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Can West Capture Pakistani Nukes using Same Strategy as for Syrian Weapons

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This scenario is quite possible but not at this juncture when the US needs Pakistan in its WOT. Once the Americans leave Afghanistan, they would drop Pakistan as an ally like a rotten sack of potatoes. And then will start the countdown for disarming Pakistan by diplomatic, political, economic and other means, but not by military force.

They have their eye on Balochistan too due to its geostrategic location. Expect the fuse to be lit after 2014 by the CIA, America's dirty tricks department.

Balochistan has the largest oil reserve on the planet according to Carnegic Foundation.4 trillion barrels of oil proven. But the govt does not allow its extraction.That itself proves that there are outside forces controlling pakistan which want pakistan to be weak and controlled,particularly I suspect Saudi Arabia and USA.
If we look on Syrian crisis, we can conclude that USA/West has achieved what they wanted and without firing a single Missile.Let's Just review the whole scenario and try to understand that can this strategy be used against PAKISTANI NUKES!!!!
A fight is provoked between Syrian government and armed rebels. A news is broadcast on International media that Chemical Weapons are used in this fight. Then an blame game starts from both sides(Syrian Govt. and rebels) that other party has used it. As use of chemical weapons is forbidden by UN so a hype is created in international media. And this news once again threatens the National Security of Uncle SAM(none other country). Uncle Sam feels threatened and send his Aircraft Carriers to attack Syria. Now the other major countries like Russia and China also get involved as their interests are also at stake.So another hype is created.To cut the story short all the big powers make Syria to agree that it should give away its most potent defence weapons i.e Chemical Weapons.
Now a propaganda has already been started against Pakistan Nukes that they can fall into hands of terrorists. Not only politically but also Hollywood movies are propagating this idea.
I am curious that USA can use the same strategy,as a war is already going on in Pakistan between State and terrorists. If this war becomes more serious and a news is shown on international media that a nuclear weapons is used in Pakistan by terrorists or Pakistan Govt. then definitely National Security of Uncle Sam will be compromised once again and it will send its fleet to attack Pakistan. Again China ,Russia will be involved and a decision will be made that Pakistan should let go its nukes.
I just want to know the opinion of PDF members that is this possible or if this situation is created in future what options does Pakistan has????

yes they can, we have recently places road sign leading to nuke and missile storage for their convenience
Punjabi elite?, since when were they ever elite?, and what makes you think they got the nuke?.

Now from Pakistani you moved to Punjabi, confusion at its best.

oh come on -- you don't know how Punjabis have en elite that rules Pakistan?

Kashmiri Prime Minister - Baloch President and a pathan just missed becoming the PM [next time] :cheesy: ?

He's pulling his 'division card' on us - allow the man to have his fetish.


keep having these wet dreams

india had hoped against hope that america will attack Pakistan from Afghanistan but the americans got boxed nice and proper in afghanistan so now indians are having a new round of flatulance that in the future america will do something about Pakistan's weapons

FAIL!!! :rofl:

We want nothing. We hope you guys remain stable.Tomorrow if USA were to attack you ,we would have massive number of pakistani refugees entering India. Already we cannot feed our own ,then we will have to feed the pakistanis too...:pissed:


keep having these wet dreams

india had hoped against hope that america will attack Pakistan from Afghanistan but the americans got boxed nice and proper in afghanistan so now indians are having a new round of flatulance that in the future america will do something about Pakistan's weapons

FAIL!!! :rofl:

We want nothing. We hope you guys remain stable.Tomorrow if USA were to attack you ,we would have massive number of pakistani refugees entering India. Already we cannot feed our own ,then we will have to feed the pakistanis too...:pissed:
I would be surprised if something on those lines does not happen in the near future.
From Washington Post:

The Pakistani army is composed mostly of Punjabis. The Taliban is entirely Pashtun. For centuries, Pashtuns living in the mountainous borderlands of Pakistan and Afghanistan have fought to keep out invading Punjabi plainsmen. So sending Punjabi soldiers into Pashtun territory to fight jihadists pushes the country ever closer to an ethnically defined civil war, strengthening Pashtun sentiment for an independent "Pashtunistan" that would embrace 41 million people in big chunks of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

This is one of the main reasons the army initially favored a peace deal with a Taliban offshoot in the Swat Valley and has resisted U.S. pressure to go all out against jihadist advances into neighboring districts. While army leaders fear the long-term dangers of a Taliban link-up with Islamist forces in the heartland of Pakistan, they are more worried about what they see as the looming danger of Pashtun separatism.
Pakistan's Ethnic Fault Line - Washington Post

keep having these wet dreams

india had hoped against hope that america will attack Pakistan from Afghanistan but the americans got boxed nice and proper in afghanistan so now indians are having a new round of flatulance that in the future america will do something about Pakistan's weapons

FAIL!!! :rofl:
Why are kids allowed to blabber rubbish on PDF? :undecided: :hitwall:
also dont be surprised to see , Delhi , Mumbai , Gujrat etc etc all go up in smoke in the near future

Good Enough . We will lose 200 million ,but surely capture entire pakistan then. It will be good win.Plus 4 trillion barrels of oil in Balochistan also to rebuild India and make it as rich as Libya on per capita basis. I would view the capture of Balochistan as very critical.
Good Enough . We will lose 200 million ,but surely capture entire pakistan then. It will be good win.Plus 4 trillion barrels of oil in Balochistan also to rebuild India and make it as rich as Libya on per capita basis. I would view the capture of Balochistan as very critical.

Correction sir, capturers always headed towards India, very rarely the otherway round, read history and that will state exactly what i said.

Ref to your comments about cia balkanising India, well what's wrong with that, it will go back to its original shape. consisting of many various states and kingdoms.
Correction sir, capturers always headed towards India, very rarely the otherway round, read history and that will state exactly what i said.

Ref to your comments about cia balkanising India, well what's wrong with that, it will go back to its original shape. consisting of many various states and kingdoms.

Funny. Considering that Marathas and Sikhs did rule Punjab and areas of pakistan for some time.Second,CIA will balkanize Pakistan first and then India .Thats clear from the plans of the PNAC. For once look beyond your regional hate that your govt has indoctrinated you with.Your own terrorism strategy has taken more Pakistani lives than indian.
Funny. Considering that Marathas and Sikhs did rule Punjab and areas of pakistan for some time.Second,CIA will balkanize Pakistan first and then India .Thats clear from the plans of the PNAC. For once look beyond your regional hate that your govt has indoctrinated you with.Your own terrorism strategy has taken more Pakistani lives than indian.

Now the same sikhs are ruled by hindus and marathas are non-existent.
also dont be surprised to see , Delhi , Mumbai , Gujrat etc etc all go up in smoke in the near future

:lol: Yeah the great Pakistani nooklear bum...of course.

OT: Let's see what happens as 2014 is round the corner...it might happen or it might not - am just saying.
Now the same sikhs are ruled by hindus and marathas are non-existent.

Well, Sikhs are pretty well placed in the Indian army appartus. Should they do a coup in the future,then it will be sikh rule of India.To be frank,Sikhs will be much better rulers also rather than uneducated corrupt to the bone congress or SP etc. Sikhs might be the only people who can pull this nation out of the mess the political parties are making.
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