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Is Bangladesh’s foreign policy becoming India and Russia-centric?

Well maybe we use it for irrigation, but you guys consider this shit-water holy and drink it.
lol.....u guys are a great bunch !!!!! u use it for irrigation, then where do u get ur drinking water from ??? bay of bengal ???
We should have foreign policy to favor India, China and Russia. If Pakistan apologizes then we can have good relation with it.
Well actually all the peoples of MP goes to Ganga and use toilet there and our Bengali brethren across the border use it to.......:D

Well, thats ok with us as we dont purify ourselves. neither drink with it... Its you who does all those ... :)
Bangladesh's foreign policy should not be any country centric, it should be independent. Our decisions must not be influenced by any country.
then why you guys are always complaining about water illegaly held by india ??

We need it mainly for irrigation. Even if you don't use river water directly from the river the amount of rainfall in a region is directly related to the volume of surface water of which rivers are the main source. Again the water table (roughly the groundwater level) in an area will recede if their is a shortage of rainfall. Recession of water table will affect growth of vegetation along with availability of groundwater lifted by pumps/tubewells.
I guess people like you have started eating shit of each other recently. Maybe you discovered some nutrition value in shit, after all was it not an Indian minister who advised you to eat rats?

We recently got new advisory to eat Bangladeshis.
Only an India-centric foreign as well as internal policy can save Bangladesh from the big bad world outside and ensure its growth. :-)
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