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US military departure from Afghanistan ‘cluttered’


Old love dies hard---. Try as it may---the U S has nowhere to go but still keep seeking help from pakistan----. For some starnge reason known best to them---the Gods have aligned the stars of pakistan and the U S and everytime the U S wants to break off the relationship---it gets spanked.

The moment the U S thinks that it is ready to move away from pak---something happens on the world front that it is back in the lap of the old lover.

30 days ago---other than Tom Clancy ( in his grave ) who would have thought about the russian take over of crimea in such a brisk manner---who would have thought that there would be no alternate routes for the U S to exit afghanistan. And only and only route left would be thru pakistan.

The sad part is that there is no pakistani talking about pakistan's position on the u s news media---when Musharraf was in power---at least the americans knew what pakistan's position was. Now in years---there has been no one explaining paks position.

What a tactical loss of oppurtunity.

Old love dies hard---. Try as it may---the U S has nowhere to go but still keep seeking help from pakistan----. For some starnge reason known best to them---the Gods have aligned the stars of pakistan and the U S and everytime the U S wants to break off the relationship---it gets spanked.

The moment the U S thinks that it is ready to move away from pak---something happens on the world front that it is back in the lap of the old lover.

30 days ago---other than Tom Clancy ( in his grave ) who would have thought about the russian take over of crimea in such a brisk manner---who would have thought that there would be no alternate routes for the U S to exit afghanistan. And only and only route left would be thru pakistan.

The sad part is that there is no pakistani talking about pakistan's position on the u s news media---when Musharraf was in power---at least the americans knew what pakistan's position was. Now in years---there has been no one explaining paks position.

What a tactical loss of oppurtunity.
Couldn't agree more. Seem like the Pakistani gov and people have gone to sleep and will need a real big jolt to wake them up.
Couldn't agree more. Seem like the Pakistani gov and people have gone to sleep and will need a real big jolt to wake them up.

Not surprised because at the moment economic recovery, energy shortage and terrorism are the main things we should worry about. In Musharraf era economy was doing well, no energy shortage and terrorism in small scale mostly unlike now.
Not surprised because at the moment economic recovery, energy shortage and terrorism are the main things we should worry about. In Musharraf era economy was doing well, no energy shortage and terrorism in small scale mostly unlike now.

You could have said that Pakistan is not interested in US and the peanuts it throws at it, or that Pakistan is more interested in SCO and Russia then the Western alliance and thus won't be drawn.
But to say that Pakistan is too busy internally to bother about it's surrounding is a very dumb policy, if true. It's like saying that Pakistan has a Foreign ministry but because of the work load at the Interior ministry has closed it down and transferred all its staff.
I don't understand what the whole drama is about the Pakistan route? As we speak conveys are leaving through there.

But I feel this will now be the only route the US has now. The Russians have literally shut every door on them.
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