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'Aman ki Asha' blasted !

Are you trying to cash that IMF Cheque :laughcry:

State doesn't have to pay, it can be done through other means.

You way overestimate yourself and your capabilities.

In fact, Pakistan is nothing more than a scared kid since it was born, running to this or that patron and being a client state lending itself to fight others' wars.

You are not an independent actor and can never be.

Till you become a normal country and not an "ideological one", an ideology that is nothing but intense hate, self loathing and wet dreams of a non existent history...

This kind of thinking has taken to the country to the very precipice.

And it will take it down very soon... Unless the society manages to sideline such haters and the moderate, poor and silent majority puts them in their place.

I understand your pain son, i truly do.

People who have nothing to look forward to in future tend to live in the past :D

Can i save this for 'future reference'? - any copyrights?

Bade aaye Ghaznavi ke chamche :)

Now come on :D
State doesn't have to pay, it can be done through other means.

I understand your pain son, i truly do.

Can i save this for 'future reference'? - any copyrights?

Now come on :D

I watched the program of family of Captian Sarfraz Khan Man India needs to be taught a lesson and I hope I soon get to take out some of our beloved Indian enemies forces
1. Secularism is on papers there NOT in majority's mindset :) hence Hindutva is their strength.

2. Extremist Hindu groups don't need funding from us :)

They are self-sufficient.

3. We must let them remain divided between fake secularism and Hindu majority identity.

It is because of majority's mindset(read it as Hindus) that India remains a secular country while the appeasement politics took roots started by Gandhi even before independence. Naturally this is done ignoring the sentiments of majority who just want to be fair but denied that and left with no choice but only communal political parties(Congress, SP even DMK,TMK with their pseudosecular practices on one side and BJP on another side with a declared Hindutva policy) are choosing their own ilk, BJP.


Peace with India is a myth, only thing that can be maintained is 'status quo'.

The feeling is mutual. Status quo is fine with us but for the non-state actors.
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Funny thread - especially the fan boyish stuff posted in the first 2 pages - thanks for the entertainment lads.

ohh.. dont miss the post in 4th page a previous then yours...

A wannabe zawahari mulla dreaming about a gun in his hand with unlimited ammo & unbreakeble armour of an unknown thing .. slaying all Indian army alone ...

they are funny man... lol.
ohh.. dont miss the post in 4th page a previous then yours...

A wannabe zawahari mulla dreaming about a gun in his hand with unlimited ammo & unbreakeble armour of an unknown thing .. slaying all Indian army alone ...

they are funny man... lol.

What's that saying?

"If pigs had wings they would fly".

For a reality check he needs to venture a few hundred meters near the LOC...with a AK in hand :lol:
We don't need to kill anyone in India - what we have to do is to help the right wing Hindu groups gain political dominance. What that will do is that Indian union's [Federation of 80+ nations] core strength [Secularism] will rot as the Hindu parties project their newly accumulated power on their fellow citizens.

* Destroy their political unity by helping the extremists gain power. [Their parliament should look like a 'fish market']

* Work to have Indian military spread all over the country to a point of ineffectiveness.

* Isolate India regionally -further- it has followed that path since long, we need to help them finish it off.

You will get the results you want without ever firing in combat.

Aeronaut, you dream a lot.
What's that saying?

"If pigs had wings they would fly".

For a reality check he needs to venture a few hundred meters near the LOC...with a AK in hand :lol:


now he can dream about getting a shot between his eyes & then with mouth open with surprise & his mulla beard swinging in the air for a second & then open mouth full of dust & soul shaking hand with satan in hell.... lol.
It is because of majority's mindset(read it as Hindus) that India remains a secular country while the appeasement politics took roots started by Gandhi even before independence. Naturally this is done ignoring the sentiments of majority who just want to be fair but denied that and left with no choice but only communal political parties(Congress, SP even DMK,TMK with their pseudosecular practices on one side and BJP on another side with a declared Hindutva policy) are choosing their own ilk, BJP.

Standing up for minority rights if appeasement politics and flawed then why you even boast about such fake secularism when presenting yourself to the world while at home you call it Sickularism and at home you call names to your own people.

The reality is that India is a majority Hindu country with a Hindu mindset with Hindutva ideology hence it should assert and portray its true identity instead of a hotchpotch "secularism" dressed in orange attire.

There is NOTHING wrong in listening to your majority population's opinion.
We don't need to kill anyone in India - what we have to do is to help the right wing Hindu groups gain political dominance. What that will do is that Indian union's [Federation of 80+ nations] core strength [Secularism] will rot as the Hindu parties project their newly accumulated power on their fellow citizens.

* Destroy their political unity by helping the extremists gain power. [Their parliament should look like a 'fish market']

* Work to have Indian military spread all over the country to a point of ineffectiveness.

* Isolate India regionally -further- it has followed that path since long, we need to help them finish it off.

You will get the results you want without ever firing in combat.

And care to explain how are you going to help the right wing groups gain ground? And even if right wing groups gain ground you are misunderstood about the consequences. Indian secularism is because of the Hindus and their live and lets live mentality. The ethos of hinduism is inclusive behavior and that is how it grew. The right wing parties thrive due to the perceived threat to this belief by the political parties(read it as pseudoseculars). So even if Hindutva parties come to power there will not be blatant extremism as majority Hindus still would want only a fair deal for themselves and not imposition of their religious beliefs on others.

So you can just dream on with the above.

now he can dream about getting a shot between his eyes & then with mouth open with surprise & his mulla beard swinging in the air for a second & then open mouth full of dust & soul shaking hand with satan in hell.... lol.

Don't think IA would take the credentials of "The biggest ZH fan on Earth" too seriously before shooting. It all sounds fine and dandy behind a computer screen, but when faced against a volley of bullets then the brave ZH fan will wet his pyjama's many times over :lol:
I understand your pain son, i truly do.

Or may be it is just hallucination. ;)

Actually I hope you get better with time. There is hope for everyone in the world.

Hatred doesn't take one very far. May be one day you will think of betterment of your poor people like we want to think of betterment of our poor people.

This mutual hatred is just a sign of impotence and externalizing your internal demons.

India have stabbed us in back several times they will face the flashback and they would be reminded of what Mahmood Ghaznavi used to do with them

Those that the primitive small time bandit did something to, they are today Pakistanis and Muslims. That is why he is your hero.

As far as we are concerned, the primitive wretch is being eaten by 72 quadrillion bugs and is rotting in hell.

While the Somnath temple stands tall and thronging with devotees. ;)

Standing up for minority rights if appeasement politics and flawed then why you even boast about such fake secularism when presenting yourself to the world while at home you call it Sickularism and at home you call names to your own people.

The reality is that India is a majority Hindu country with a Hindu mindset with Hindutva ideology hence it should assert and portray its true identity instead of a hotchpotch "secularism" dressed in orange attire.

There is NOTHING wrong in listening to your majority population's opinion.

Give yourself rest. There is enough happening in your Afghan areas on both sides of Durand, Pakistan and the wider Islamic world that demands more urgent attention that how we "present ourselves to the world".

I am not sure why a kabaili khatun needs to be so concerned with how we choose to govern ourselves and "present ourselves"!
Standing up for minority rights if appeasement politics and flawed then why you even boast about such fake secularism when presenting yourself to the world while at home you call it Sickularism and at home you call names to your own people.

The reality is that India is a majority Hindu country with a Hindu mindset with Hindutva ideology hence it should assert and portray its true identity instead of a hotchpotch "secularism" dressed in orange attire.

There is NOTHING wrong in listening to your majority population's opinion.

What minority rights are denied in India if you care to explain to us? True - India is a majority Hindu country with Hindu mindset and that is what people are trying to assert. And before you jump through the hoops and cry - told you so understand that Hindu mindset is inclusive behavior else other religions wouldn't have survived for ages - Christianity in Kerala since the first century or Buddhism/Jainism once the Hinduism revived itself from the 8th century or the Zoroastrianism since the 8th century. I am not talking about Islam which came to India with the sword and was dominating from day one since it came to India or Sikhism which started when Islam religion was dominating the political atmosphere in India. But after independence, Islam has survived here in India and in fact grew from 10% to 13% in terms of population.

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