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Mahatma Gandhi on Parliamentary Democracy


Oct 25, 2010
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Reader: Then from your statement I deduce that the
Government of England is not desirable, and not worth copying by

Editor: Your deduction is justified. The condition of England at
present is pitiable. I pray to God that India may never be in that
That which you consider to be the Mother of Parliaments is
like a sterile. woman and a prostitute. Both these are harsh terms.
but exactly fit the case. That Parliament has not yet, of its own
accord done a single good thing.
Hence I have compared it to a
sterile woman. The natural condition of that Parliament is such that,
without outside pressure, it can do nothing. It is like a prostitute
because it as under the control of ministers who change from time to
Today it is under Mr. Asquith tomorrow it may be under Mr.

Reader: You have said this sarcastically. The term "sterile
woman" is not applicable. The Parliament being elected by the
people, must work under public pressure.
This is its quality.

Editor: You are mistaken. Let us examine it a little more
closely. The best men are supposed to be elected by, the people. The
members serve without pay and therefore it must be assumed only
for the, public weal.
The electors are considered to be educated and
therefore we should assume that they would not generally-make
mistakes in their choice. Such a Parliament should not need the spur
of petitions or any other pressure. Its work should be so smooth that
its effects would be more apparent day by day.
But. as a matter of
fact. it is generally acknowledged that the members are hypocritical
and selfish. Each thinks of his own little interest. It is fear that is the
guiding motive. What is done today may be undone tomorrow.
It is
not possible to recall a single instance in which finality can be
predicted for its work. When the greatest questions are debated. its
members have been seen to stretch themselves and to doze.

Sometimes the members talk away until the listeners are disgusted.
Carlyle has called it the "talking shop of the world".

Members vote for their party without a thought. Their so-called discipline binds
them to it. If any member. by way of exception. gives an
independent vote. he is considered a renegade.
If the money and the
time wasted by Parliament were entrusted to a few good men. the
English nation would be occupying today a much higher platform.
Parliament is simply a costly toy of the nation. These views are by pendulum of a clock and are never steadfast. The people would
follow a powerful orator or a man who gives them parties.
receptions. etc. As are the people, so is their Parliament. They have
certainly, one quality very strongly developed. They will never
allow, their country, to be lost. If any person were to cast an evil eye
on it. they, would pluck out his eyes. But that does not 'mean that the
nation possesses every other virtue or that it should be imitated. If
India copies England, it is my
firm conviction that she will be

Reader: To what do you ascribe this state of England?

Editor: It is not due to any peculiar fault of the English people,
but the condition is due to modern civilization. It is a civilization
only in name. Under it the nations of Europe are becoming degraded
and ruined day by day.

His observation about British Parliament seems familiar, right friends?
@Joe Shearer @KRAIT @Irfan Baloch> Your opinions are welcome

The natural condition of that Parliament is such that,
without outside pressure, it can do nothing. It is like a prostitute
because it as under the control of ministers who change from time to
time. Today it is under Mr. Asquith tomorrow it may be under Mr.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...hi-parliamentary-democracy.html#ixzz2gZaClqQZ

very shocking and hard hitting words
I cant agree more.
one of the reasons why western democracy doesnt work in middle east is that it brings in people who are far more volatile and militant than the current tyrants. its a shame that 100 bigots and haters can out vote you and elect someone who forbids any other religion but Islam or or forbids education for women as a law.

what is alternative ? one sovereign king assisted by his technocrat advisor's?

I say listen to the masses but have the final say in making a decision. some Indian politician commented that democracy is incompatible with Muslims, and I can see why.
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very shocking and hard hitting words
I cant agree more.
one of the reasons why western democracy doesnt work in middle east is that it brings in people who are far more volatile and militant than the current tyrants. its a shame that 100 bigots and haters can out vote you and elect someone who forbids any other religion but Islam or or forbids education for women as a law.

what is alternative ? one sovereign king assisted by his technocrat advisor's?

I say listen to the masses but have the final say in making a decision. some Indian politician commented that democracy is incompatible with Muslims, and I can see why.

What do you think about South Asia? do you see an democratic alternative for Parliamentary democracy? do you think there is room for improvement in existing establishment?
I happen to disagree with Gandhi on a number of issues, while admiring him for some things, personal as well as political. On the matter of democracy, I disagree strongly. Explaining why would take volumes. However, just a glance at the impact of agitational politics, as opposed to institutional politics, would make the point reasonably effectively. What he used as a vehicle of mass mobilization has become an utterly selfish instrument of pressure on parliamentary democracy. Criticizing the individual and collective corruption of parliamentarians is not a valid criticism. Any system is doomed to failure if it is betrayed from within. Even a Gandhian, non-parliamentary system, whatever form - JP, Anna, any other - it takes.
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