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Indian maid, 11, tortured with chillies: Police


Mar 28, 2012
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So here we have the great Indian slave trade, a 11 year old child working as a slave and then getting tortured and abused, and yes Indians couldn't care less. Indians once again showing how disgusting they are the way they treat the poor, lets all sit back now and watch the Indians come on here and beat their chest.

Indian maid, 11, tortured with chillies: Police

"Indian police have arrested a trader for allegedly torturing an 11-year-old maid who was forced to eat chillies which were also rubbed on her body, an official said."

No wonder India is in the state it is today, women and children as slaves and abused and all human rights and dignity stripped away.
Seriously, stop putting anti-indian propaganda like this one
It's not strategic affairs, and it happens in all countries

The more you speak bad about India on unsignificant affairs, the more you have the reverse effect that you wanted
Its not "anti Indian" if its the truth, Indians like to think they are so wonderful, but hate it when the truth is pointed out.

It's illegal to have children workings a maids in India. If some one breaks the law, you cannot blame the whole country for it. Can you say for sure that no 11 year old is harassed in you country? Crime happens all over the world,
Yes 11 year olds all over the world are taken advantage of, by rapist etc, but India encourages the active bondage of and encourages child labor, trafficking etc. Indians like to claim a lot of things, until the stats are shown or the truth revealed, then Indians just come up with excuses.

Before I went to India I was never such a huge critic of India, but after travelling in India with my wife and my daughters I saw first hand how women were treated and that\s including my young kids and my wife, even though they tried to respect Indians and their culture etc.

Sorry if it offends Indians, but I will critize India when it is needed and I will praise India as well when it's needed, but this bullshit we hear from Indians all the time about how everyone has it in for Indians and how racist everyone else is, is just that utter bullshit. India the most racist country on the planet, liked to call everyone else racist, time for some home truths.
india needs to become a Muslim state coz skin whitening isn't helping to make them human enough.
Yes 11 year olds all over the world are taken advantage of, by rapist etc, but India encourages the active bondage of and encourages child labor, trafficking etc. Indians like to claim a lot of things, until the stats are shown or the truth revealed, then Indians just come up with excuses.

Before I went to India I was never such a huge critic of India, but after travelling in India with my wife and my daughters I saw first hand how women were treated and that\s including my young kids and my wife, even though they tried to respect Indians and their culture etc.

Sorry if it offends Indians, but I will critize India when it is needed and I will praise India as well when it's needed, but this bullshit we hear from Indians all the time about how everyone has it in for Indians and how racist everyone else is, is just that utter bullshit. India the most racist country on the planet, liked to call everyone else racist, time for some home truths.

Get back to me when you actually praise India, likelihood is that it is zero.

The fact of the matter is, the attitude of the Indians towards their so called 'serviles' is horrible, toward Women is horrible.

But guess what, every Indian here, even the ones who sympathize with you, agree with your viewpoint is put on a defensive mode because you come at them with a holier than thou attitude. Try this with any other nationality and hostility is what you are going to get.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you are breaking some 'new' truth or you are causing a change. No Indian in this board owns a child slave. The change that has to be effected needs to come from grass roots level.

Pretty much every Anti-India troll comes with your attitude. And they pick up a news story, inject it with their hostility.

That 11 year old girl that got tortured deserves better than you stroking your E-D!ck about unresolved issues about Indians.

So are we going to actually discuss the issue at hand or are you going to preach to us brown skinned, unwashed masses on how to be civilized from your high horse.

india needs to become a Muslim state coz skin whitening isn't helping to make them human enough.

So how is that 10 year old servant girl in Pakistan mate?

How about those Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi slave labourers in the Gulf states?

How about them Nepalis in Qatar? Instead of idol worship we can fantasize about going back to the stone age and massacring each other over sects.
Get back to me when you actually praise India, likelihood is that it is zero.

The fact of the matter is, the attitude of the Indians towards their so called 'serviles' is horrible, toward Women is horrible.

But guess what, every Indian here, even the ones who sympathize with you, agree with your viewpoint is put on a defensive mode because you come at them with a holier than thou attitude. Try this with any other nationality and hostility is what you are going to get.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you are breaking some 'new' truth or you are causing a change. No Indian in this board owns a child slave. The change that has to be effected needs to come from grass roots level.

Pretty much every Anti-India troll comes with your attitude. And they pick up a news story, inject it with their hostility.

That 11 year old girl that got tortured deserves better than you stroking your E-D!ck about unresolved issues about Indians.

So are we going to actually discuss the issue at hand or are you going to preach to us brown skinned, unwashed masses on how to be civilized from your high horse.

So how is that 10 year old servant girl in Pakistan mate?

How about those Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi slave labourers in the Gulf states?

How about them Nepalis in Qatar?
Mohamad was a slave trader himself.Koran promotes slavery and rape of enslaved women and children.
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The Quran, chapter 4 (An-Nisa), verse 24:

  1. And (also forbidden are) all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah's ordinance to you,
  2. and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication.
  3. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.
translated by M. H. Shakir
Slave women were required mainly as concubines and menials. A Muslim slaveholder was entitled by law to the sexual enjoyment of his slave women. While free women might own male slaves, they had no such right.[58] The property of a slave was owned by his or her master unless a contract of freedom of the slave had been entered into, which allowed the slave to earn money to purchase his or her freedom and similarly to pay bride wealth. The marriage of slaves required the consent of the owner. Under the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools of jurisprudence male slaves could marry two wives, but the Maliki permitted them to marry four wives like the free men. According to the Islamic law, a male slave could marry a free woman but this was discouraged in practice.[59] Islam permits sexual relations between a male master and his female slave outside of marriage. This is referred to in the Qur'an as ma malakat aymanukum or "what your right hands possess".[60][61] There are some restrictions on the master; he may not co-habit with a female slave belonging to his wife, neither can he have relations with a female slave if she is co-owned, or already married
I have praised India read some of my past post.

The change that you seek will probably occur in decades if not more than a century. It depends on these conditions.

1) Steady economic gorwith

2) More equitable distribution of that growth

3) Population reduction

4) Growing awareness of employers not to allow kids to work in their establishments.

5) parents awareness of sending and keeping their children in school.

There has to be an educational, civic, gender shift in terms of what you are seeking.

The change has to percolate to more areas to more of the social strata. The task is monumental.
Muhammad's attitudes and pronouncements regarding slavery reveal abiding belief in the principle of a slave's loyalty to her or his master and in a master's circumscribed duty of reciprocation. By their fiat a master could sell and may trade their slaves, was not required to free or repatriate those no longer wanted, and was empowered to deem which were worthy to be granted a mukataba while holding authorisation to deny property and earnings to those not so deemed. Female slaves were not permitted to withhold their fertility from a master even through married to another at the time of their enslavement, they had no ownership of their mahr, they could not marry without their master's consent, and they might (in the interpretation of Shi'a jurisprudence) even be compelled to sexually serve a third party


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