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Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

and pakistan is sinking now . i am sure best selution is devide pakistan to 12 states and let them handle small states can manage better . i need 3-4 countries between fata and multan

Terrorism will be exacerbated by the collapse of Pakistani Federation.
aurtoon ki traah taany mat maro ok
I cant understand this language and you are breaking the forum rules,i just asked a legitimate question.....

Terrorism will be exacerbated by the collapse of Pakistani Federation.
So what do you want?
1-Collapse of Pakistani federation
2-End of terrrorism which means end of killing of innocent civilians.....
GEO NEWS is reporting that death toll is 16 & 25 soldiers are injured.

Breaking News: TTP group has accepted responsibility adding it was to avenge the attack on Tableeghi Markaz in Peshawar by Pakistan Army & ISI.

The heck? Thats the most retarded thing I have heard in quite some time!
GEO NEWS is reporting that death toll is 16 & 25 soldiers are injured.

Breaking News: TTP group has accepted responsibility adding it was to avenge the attack on Tableeghi Markaz in Peshawar by Pakistan Army & ISI.
Who is Tableeghi Makraz?
Suicide bomber used a civilian car rented by Pakistan Army to carry out the attack.
Looks like there was insider help.
RIP. Please stop treating the terrorists as strategic assets. Consider all of them as enemy of state. Terrorist cannot be partner irrespective of their religious faith, political inclination.
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