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Stepping into the era of combat robots!

Do you think these killer robots are a good omen for mankind?

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Jan 13, 2014
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US Army considers replacing thousands of troops with robots - Telegraph

The US Army is considering replacing thousands of soldiers with robots as it deals with sweeping troop cuts.

A senior American officer has said he is considering shrinking the size of the Army’s brigade combat teams by a quarter and replacing the lost troops with robots and remote-controlled vehicles.

The American military is still far from fielding armies of Terminator-type robotic killers though.

Ideas under discussion instead include proposals to see manned lorries and transporters replaced by supply trains of robots vehicles.

Generals are studying proposals as the US Army is to slim down from 540,000 to about 490,000 soldiers by the end of next year. Some reports suggest it could dip below 450,000 by the end of the decade.

In response, Gen Robert Cone, head of the army's training and doctrine command, is considering shrinking the army’s brigade combat teams from about 4,000 soldiers to 3,000 and using more robots, according to Defense News, a US military magazine.

He told a military symposium: "I've got clear guidance to think about what if you could robotically perform some of the tasks in terms of manoeuvrability, in terms of the future of the force."

Options under discussion, he said, included trains of robot vehicles that would following vehicles with human drivers in long supply convoys.

He said the army should also follow the lead of the navy in using technology to cut manpower. "When you see the success, frankly, that the Navy has had in terms of lowering the numbers of people on ships, are there functions in the brigade that we could automate - robots or manned/unmanned teaming - and lower the number of people that are involved, given the fact that people are our major cost?"

However, there are no immediate plans for autonomous robots to be deployed with lethal firepower. Huw Williams, an expert on military robots and unmanned vehicles at the defence publication IHS Jane's, said armies were focusing on investigating robots vehicles for transport.

He said: "If you have a lead manned vehicle, you could have several unmanned vehicles following behind, or a train solely of unmanned vehicles."

Research into remote-controlled military vehicles had so far largely concentrated on allowing commanders to keep soldiers out of harm's way, but they could also see a reduction in the number of troops, he added.

Several robot ground vehicles have already been tested in Afghanistan, including the Squad Mission Support System, a six-wheeled robotic buggy to carry soldiers' kit and baggage.

America has meanwhile waged an aggressive drone campaign targeting insurgents and al-Qaeda terrorists in the border regions of Pakistan.

Campaigners claim the secretive campaign has killed hundreds of civilians. Britain already has hundreds of remotely-piloted drone aircraft ranging from tiny surveillance helicopters to large Reaper drones armed with deadly hellfire missiles.

The rise of the new technologies has provoked fears of future battlefields one day stalked by unaccountable robotic killing machines, and in 2012, Human Rights Watch called for a pre-emptive ban on killer robots “before it’s too late”.
If they stay on our side then they will help us where a normal person can't. If they go against us then we have to fight them. Then we won't be killing people but robots. So they are good for us. :agree:
These killer robots are not good for public...
But they are extremely useful for governments to control mobs...
Imagine during egypt riots or in syria, robots are used by their governments...
SKYNET IS COMING....!!!!!:sick::sick: hasnt anyone in the US establishment watched the Terminator series......:D

Well, i bet they have but there is a good possibility that they don't give two hoots about it :P. Anyways, on a serious level US has gone really advanced in the field of robotics (duh...) but still AI has not yet reached the level where we can say that it can make decisions but still things are pretty close. One thing is for sure though, once these things are out there the whole battle field will change, but my opinion is human factor will always stay at the center of it. Many people would say that machines are better and blah blah but they ignore that once modification of human mind will be possible, then we'll be back in game. If you think i'm crazy then try arguing with me cause i wanna increase the no. of my posts. :D :enjoy:
Well, i bet they have but there is a good possibility that they don't give two hoots about it :P. Anyways, on a serious level US has gone really advanced in the field of robotics (duh...) but still AI has not yet reached the level where we can say that it can make decisions but still things are pretty close. One thing is for sure though, once these things are out there the whole battle field will change, but my opinion is human factor will always stay at the center of it. Many people would say that machines are better and blah blah but they ignore that once modification of human mind will be possible, then we'll be back in game. If you think i'm crazy then try arguing with me cause i wanna increase the no. of my posts. :D :enjoy:

I agree with you, soon human cyborgs will be possible, but the fact remains that if/when AI is possible we humans may very well be expendable and the robots will take over our world and possibly reduce us to slave status, history bears witness that when two races meet the lesser one is exterminated or enslaved
I need one to assassinate my Ex gf , how about renting a t-800 ?:azn:
Following are some of the robots that are already undergoing testing



Hope americans use them defensively...
And Arabs mind their own games and not poke anericans...
Future looks dark to non nuclear states...
I need one to assassinate my Ex gf , how about renting a t-800 ?:azn:
Poor gal :girl_cray3:
I think i could manage her for some time though :pleasantry:

This will save smart humans
dumb ones will perish.

Once human modification (the kind of modification i am talking about) comes into play i don't think there'll be any Dumb ones left. :smart:

Following are some of the robots that are already undergoing testing



Hope americans use them defensively...
And Arabs mind their own games and not poke anericans...
Future looks dark to non nuclear states...

The second one looks really cool. (any info. on it?)
And what about the last one?:confused:
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