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Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry

An interesting question is obtained. That is, if I had never been to the Moon, all that I know about it - lies and propaganda?
Britain can not affected by the crisis? Maybe there do not happen pogroms when migrants tow cars and beating people?
I do not urge you to believe or not believe.
If you live in a wealth district, it does not mean that the state does not have a gettto and settlements illegal migrants who are starving.

Remember that those considered "poor" and "starving" in the UK would be considered "wealthy" and "well-fed" in Africa and third world countries like India.
sorry bro...i hate britian....dont reply to me if you want amizing discussion...

I have seen you write that you hate Britain several times. But in the absence of any particular reason why you hate Britain, I can only assume that it originates with your feelings inferiority and historical grievance caused by Britain. I will can also confidently make the assumption that you envy the success and prosperity of Britain, and that her people enjoy a far higher quality of life than those currently living in India - which further fuels your feelings of inferiority.
I have seen you write that you hate Britain several times. But in the absence of any particular reason why you hate Britain, I can only assume that it originates with your feelings inferiority and historical grievance caused by Britain. I will can also confidently make the assumption that you envy the success and prosperity of Britain, and that her people enjoy a far higher quality of life than those currently living in India - which further fuels your feelings of inferiority.

Some British people can't afford to heat their food. Aren't we ashamed? | Jack Monroe | Comment is free | theguardian.com

20,000 pensioners died from the cold last winter | UK | News | Daily Express

Fuel poverty Britain: 24k will die this winter due to rising energy prices | Mail Online

Is this the same as not being able to afford expensive toys? When was the last time 20 K people died in India due to not being able to afford fuel to keep warm or even afford to heat their foods?
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Well according to a United Nations report, 5,000 children under the age of 5 years old die every day in India. Yes that's right, 5,000 children dead every day!!!!

Of the 27 million children born in India every year, 1.83 million die every year. In Britain 20% children die before their 5th birthday which is proportionally far greater than India.

Children born in Britain 'more likely to die before fifth birthday', World Health Organization figures reveal | Metro News

You stupid fool Hermione! That figure of 20% for Britain only refers to children born to low income families (i.e families that live on less than 60% of the average national income). In Britain only a very very very small percentage of families live on less than 60% of the average national income, about 2 - 4% according to various sources. Therefore I suggest you do not take figures out of context and make yourself look like a c u n t.

Because you have thus far proved to possess the mental age of a 9 year old with down-syndrome, I have decided to settle this matter once and for all:

According to reliable and authoritative figures provided by The World Bank, for every 1,000 children under the age of 5:
Only 5 will die in Britain.
7 will die in the USA.
14 in China.
56 in India.

Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) | Data | Table
0% of the average
You stupid fool Hermione! That figure of 20% for Britain only refers to children born to low income families (i.e families that live on less than 60% of the average national income). In Britain only a very very very small percentage of families live on less than 60% of the average national income, about 2 - 4% according to various sources. Therefore I suggest you do not take figures out of context and make yourself look like a c u n t.

Because you have thus far proved to possess the mental age of a 9 year old with down-syndrome, I have decided to settle this matter once and for all:

According to reliable and authoritative figures provided by The World Bank, for every 1,000 children under the age of 5:
Only 5 will die in Britain.
7 will die in the USA.
14 in China.
56 in India.

Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) | Data | Table

My bad. The chart provided in the link was for poverty rate and not death of children born to low income families. Per various credible sources available 20% of all households in UK earn lesser than 60% of the average national income and not 2-3% as you falsely claim.

UK: numbers in low income - The Poverty Site

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