Pakistanis. Carry on... the result will be the same and then you'll come back to us crying for help.
this has more meaning with regards to the topic title than what has been posted above:

Italian arrests cast fresh doubt on Islamabad probe’s integrity

Last November, two rubber dinghies carrying 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba “fidayeen” armed with assault rifles and explosives nudged up along the Mumbai shoreline.

One hundred and seventy-three people died, and more than 300 were injured in the carnage that followed.

In the months that have passed, evidence has been mounting that Pakistan investigators had failed to act against key perpetrators—and, worse, may have colluded in effort to help them evade justice.

During his visit to Jammu and Kashmir last month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made clear his dissatisfaction with the Pakistani investigation—the latest in a series of Indian high officials to do so. “We are not satisfied,” he said, “that goes without saying. We hope Pakistan will take effective measures to bring to justice all the perpetrators of 26/11.”

Saturday’s arrests in Italy have thrown up fresh evidence that muddies Pakistan’s claims to be serious about investigating the carnage in Mumbai.

In February, 2009, Pakistan’s Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik alleged that Barcelona resident Javed Iqbal was responsible for transferring funds to the United States-based voice-over-internet service used by the Lashkar to guide the assault unit that carried out the attacks.

“Having ascertained the involvement of Javed Iqbal,” Mr. Malik told journalists, “we somehow lured him into coming to Pakistan and he was arrested on his arrival.”

Pakistani investigators were reported to have discovered Mr. Iqbal’s role in the funds transfers after examining a computer used by a key Lashkar commander, identified by the code-name Zarar Shah.

But in an exclusive interview to The Hindu, Italian counter-terrorism police chief Stefano Fonzi asserted that Mr. Iqbal had never in fact travelled to his country—and was likely a victim of identity theft.

Italy’s crack Divisione Investigazioni Generali e Operazioni Speciali, [Division of General Investigations and Special Operations] arrested 60-year-old Mohammad Yaqub Janjua and his 31-year-old son Aamer Yaqub Janjua routing the funds through their Brescia business.

“We discovered,” Mr. Fonzi said, “that the Brescia-based outfit had made several transfers using the identity of totally innocent, unsuspecting persons. Thus there were over 300 transfers in the name of a certain Javed Iqbal, who had never even set foot in Italy,

Mr. Fonzi also said the owners of the funds acted on instructions from two Pakistan-based individuals he was not at liberty to name. It is unclear why Pakistan has not held the two suspects.

Missing commanders

India investigators believe that the funds trail could lead to Sajid Mir—head of the Lashkar’s transcontinental operations, whose name has figured in investigations of terrorist cells stretching from Australia and Europe to the United States.

Many Indian investigators believe Mir, who remains at large, could in fact be Zarar Shah: the commander who guided the Mumbai assault team through the voice-over-internet connections purchased through Brescia.

Pakistani authorities have identified Sheikhupura resident Abdul Wajid as “Zarar Shah,” and charged him with organising these transactions. However, Pakistan has refused to allow the FBI access to Wajid, raising suspicions that he may in fact be a relatively low-level operative. It has also so far failed to provide Wajid’s voice samples, which would allow them to be matched against the audio in the intercepted phone calls.

Despite an official request, Indian authorities have also been denied photographs of Wajid, which would allow the Mumbai police to confirm if he is indeed the individual known as Zarar Shah to jihadists who met him in the past—among them alleged Indian Mujahideen co-founder Sadiq Israr Sheikh.

Both Indian and U.S.investigators have also been denied access to two other key suspects, Lashkar military chief Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi and his deputy, Mazhar Iqbal.

For the most part, Pakistan’s action against the top leadership of the Lashkar has been marked by indifference.

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, head of the Lashkar’s parent religious-political group, the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, has never been prosecuted for leading the organisation that carried out the attacks.

Muzammil Bhat, the Lashkar’s top military commander, remains at large, though intercepted phone calls show he remains in touch with Lashkar units across Pakistan.

In recent weeks, new leads have begun to emerge, with the arrests of Lashkar operatives Ronald Headley and Tahawwur Rana in Chicago—men India believes may have carried out pre-attack reconnaissance for the assault team.

“But without full cooperation from Pakistan,” a senior Indian intelligence official told The Hindu, “it is profoundly unlikely we’ll ever know the full picture.”
They don't blame, they blame LeT. If you consider LeT a part of Pakistan, then do mean Pakistan otherwise an Islamic Militant.
I don't consider LeT Pakistan. Indians confuse the two sometimes so I was directly referring to that.

No one is confusing, its Ziad Hamid who is confusing you a lot. We don't know what US published or not. Hindu Extremist Purohit was called in as suspect then released because he was not involved in that. The reason he was suspected is mentioned above. Please care to read it again. - Thanks

I am not any Zaid Hamid fan so stop putting words in my mouth. Before July 1, 2009 it was believed that it was hindu extremists behind the attack. Now only July 1 US treasury comes in and blames LeT without any input from indians. I believe either US has cooked up their own version or they are either confusing this attack with another one.

If he said we agree, but not too long Mrs. Clinton told that there has been proof about India's involvement in Baluchistan or in Pakistan. Is not Clinton more aware than your C fair. Wait a minute. You talk about US treasury.... without proof blamed LeT. Is not this also without anything. You should stop two way games first of all.
I have dealt with this several times. Hillary Clinton is part of US state which has its own interests. US treasury has not even made any fake proof.

You're blaming me of two way game but you're doing it yourself. You accept LeT responsibility in Samjhauta express without any proof while asking me for evidence of indian involvement. See how it works from that angle?

Additionally, if US had any evidence, they would've showed it. It's an apples and oranges comparison to the Pakistan showing indian evidence because US is not under any pressure to not show the evidence.

Let me admit India involved in Baluchistan because I think they are. Then what ? You are the most unhuman to spread terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. You are having JeM, LeT, Hujju, etc. Now you have shifted from Kashmir to Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad. First of clear your terrorism then talk about Baluchistan.

Your history goes back only so many years. Let me remind you who started terrorism. Remember 1971? RAW's heavy involvement in supporting terrorists? OK you might make the argument of supporting liberation of bengalis, but same argument can be used against you that since Kashmiris are oppressed, we are merely supporting their liberation. Again, see how angle works.

And please, Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad were not done by the state. Additionally, all that terrorism is eclipsed by indian terrorism in Pakistan.

TTP ? Oh! Hopefully you have good memory. TTP announce just after Mumbai Attack that if India attacked Pakistan, they will join Pakistan side and will fight till last blood. Again two way game. Stop it enough Hamid Fan.
That's a pathetic argument. TTP will NOT fight india. They only say that to get more popularity. They have shown no actual intent on fighting india and just use words.

Looks Perfect, you are still behind door. Try to kill Hamid Dreams and come to real world
So only personal attacks. Not surprising.

- Hopefully I covered your Page 2 Successfully.

No you haven't. You went off topic.
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