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Mar 9, 2014
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You fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice, shame on ME but here a great leader like Imran Khan has been fooled again and again by the corrupt political elite of Pakistan with a weapon of choice " a corrupt political system". Once a main leader for restoration of "Pakistan Judiciary Movement", he was fool when the movement was high jacked by Mian Nawaz Sherif at Shahdara Chock Lahore. Nawaz Sherif was later hailed as the Hero by the nation when near Jhelum PPP governments agreed to reinstate Ex- CJ and his judicial gang.

He was fooled again, trusting, Pakistani judiciary will provide “FREE and FAIR ELECTION" in 2013 to the people of Pakistan. He later called election 2013 as "most rigged election in Pakistani history". He was so furious that he called the election "a shameless act of Pakistani Judiciary". His dream to be a Prime Minister of Pakistan was snatched away from him when he was fooled to accept a so called "independent election commission of Pakistan". Feeling ashamed for his parties failure to win majority against PMLN, he announced to bring people on the street and demanded recount.... later he backed off and now he is mute.

On the issue of Pakistani Taliban, Imran Khan got himself labelled as Taliban Khan, Zaliman Khan and what not but he didn't change his stance on Taliban. Right or wrong stance is a separate blog but he presented himself as the true voice of Taliban not only to the Pakistani nation but the West and especially the United States. He wanted PTI to be Sinn Fein of Taliban to negotiate a peace deal with government but Taliban always denied him. He offered Taliban office in KPK and for years remained TTP's unofficial spokesmen but Taliban always considered him part of the same “Infidel democratic system", though thanked for the offer.

After posting a Taliban label on himself and accepting political liability for having softer corner for terrorists, now once again, he is fooled. Closest to Imran Khan Heart, Taliban peace talks are once again high jacked by Mian Nawaz Sherif as the Prime Minister of the country. What Imran wanted from years, “negotiations with Taliban”, is happening in front of his eyes which he or PTI can't claim any credit. Smartly, PM Nawaz Sherif has formed a government committee to directly negotiate a so called “Peace Deal" with Taliban. One more time, Mian Nawaz Sherif made Imran a "Mamoo" by having a breakfast at his residence and taking him in confidence that PLMN government will achieve peace. Once again PM Nawaz Sherif is a Hero and Imran stands again at Zero.

These days when you see Imran Khan on the TV, he has a "looser" look evident on his face. As his mind is not accepting defeat, he keeps making meritless statements such as "negotiations have proven a split between Taliban groups". Untrue, Taliban have no split and are more organized under their Amir unlike Pakistani political parties. If he is referring to Ahrar-ul-Hind, a Taliban splinter group, he is wrong again because it’s been reported that F8 hit was authorized by 4 Taliban groups. Taliban are united and there are "No Groups" who have claimed disassociation with Taliban since the start of the government dialogue.

Imran Khan looks clueless about the negotiations when he states that Taliban just have one demand, Pakistan should disassociate herself from American War. Untrue, all the demands that are put forth by Taliban have no mention of any such demand. Even Taliban know that Afghan war is over and American are leaving so disassociation is automatic and a matter of few months. Unknown to Imran Khan, TTP has only demanded 300 noncombatants, 700 combatants, free area or Green Zone to move, prisoner exchange and enforcement of Sharia in their areas.

Imran Khan, as a elected member of Parliament forgets to acknowledge that few thousand Terrorist can't dictate the foreign policy of a nuclear nation of 180 million. It’s the job of the legislatures like himself and the Government of Pakistan to come out with a foreign policy, truly reflecting the will of the people and represent national interests.

Adding to Imran Khan's confusion and frustration are the internal affairs of PTI which are running out of control. Top PTI leadership fights over party controls and can't handle their respective party roles let alone if given a national role. Alarming also is a drop in overseas support and with next elections 4 plus years away......Future premiership of Pakistan is looking murky to him.

It will be sad to see such a legend, a hero, pride of the nation, a great leader and a social worker standing on the wrong side of the history in politics. Where he should have been a vocalist for 70,000 victims of terror, he voiced the concerns of the terrorists and where he should have taken a lead to get 2013 election VOIDED, he stood muted to support sham democracy.

In my view, his close political pundits have misguided him in believing that if "street power" is used, military will take over derailing the political system. The false doctrine "to save democracy, PTI should except the election results" itself, undermining Imran Khan's own demonstrated leadership abilities to united people. He should not forget that PTI holds most popular vote in Pakistan and if any, PTI will be the beneficiary of any such adventurism by military so as Imran Khan he should stand for what is right. That what makes Imran Khan…. “Great Khan”

My advice, take a vacation to London, reassess and revisit policies based on demographics and then reform the party once you come back. If PM Nawaz Sherif, backed by Saudi regime succeeds to bring 20 percent improvement in current Pakistan, I see a great grandson Sherif running Pakistan with No PTI in the picture.

Sorry to crack your bubble

First of all Imran Khan is not a leader anymore he is an "ideology for change", the single man may have touched more lives and changed lives of many poor and weaker folks in his home country then Dali Lama, god know how many Patients are treated yearly in the hospitals he established of international standard but he has done more good then Dali Lama.

Imran has never known the meaning of failure , I have seen him grown into this great leader that he is from time he was labelled as a playboy for merely spending time in Western Society by the same hypocrites who themselves strive to be part of that society.

Well the first acquisition, Imran failed in last election because he entrusted the judiciary for protection of elections.

a) Sure imran Khan did not gain full control of country but he did gained a chance to polish his
skills in KPK he and his colleagues have been working hard on daily basis and the change is
showing even in one the most neglected provinces. Also its positive the Nawaz Sharif has
also done some positive things in government

b) One can argue the first stage is a provincial level run and he is polishing the skills in political office

Secondly you stated , that Imran has failed Pakistan by trying to negotiate truce or peace , why is it odd to negotiate peace? Aren't Putin and Obama talking on phone yesterday to solve crisis ?

Civilizations have talked about peace efforts in past , and Imran has done nothing different.

There is nothing wrong in attempting to discuss peace and throwing down weapons and focusing on living normal lives

Thank you for spreading wrong information

Imran Khan has done quite well since he came to office

  • Introduction of English school medium in KPK
  • Improved health conditions of region special polio drive (Social work)
  • Establishment of hospital development fund
  • Him and his colleagues have worked with International universities to open offices in region or branches. (UK and Australian Universities keen on project and branches)
  • Overhaul of Police systems , introduction of emergency systems and CCTV monitoring
  • Anti Terrorism special task force in province
  • Plant and forestation campaigns in province.
  • Tax collection bench marks (improvements)
  • Passed Anti Drone resolution in United Nations
  • Hospital and school funding
  • He ran polio campaigns when Taliban are killing vaccine doctors
  • Metro Bus project , and Metro Train in works for Metropolitan areas
  • Mobile courts "working courts"
  • Rescue 1122 service , a emergency phone line
  • Police reporting for complaints via online / telephone , Police salary increase

Stand behind Imran Khan's resolve to tackle Terrorism.

  • Its the right of Pakistan nation to secure it's airspace and all citizens
  • Its the right of Pakistani folks to determine what passes or not passes thru the roads
  • We determine how we negotiate peace with anyone on our own terms

Look at the picture below, you will see countless faces ... but if you will see the closeups of the faces of people sitting close you can see clearly the smile and happiness in faces of general public :)


Perhaps this thread is a good introduction to KPK government's positive movement

Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK. | Page 149

Plus I know where my $200 dollar donation is going this year :) either Imran's hospitals or his
new school initiative
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I am sorry to offend you, You are screaming more than Dr. Alvi. No disrespect to Imran Khan but everything i wrote is a hard fact and only time will tell that making KPK government with JI was another mistake. With 330 million rupee annual budget of KPK, this is what you have to show for....
Imran Khan is a fool and nothing and nobody can change that fact. The man may be a super personality, an honest and dedicated person but he is stupid and that part of his personality cannot change.
Well we live in Democratic republic , people can vote next election , hopefully a biometric system with finger prints and retina scans

But so far performance has been great





Not to mention improved security




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... Taliban peace talks are once again high jacked by Mian Nawaz Sherif as the Prime Minister of the country. What Imran wanted from years, “negotiations with Taliban”, is happening in front of his eyes which he or PTI can't claim any credit...

What IK wanted is happening on ground. So that's his success. No one got fooled except the writer & YOU are foolish not to get that. You got fooled again.

IK gets ALL the credit, when The prime Minister visits him in his house.
But writer & YOU are too gullible to perceive that.

To IK belongs ALL the credit, when Prime Minister of country shakes hand with him in National Assembly & asks IK to give him precious advices.

To IK belongs the success when Military of country & ruling Government both are following the path that IK has been preaching since decade. But the writer & YOU are too imbecile to comprehend.

And "highjacked by NS" doesn't sound like a medal for NS.! It's more like an insult to NS. And of course talks had to be conducted by the ruling government, NOT by an opposition party. Did you expect a non-government to be conducting talks??? How foolish of you. Besides I don't remember IK ever expressing desire to conduct talks "himself".

So we conclude that IK didn't get fooled, rather gave a dose of sense both to Army & Government; as both are following IK's directions. And that's a HUGE credit for IK... it's just that YOU & writer are mentally challenged goofs. Hey "Molson4u" I bet you drank too much Canadian "Molson", and your B12 deficient brain lost too many of its cells... Cut down on that so may be you'll start to get it.

..he has a "looser" look evident on his face..
This is how a loser looks like:
Nervous, scared, strangled-neck, incessantly looking at slips, confident-less, cartoon:
"گواچى گاں"



from 03:05+ "Yeh LIVE Toe Nahi Jaa Raha"
"يه لاايو تو نهں جا رها"


This is what a loser sounds like:
"...with a pat on the back from President Bush ..."

... Many of the things are not make public. For example, Imran Khan called Nawaz Sherif to ask him for meeting. ... Its politics on a much higher level than you little mind can handle...Please stop blindly worshiping and call a spade a spade.
And you, a Molson drinker, have access to top secret government conversations. The last line of yours, you need that, I already am a free mind: I just called YOU a spade... An inebriated Molson drinker would be the best person to judge who's fool, right. Irrespective of who made first call, it was Prime Minister of the country who visited IK in his house. It's Military of the country who is tracing the steps of IK.
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What IK wanted is happening. So that's his success. No one got fooled except the writer & YOU are foolish not to get that. You got fooled again.

IK gets ALL the credit, when The prime Minister visits him in his house.
But writer & YOU are gullible to get perceive that.

To IK belongs ALL the credit, when Prime Minister of country shakes hand with him in National Assembly & asks IK to give him precious advices.

To IK belongs the success when Military of country & ruling Government both are following the path that IK has been preaching since decade. But the writer & YOU are too imbecile to comprehend.

And "highjacked by NS" doesn't sound like a medal for NS.! It's more like an insult to NS. And of course talk had to be conducted by the ruling government, NOT by an opposition party. Did you expect a non-government to be conducting talks??? How foolish of you. Besides I don't remember IK ever expressing desire to conduct talks "himself".

So we conclude that IK didn't get fooled, rather gave a dose of sense both to Army & Government; as both are following IK's directions. And that's a HUGE credit for IK... it's just that YOU & writer are mentally challenged goofs. Hey "Molson4u" I bet you drank too much Canadian "Molson", and your B12 deficient brain lost too many of its cells... Cut down on that so may be you'll start to get it.

This is how a loser-look looks like:
Nervous, scared, strangled-neck, incessantly looking at slips, confident-less, cartoon:



from 03:05+ "Yeh LIVE Toe Nahi Jaa Raha"
"يه لاايو تو نهں جا رها"


Your pain shows that i wrote the truth. Many of the things are not make public. For example, Imran Khan called Nawaz Sherif to ask him for meeting. Imran is made Mamoo again because NS needs Imrans support to work on Saudi Agenda and also to keep the army in barracks. Its politics on a much higher level than you little mind can handle. Everything in the article is truth and based on the facts reported in the media. Please stop blindly worshiping and call a spade a spade.
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