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1000 Minority girls forced into marriage each year : Report

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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1,000 minority girls forced in marriage every year: report - DAWN.COM


WASHINGTON: An estimated one thousand Christian and Hindu women are forced to convert and marry Muslim men in Pakistan every year, says a report released on Monday.

According to a report by the Movement for Solidarity and Peace in Pakistan, up to 700 of these women are Christian and 300 are Hindu.

“The true scale of the problem is likely to be much greater, as a number of cases are never reported or do not progress through the law-enforcement and legal systems,” the authors claim.

The MSP also issued an appeal for action along with this investigative report detailing forced marriages and conversions of Christian girls and women in Pakistan.

The Christian community in Pakistan is over two million in size, accounts for 42 per cent of Pakistan's minority population, and is mostly resident in Punjab.

MSP’s investigations find that cases of forced marriages/conversions follow a distinctive pattern: Christian girls — usually between the ages of 12 and 25 — are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the abductor or third party.

The victim's family usually files a First Information Report for abduction or rape with the local police station. The abductor, on behalf of the victim girl, files a counter FIR, accusing the Christian family of harassing the willfully converted and married girl, and for conspiring to convert the girl back to Christianity.

Upon production in the courts or before the magistrate, the victim girl is asked to testify whether she converted and married of her own free will or if she was abducted.

In most cases, the girl remains in custody of the abductor while judicial proceedings are carried out.

Upon the girl's pronouncement that she willfully converted and consented to the marriage, the case is settled without relief for the family. Once in the custody of the abductor, the victim girl may be subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse.

These patterns of violence and miscarriages of justice are explored in the report through an examination of 10 illustrative cases.

The report also describes the historical and social context of the problem, and the particular grievances of Pakistan's Christian community in relation to the existing legal, political, and procedural guarantees for the protection of human rights of Pakistan's religious minorities. The report also highlights the patterns of violence through which the law and social attitudes become complicit in providing immunity for perpetrators, and the complex nature of associated crimes that make it difficult to categorise this crime as specific to religious identity. The report concludes with detailed recommendations at various levels — national, provincial, and local — for key stakeholders.

MSP is mobilising an inclusive coalition to raise awareness on this issue. MSP will host outreach events in the coming weeks in Pakistan (in collaboration with the National Commission of Justice and Peace in Pakistan) and around the world.
The world is messed up, which is why I propose we just destroy it. You can count on me when I become the president of the U.S. you bet I will bury all of Pangea under the oceans engulfing this earth. I promise I won't let anybody down.
Why no death penalty for these buggerS? Since when did insulting religion become a far greater sin than forcing a girl to marry without her/ her parents permission?
I'm wondering why the kidnapped girls take the side of the abducter at court if she doesn't want him. Doesn't make sense.
I'm wondering why the kidnapped girls take the side of the abducter at court if she doesn't want him. Doesn't make sense.

A number of reasons..

By the time Police is goaded into investigation and a case is filed she is a mother and is torn between her children and parents.

Even if she deposes against her abductors and husband by the time the court decides she still has to live with them till custody is handed over.Further, the husband can go to a higher court which can be made to drag for years. By then she has more children.

Next is the unacceptability in the family / society she came from.

Lastly, her parents may be living in the same village/ colony. Even if she were to go back, she would be living next door !

The list goes on - apply yourself.
A number of reasons..

By the time Police is goaded into investigation and a case is filed she is a mother and is torn between her children and parents.

Even if she deposes against her abductors and husband by the time the court decides she still has to live with them till custody is handed over.Further, the husband can go to a higher court which can be made to drag for years. By then she has more children.

Next is the unacceptability in the family / society she came from.

Lastly, her parents may be living in the same village/ colony. Even if she were to go back, she would be living next door !

The list goes on - apply yourself.
It takes so long to file a kindnapping? And how can the parents live at home if next door her daughter is being raped. sane parents would die or die trying to safe their daughters. She could also flee at home if she lives next door with her abducter. Seems to me it is just a case of tough love and the girl chooses to be with the man so the family can't help her. I mean I'f she is kidnapped just kidnap her back. It is your own blood.
It takes so long to file a kindnapping? And how can the parents live at home if next door her daughter is being raped. sane parents would die or die trying to safe their daughters. She could also flee at home if she lives next dor with her abducter.

You evidently have no idea how things work in this part of the world.

9 out 10 times the Police wont even file a case - they say it either did not happen or the girl left on her own.Next, they dont even accept the fact that she is underage.

In most cases unless extreme pressure is applied the Police does not react.

All of the above is applicable to India too though at a lesser degree due to activism and the voice minorities have.

In Pakistan, add the Blasphemy Law to this, ten men get together and say they saw the girls brother or father burn the holy book.Now watch the fun -the entire system gangs up to kill, burn & destroy the girls home & relatives & the court hangs those left alive.

Hope this helps.
You evidently have no idea how things work in this part of the world.

9 out 10 times the Police wont even file a case - they say it either did not happen or the girl left on her own.Next, they dont even accept the fact that she is underage.

In most cases unless extreme pressure is applied the Police does not react.

All of the above is applicable to India too though at a lesser degree due to activism and the voice minorities have.

In Pakistan, add the Blasphemy Law to this, ten men get together and say they saw the girls brother or father burn the holy book.Now watch the fun -the entire system gangs up to kill, burn & destroy the girls home & relatives & the court hangs those left alive.

Hope this helps.
if you die anyway, die saving your daughter. If they kidnap your daughter. Kidnap her back and file a complaint.
Pure propaganda against Pakistan.

Shameful report.


The best way to solve a problem is to deny it & pretend it does not exist !

if you die anyway, die saving your daughter. If they kidnap your daughter. Kidnap her back and file a complaint.

Back to Rule No 1 - Police does not file a complaint from a member of the minority community against Muslims.

..and when in doubt - The Blasphemy Law helps .

The poor father perhaps has three more daughters and parents to protect , whom does he go to ? Should he kill them all to save one ? Thats his plight.

The best way to solve a problem is to deny it & pretend it does not exist !

There is no evidence for the above stated rhetoric.

"1000 Muslim girls are forced to have sex with American boys in America every year"

Yeah, what now?

Few incidents here and there are possible...but a systematic occurring of this phenomenon holds no water.
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