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OECD Predicts China #1 Economy by 2016

Your comments prove my point. Rather than admitting what is obvious for everyone to see and globally accepted....that India is arguable the most corrupt 'country' on earth, you try to sugarcoat it.

How can you even solve a problem you don't admit. This is exactly why it's impossible for India to ever catch China.

It's our ability to admit we have a problem and take steps to solve that is what's different between a rising nation like China and an already stagnating 'country' like India.

Hmmm.............I think you need to be sent to Unit 731 to have you head checked.

I repeat the source -

Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2001 and 2010 were:

  1. China: US$2.74 trillion
  2. Mexico: US$476 billion
  3. Malaysia: US$285 billon
  4. Saudi Arabia: US$210 billion
  5. Russia: US$152 billion
  6. Philippines: US$138 billion
  7. Nigeria: US$129 billion
  8. India: US$123 billion
  9. Indonesia: US$109 billion
  10. United Arab Emirates: US$107 billion

Indians are already going around crowing themselves a superpower as your president Kalam did.
Kalam crowned India as superpower? Man! that why i said, don't Baidu it, google it :rofl:

To even suggest that China has more corruption than India shows how delusional Indians are.

I know as Han chauvinist it comes as surprise that an individual of non-Han ethnicity could insinuate something that is not pleasurable to Han ears.;)

India is one of, if not the most corrupt 'country' in the world. This is exactly why China will extend the lead over India.
You sure? I think Naking, Unit 731 etc all have an effect here :angel:

I can bring up many articles written by Indians saying how much India envy our success but this is not about scoring brownie points.


If India is to catch us, you need to solve your corruption problem that's ingrained in Hindu culture. Remove your caste system that's ingrained in Hindu culture. Educate your population. Build up the infrastructure. And how you even solve the overpopulation problem is beyond me.

Why should India catch up to China?

I don't see many, if any, of these problems will be solved. India lacks the leadership skills necessary to tackle these problems.

India by nature is a messy 'country' that was put together by the British. It was Winston Churchill that said "India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator." He should know India, he gave you 'independence'.

So according to you - the British do not believe that India is a nation, but yet created it at the sametime give it independence? How can one give independence and create a nation at the same time? CP certified Han logic anyone? :rofl:

There are massive chunks of the Indian population that wants their own country, pretty much every region. If India manages to stay united like it is now by 2080, India would have done exceedingly well. But I don't think it will happen .
Don't worry my friend, whatever may be the state of India, we will recognize and have peaceful relations with the following nations -
Republic of China
Zhōnghuá Mínguó
Zhōnghuá Mínguó Wéixīn Zhèngfǔ
Republic of Tibet
Republic of Xinjiang
Jìdōng Fánggòng Zìzhì Zhèngfǔ
Chunghwa Minkuo


India would need to solve all these problems to even be a challenge to China.

Why should India be a challenge to China?

But as we have seen since the late 1940's India has always been the poor man's China in all areas. Don't bet on it ever changing.

Yes! India never had any great leaps since 1940s :cry:
Hmmm.............I think you need to be sent to Unit 731 to have you head checked.

You sure? I think Naking, Unit 731 etc all have an effect here :angel:

Wow, I took you of my ignore list, and now I see you are making fun of the mass rapes in Nanking, and the war crimes + human experiments in Unit 731.

What else to expect from Indians who think they are "Aryans". :lol:
Wow, I took you of my ignore list, and now I see you are making fun of the mass rapes in Nanking, and the war crimes + human experiments in Unit 731.

What else to expect from Indians who think they are "Aryans". :lol:

For people like Rainmaker unit 731 should be playground as he will find his kind.

But atleast i appreciate Rainmaker for being overt with his Han chauvinism, rather than being............:lol:
For people like Rainmaker unit 731 should be playground as he will find his kind.

But atleast i appreciate Rainmaker for being overt with his Han chauvinism, rather than being............:lol:

People like you are far worse.

You laugh at mass rapes in Nanjing and war crimes like human experimentation in Unit 731.

At least Rainmaker is a human being. You are not, as shown in your humanity here. :lol:
People like you are far worse.

You laugh at mass rapes in Nanjing and war crimes like human experimentation in Unit 731.

At least Rainmaker is a human being.

You are not, as shown in your humanity here. :lol:

Typical CCP tactics of using cruel experiment of Unit 731 as propaganda tool,

Yu insult the deaths of the unfortunate who perished and suffered there, but then again you must have considered them as mainland locust, to have such a low opinion about them :tdown:

And all you have for them is a smiley. :cry:
Typical CCP tactics of using cruel experiment of Unit 731 as propaganda tool,

Yu insult the deaths of the unfortunate who perished and suffered there, but then again you must have considered them as mainland locust, to have such a low opinion about them :tdown:

And all you have for them is a smiley. :cry:

Go ahead and laugh about war crimes and mass rapes some more, show your true nature. :lol:
Are you saying that to yourself? since you are putting that smiley.

So you first used war crimes as propaganda tool and now laugh on it :fie:

So disingenuous.

You were the one who started laughing at mass rapes and war crimes, as this thread obviously shows.

Your true nature has been shown here already.
Hmmm.............I think you need to be sent to Unit 731 to have you head checked.

I repeat the source -

Kalam crowned India as superpower? Man! that why i said, don't Baidu it, google it :rofl:

I know as Han chauvinist it comes as surprise that an individual of non-Han ethnicity could insinuate something that is not pleasurable to Han ears.;)

You sure? I think Naking, Unit 731 etc all have an effect here :angel:


Why should India catch up to China?


So according to you - the British do not believe that India is a nation, but yet created it at the sametime give it independence? How can one give independence and create a nation at the same time? CP certified Han logic anyone? :rofl:

Don't worry my friend, whatever may be the state of India, we will recognize and have peaceful relations with the following nations -
Republic of China
Zhōnghuá Mínguó
Zhōnghuá Mínguó Wéixīn Zhèngfǔ
Republic of Tibet
Republic of Xinjiang
Jìdōng Fánggòng Zìzhì Zhèngfǔ
Chunghwa Minkuo

Why should India be a challenge to China?

Yes! India never had any great leaps since 1940s :cry:

Just as I thought, no solutions to solve India's problems but want to deny it and cover it up. Typical Indian. This is why India can never beat China except in day dreaming.

Indians by nature are dirty people. Just look at the way your people defecate all over the streets of India. You eat with your hands.

Indians are similar to Africans in that both still need a century to evolve in modernity.

Laughing at war crimes just proves my point. Winston Churchill was so correct, beastly they are indeed.
Just as I thought, no solutions to solve India's problems but want to deny it and cover it up. Typical Indian. This is why India can never beat China except in day dreaming.

Why is India supposed to beat China? its almost as if you are begging you have your nation slaughtered by India. go parade your perverted masochism somewhere else :sick:

Indians by nature are dirty people. Just look at the way your people defecate all over the streets of India. You eat with your hands.


Indians are similar to Africans in that both still need a century to evolve in modernity.
Africans need a century to evolve? Chinese race studies anyone? :rofl:

Laughing at war crimes just proves my point. Winston Churchill was so correct, beastly they are indeed.
Since when did Chinese dragon becomes an Indian?
Why is India supposed to beat China? its almost as if you are begging you have your nation slaughtered by India. go parade your perverted masochism somewhere else :sick:


Africans need a century to evolve? Chinese race studies anyone? :rofl:

Since when did Chinese dragon becomes an Indian?

The problem with Indians is they boast too much but deliver very little.

Indian mind is structured this way. I'm not sure if the IQ of Indians has anything to do with this but it's pretty disturbing.

If India is to become respected, then it must solve all the problems I've listed.

Can it? Yes.

Will it? Not likely.

Why? Indian culture and religion.

The caste system and cow worshipping are still ingrained in the mind of the Hindu people. Winston Churchill referred to Indians as beastly people following a beastly religion for a reason. He understood Indians and knew all along that Indians are not ready for self-rule.

If the British still ran India, I guarantee you that many of the social problems in India would have been solved by now. No one contributed more to civilizing the Indian people than the British.

Whether you like to admit it or not, Indians being able to self-rule was a disaster for the progress of India.

Some people are just better off being ruled by foreigners, Indians and Africans come to mind as examples.
The problem with Indians is they boast too much but deliver very little.

Indian mind is structured this way.

Yup we brag alot o Sikkim and Arunachal and deliver very little.

I'm not sure if the IQ of Indians has anything to do with this but it's pretty disturbing.

I feel sorry for your misery :cry:

If India is to become respected, then it must solve all the problems I've listed.

Can it? Yes.

Will it? Not likely.

Why? Indian culture and religion.

The caste system and cow worshipping are still ingrained in the mind of the Hindu people.

respected by whom?

Winston Churchill referred to Indians as beastly people following a beastly religion for a reason. He understood Indians and knew all along that Indians are not ready for self-rule.

If the British still ran India, I guarantee you that many of the social problems in India would have been solved by now. No one contributed more to civilizing the Indian people than the British.

Whether you like to admit it or not, Indians being able to self-rule was a disaster for the progress of India.

Some people are just better off being ruled by foreigners, Indians and

It is understandable that for someone perceived as a mainland locust to have stockholm syndrome for the British after having ruled Hong Kong for additional 40 years from the end of colonization. I wonder if it perceives British looting of Summer palace a righteous act as well?

Africans come to mind as examples

So, you support colonization of Africa?

Expect more of this then

BBC News - Zambian miners kill Chinese manager during pay protest
It's not even a challenge for us to overtake the US economy. By 2030 we will be double the size of the US economy.

China has a population of 1.3 billion.
US only has 315 million.
Not enough people to compete with China long term. Only India has potential but India is constrained by overpopulation, lack of resources, lack of education, lack of infrastructure, segregating caste system and arguably the most corrupt political system in the world. Indian corruption alone will guarantee that they don't get anywhere near China. India will also be lucky if they can keep their country united considering the amount of separatist groups.
China's whole economy is based on manufacturing and India ' s whole economy is based on domestic consumption, and China is known as a sleeping giant for innovation while India is known as the software capital of the world and has a stock market that has shown to be the most steady stock market compared to any other country since the 2009 recession, and property value in India is skyrocketing, China is living in a bubble just like Japan did in the 1990s, and America is fueling it, and the Chinese government has to hack U.S military security files just to have the same military technology as America, while the Indian army has just released the INS Vikram, which means it beat China in becoming the 5th country on the planet to domestically build its own warship.
I don't really care when China surpasses the USA in GDP, nominal or PPP, because:
  1. Both are going to happen within a decade, and nothing we say or argue can speed up or slow down the process.
  2. China has already surpassed the USA in the most important metrics, such as volume of international trade, and amount of industrial production. The rest of the usa's GDP, and where China's is lacking, is services, which is just about re-circulating accumulated wealth, but not creating a new wealth. For example, buying second-hand goods contributes nothing to GDP, but getting a haircut does, when arguably these activities have the same economic value.
China's goals at this point should be focused on closing the tech gap, not necessarily the GDP gap, and surpassing feasible targets in GDP per capita (eg Iran, South Africa, Turkey, Malaysia).
Yup we brag alot o Sikkim and Arunachal and deliver very little.

I feel sorry for your misery :cry:

respected by whom?

It is understandable that for someone perceived as a mainland locust to have stockholm syndrome for the British after having ruled Hong Kong for additional 40 years from the end of colonization. I wonder if it perceives British looting of Summer palace a righteous act as well?

So, you support colonization of Africa?

Expect more of this then

BBC News - Zambian miners kill Chinese manager during pay protest

Indians need to be respected by the international community.

Right now, Indians are looked down upon as an inferior people because of India's defecation problem, IQ issues, corruption, rape, etc.

I don't know why Indians hated British rule so much. If one group of people that greatly benefitted from British rule, it is India. They gave you a country, they semi-civilized you, they fed you, they nurtured you, they gave you everything you have today.

Just look at how China hosted a global event like the Olympics successfully and compare it to the horrible job India did in hosting a mediocre Commonwealth games.

Indians want to be like us but you will need to work a lot harder to in order for that to happen.

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