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Could Japan be Developing Nuclear Weapons?

May be, but I doubt it. Just like regular manned air superiority fighters, air superiority UCAV's also take time and money for development. So far there is no air superiority drone in development, only drones with limited missions far less than air superiority mission. Although I agree they are definitely the future, I think they will not affect these Japanese ATD-X or Korean KAI-FX programs. X-47B is the most advanced UCAV produced so far:
Unmanned combat air vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northrop Grumman X-47B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US Navy - X-47B UCAS First Carrier-Based Launch From USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) [1080p] - YouTube

Both Japan and Korea do have quite a few advanced drone under development:
Technical Research and Development InstitutebR&D | Department of Ground Systems Development
Defense Acquisition Program Administration - DAPA

You may want to check out this thread as well:

As for Japan and South Korea cooperating, the biggest problems are:
- Dokdo island which is under Korean control, but Japan claims it
- apology for colonial occupation and war time atrocities, including comfort woman issue

At some point, Japan should take care of these two issues to satisfy Korean demands, after all they did cause much suffering for the Koreans, Dokdo and apologies are small prices to pay, compared to the potential future benefit, specially when both countries have to face the threat of a rising China next door.

Here is some signs of positive trends:
Japan ready to sign South Korea military agreement in light of North’s aggressions - The Japan Daily Press
I doubt Japan and Korea will cooperate on a 5th gen program. You don't understand their "Pride" mentality like we, Chinese, do. There is a lot of pride in East Asian. We made the strategic move to fully indigenously developed our weapon for this very reason.
New sensors, AESA and putting them together into a complete 5th fighter are different. How is Japanese turbofan engine? The Avionic, weapon systems? Like I said, it is technology demonstrator program that is not even finish yet.

Avionics and weapons systems are no problem. After all, they have been putting together F-15's and F-2's for quite a while and have general experience in aircraft manufacture in abundance (Boeing's subcontractors in Japan, also they will be making parts for the F-35)
Weapons system in particular is the missile i've showed, but seeing you have to defend your stance to the point of an illiterate fool....it's best if i gently remind you of it again.

IHI Corp. is to develop a technology-demonstrator engine of 15 metric tons (33,000 lb.) thrust, according to an official document seen by Aviation Week.

Japan Aims To Launch F-3 Development In 2016-17

I thought you said you read every single article about it. How could you miss this? But then again, as i establish in the paragraph below, you can't really memorize well and make consistent arguments.

Bud, in the world of politics, it's not a game of good vs evil, can or cannot. There are diplomatic consequences for any action a country does. It's not simply to say USA lets Japan goes nuke, and everything will be fine. What if China is not happy? Japan is an enemy of us. You allow Japan nuke, there is no guarantee we won't allow Iran/NK to go nuke to offset our security risks.

LOL! What if China isn't happy. Who cares, like you said, it's not a game of good and evil but i guess you're so dumb you forget what you said in the space of one sentence.
Tool, this blunder of yours doesn't even warrant a response, but if it did, i'd say there is no guarantee more unhappy things for China won't happen.

Another dumb comment. It's not the site, it's who wrote it. Experts in avionic industry said the same thing. I have read every single articles about the ShinShin Program, not a single positive article that guarantee the program will go into full operation for the foreseeable future. The best estimation is the 2027-2030 when in service and that is the BEST optimistic estimation.

As we've seen above, you haven't really read it all like you say you have. Then again, BS lying, oops sorry , cherrypicking isn't really beneath you, is it? All for 50 cents.
So, if we take IOC around 2030, it's probably a safe bet they'll incorporate some of the 6th gen. fighter stuff onto this.
The article which you have ofcourse read, that i have linked and about which you weirdly know nothing (the horror!) speaks specifically of cooperation with the US on Japanese contribution to the F/A-XX programme.

Do educate yourself, son.

@Audio buddy, can we have a discussion without using insulting language please?

Tools are to be worked with hard style. Especially the crude ones that pretend to have finesse and are full of self affirmating hubris, while in reality, if you go to check on what he knows, you quickly find out it's not so much.
What do you expect to hear from him that you haven't heard from another 50 center? Japan good? :P
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That is precisely my point, the equation is changing. The US may no longer remain the predominant power in East Asia and the world, with a rising China. So Japan I bet is seeing the writing in the wall and making plans for an emerging new world.

It may or may not happen during Abe admin, I think something will happen in next 5-10 years time frame.

Well, I don't see a weakening US, even if China were to overtake them economically. The power structure may tilted towards China, but it's going to be a bipolar world order. Leave the equation aside, have you considered the repercussion if Japan goes nuclear? Not only China will feel threatened, the two Koreas as well. It may prompt North Korea to finally strike Japan for real. The whole East Asia power structure will be usurped. What stance will Russia take? Bearing in mind, they have a territorial dispute with Japan too. And what about the US? If Japan were allowed to break the defense treaty, what's the implication for NATO? Can it still be valid?
I don't think the world powers will accept a nuclear Japan, the repercussion is far too damaging, but of course, nothing is written in stone. First, let's see if Japan changes its constitution.
Avionics and weapons systems are no problem. After all, they have been putting together F-15's and F-2's for quite a while and have general experience in aircraft manufacture in abundance (Boeing's subcontractors in Japan, also they will be making parts for the F-35)
Weapons system in particular is the missile i've showed, but seeing you have to defend your stance to the point of an illiterate fool....it's best if i gently remind you of it again.
Putting together by joint and technology transfer is a different ball game than indigenously researching and building by themselves okay? F-15 is a contract built. F-2 is a joint-built. Many of the components are import from the USA with technology transfer. A 5th gen program and if they go with the full development, without USA's help, will not be a cakewalk program as you so optimistically believing. The history of post-war Japanese aircraft built is not very impressive which only add skeptics if they can successfully put together a realistic 5th gen fighter program.

Japan Aims To Launch F-3 Development In 2016-17

I thought you said you read every single article about it. How could you miss this? But then again, as i establish in the paragraph below, you can't really memorize well and make consistent arguments.
I read that article long ago, what a fool. Aiming doesn't mean it comes to fruition on time. Most 5th programs have high expectation but never materialized. Case in point, the Korean KAI KF-X. They have not even build a prototype yet. They will only perform a technology demonstration in 2014 and will make a decision whether to go ahead with development in 2016 or not. Do not forget, it will take $20 billion jump from technology demonstration to full development and that is assuming the BEST CASE scenario that everything goes according to plan and as you know, a highly complex program like 5th-gen NEVER does. ie F-35.

LOL! What if China isn't happy. Who cares, like you said, it's not a game of good and evil but i guess you're so dumb you forget what you said in the space of one sentence.
Tool, this blunder of yours doesn't even warrant a response, but if it did, i'd say there is no guarantee more unhappy things for China won't happen.
What a dumbass. Please stay out of talking about politics as you have no idea how politics works in the real world.

Yeah, you can't respond because your *** can't make a logical sense how Japan going nuke will cause regional instability.

As we've seen above, you haven't really read it all like you say you have. Then again, BS lying, oops sorry , cherrypicking isn't really beneath you, is it? All for 50 cents.
So, if we take IOC around 2030, it's probably a safe bet they'll incorporate some of the 6th gen. fighter stuff onto this.
The article which you have ofcourse read, that i have linked and about which you weirdly know nothing (the horror!) speaks specifically of cooperation with the US on Japanese contribution to the F/A-XX programme.

Do educate yourself, son.
Oh ****, this fool is dumb as ****. We don't even know what criteria will be on 6th gen and now this fool is talking about 6th in 2030.

Wake me up when a prototype exists because right now, you are just wasting my time idiot.
Older thread on same subject:

Could Japan be Developing Nuclear Weapons? | Greenan Report

Could Japan be Developing Nuclear Weapons?

12 AUG

This week Japan’s Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) received a five-year license for uranium exploration in Uzbekistan’s Navoi region. The deal which Japan has been working on for the past couple of years is not all that out of the ordinary, Uzbekistan just like the rest of Central Asia, is a hotbed for great-power competition with the US, China, Russia, India and Japan competing for the countries resources.

Nonetheless, due to the growing anti-nuclear movement in Japan following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, it seems strange that Japan’s national mineral resource company would be conducting uranium exploration. However, more importantly there are three worrying signs that may signal that Japan’s demand for uranium maybe more than just peaceful means.

Firstly, Japan which has always been viewed as ”nuclear ready” state possessing enough raw materials and technical knowhow to quickly develop nuclear weapons if necessary, seems to be making significant steps towards producing nuclear weapons. The Wall Street Journal published an article on May 1 indicating concerns in Washington that the opening of a huge reprocessing plant could be used to stockpile plutonium for the future manufacture of nuclear weapons.

The Rokkasho reprocessing facility in northern Honshu could produce nine tones of weapons-grade plutonium annually, this could be enough plutonium to produce 2,000 nuclear bombs. Tokyo has insisted that the plutonium will be used solely to provide nuclear power, despite this only two of the country’s 50 nuclear power reactors are currently operating and by March 2014 this is only expected to rise to eight.

The second issue is Japan is currently stockpiling many more tons of uranium and plutonium than is needed for Japan’s nuclear energy needs. Back in January 2011 two months before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan was planning to accumulate a stockpile of 120 tons of enriched uranium by 2015 marking the first time the government had stockpiled emergency supplies of nuclear fuel. However, since Japan’s Fukushima disaster uranium stockpile is creating an overhang on world markets, while uranium prices have dramatically decreased. Despite some analysts believing Uranium prices will increase by 2014 and Japanese stockpiles decreasing as more nuclear power plants go back online, the exploration of uranium in Uzbekistan seems poorly timed considering Japans massive stockpile and the ongoing problems with the global uranium market.

Back in June 2012 Japan Times reported that Japan had stockpiled 45 tons weapons grade plutonium 239, roughly enough plutonium for 5,000 nuclear warheads. One year on the Atomic Energy Commission reported that Japan currently possesses 44 tons of plutonium, with the stockpile only decreasing by 1 ton over the past year.

The third issue is back in April Japan refused to sign a document that described nuclear weapons as inhumane. Despite the document being only symbolic and not legally binding, Japans refusal to sign the document came as a shock, due to their anti-nuclear stance and declaration of peace under Article-9 of the Japanese constitution. The document which was signed by 70 states including South Africa and Switzerland was also snubbed by Russia, India, Pakistan and the United States, all nuclear powers.

The Asahi Shimbun wrote that Japanese officials had said the document’s wording “made it difficult to approve it because it would contradict Japan’s policy of reliance on the U.S. nuclear umbrella for national security purposes.” On the other hand Prime Minister Abe said that Japan had a “responsibility to realize” a nuclear free world, but continued to justify Tokyo’s refusal to sign the UN pledge by saying Japan faced a “severe security environment” due to their proximity to North Korea.

Japan currently has the capabilities and resources to construct a nuclear bomb, and with increased tension in the East China Sea and on the Korean peninsula, Japan is rapidly developing it military and changing its security policy to counteract these threats. Whether Japan has already constructed a nuclear bomb and like Israel denies it, or whether Japan will soon start a nuclear program, we may never know until either the government admits it, or a nuclear crisis arises. However, Japan’s changing military policy, the stockpiling of nuclear material, the construction of new facilities and Japan’s unnecessary exploration in Uzbekistan, hints that Japan may be looking to join the “nuclear club,” to gain deterrence against its regional nuclear adversaries.

Posted by Matthew Greenan on August 12, 2013 in Japan

If Japan does so then China, Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia have every right to launch a pre-emptive strike on Japan's suspected nuclear weapon site because Japan had a long and dirty history of invasion of neighbouring countries.
Putting together by joint and technology transfer is a different ball game than indigenously researching and building by themselves okay? F-15 is a contract built. F-2 is a joint-built. Many of the components are import from the USA with technology transfer. A 5th gen program and if they go with the full development, without USA's help, will not be a cakewalk program as you so optimistically believing. The history of post-war Japanese aircraft built is not very impressive which only add skeptics if they can successfully put together a realistic 5th gen fighter program.

This is all based on your own promoted idea that you now furiously defend that US won't be providing any technical assistance while if we look in history that you quoted this was not the case. LM provided extensive assistance for the F-2. But we can make a quick stop to that.


The US government has reportedly authorized 24 engine and radar components to be produced in Japan, accounting for about 10% of the plane’s value, and that number is expected to grow with additional approvals. Overall, IHI Corp. will manufacture 17 engine fan and turbine parts, while Mitsubishi Electric Corp. will produce 7 radar system components that include signal receivers. Parts for the rear fuselage, wings, and undercarriage will come from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and other Japanese contractors. That will help Japan gain important experience for its own stealth fighters, and build on the composites manufacturing expertise gained in its F-16-derived F-2 program.

Japan’s Next Fighters, From F-X Competition to F-35 Buy


I read that article long ago, what a fool. Aiming doesn't mean it comes to fruition on time. Most 5th programs have high expectation but never materialized. Case in point, the Korean KAI KF-X. They have not even build a prototype yet. They will only perform a technology demonstration in 2014 and will make a decision whether to go ahead with development in 2016 or not. Do not forget, it will take $20 billion jump from technology demonstration to full development and that is assuming the BEST CASE scenario that everything goes according to plan and as you know, a highly complex program like 5th-gen NEVER does. ie F-35.

KAI F-X was put on hold for a while. Plus all the cooperation with Indonesia cannot help to streamline the process because there is not established cooperation of this magnitude existing between the countries.

Indonesian Government intends to continue development work on the Korean Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) combat aircraft, despite the Korean government decision to temporary halt the program.

Nice example. Shot down. That in addition that Japan has a larger technological base then Korea and Indonesia put together.

Indonesia; MoD decides to continue IFX fighter development

What a dumbass. Please stay out of talking about politics as you have no idea how politics works in the real world.

Yeah, you can't respond because your *** can't make a logical sense how Japan going nuke will cause regional instability.

What regional instability. Only China will feel unstable because now the ultimate threat in the territorial disputes will be met with similar capability and will be crying like you are now, rest will be condemning publicly but cheering in private.

Oh ****, this fool is dumb as ****. We don't even know what criteria will be on 6th gen and now this fool is talking about 6th in 2030.

Wake me up when a prototype exists because right now, you are just wasting my time idiot.

Here, starting list of requirements for the 6th generation fighter to be inducted in 2030 period, straight from the mouth:

a) Air Vehicle
b) Vehicle/Sensor Protection
c) Propulsion
d) Warning and Situational Awareness
e) Sensors
f) Data Fusion
g) Offensive/Defensive Systems
h) Automatic Target Recognition (Ground and Air)
i) Communications, Networks, and Data Links
j) Kinetic Weapons
k) Non-kinetic Weapons
l) Electronic Warfare and Information Operations
m) Secondary Power Generation, Storage and Management
n) Thermal Management and Heat Rejection
o) Human System Integration (HSI)
p) Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) and Optionally Manned Systems


The link in my previous post already precisely stated Japan will be trying to contribute to the programme, but since you ignored it:

Two years ago, the ministry disclosed a research effort for what it called the i3 Fighter, intended to assemble a suite of advanced technologies for a future combat aircraft—or, some suspect, to be offered to the U.S. as a Japanese contribution to the next U.S. fighter. The ministry's Technical and Research Development Institute is leading the i3 Fighter work.

Japan Aims To Launch F-3 Development In 2016-17

Killed you on everything. LOL!
That's because you're a tool and can't think two replies ahead. Plus you pretend to know stuff from articles but important bits and pieces get left out from your version of events. Also, the remarks you leave out are of contradicting nature to your assumptions, but i'm sure that's just a coincidence. :lol:

Essentially, the story you are trying to sell to everyone is: Japan will be having immense trouble creating a 5th gen. fighter while China starting from a much lower technological base and no experience seems to have no problems inducting two 5th gen. fighters and first one has IOC iirc in 2016 or 2017.
Hard to swallow once we put it this way isn't it?
Japan as a policy will never develop nuclear weapons but it has been provided nuclear umbrella shield by US if its attacked
This is all based on your own promoted idea that you now furiously defend that US won't be providing any technical assistance while if we look in history that you quoted this was not the case. LM provided extensive assistance for the F-2. But we can make a quick stop to that.


Japan’s Next Fighters, From F-X Competition to F-35 Buy

Very funny. I thought we are talking about an indigenous 5th-gen fighter program, as they claimed here? First your premise still doesn't stand. Why would the USA provides technical assistance on a 5th gen program so that Japan can someday compete with the expensive F-35 program and potentially stealing America's lucrative billion dollar business? It makes no sense! Secondly, giving license blueprint to build engine is NOT the same as building their own engine. It takes a tremendous amount of research, time for testing as thousand of components are needed to assemble a turbofan engine. Can they gain the experience of manufacturing F-35? Perhaps so. That is their main reason for purchasing overprice F-35.

KAI F-X was put on hold for a while. Plus all the cooperation with Indonesia cannot help to streamline the process because there is not established cooperation of this magnitude existing between the countries.

Nice example. Shot down. That in addition that Japan has a larger technological base then Korea and Indonesia put together.

Indonesia; MoD decides to continue IFX fighter development
Idiot. If you follow the KAI F-X program, you would know that initially the Korean had an ambiguous expectation to build a true 5th-gen aircraft. Then once they started researching on a mock-up and estimated the program cost, they realized the cost associated with the program is too much and the lack of technical expertise to envision a true 5th gen fighter. So they lower their expectation from 5th gen to a 4+/4++ fighter. Now currently, they halt the program for this very reason, cost.

Nice try, mate. At least the Korean KAI F-X has a realistic vision, and a partner to shoulder the total cost and a guarantee export partner to keep future program cost down. The Japanese ADT-X program has not even write up a plan on who will buy once it actually come to fruition and that is a big IF.

What regional instability. Only China will feel unstable because now the ultimate threat in the territorial disputes will be met with similar capability and will be crying like you are now, rest will be condemning publicly but cheering in private.
I don't know if you are actually joking with me or really stupid to not understand Northeast Asia politics. I repeat to you again. Japan IS at the forefront of NPT. If they go nuke, China will be the first to protest the USA for allowing this development. In return, Iran and both Korea will go nuke and the risks of nuclear fallout will increase, thus creating more instability across Asia.

Now I don't give a **** about a White Westerner like you thinking of my dear country. We have our own foreign policy and security and if you don't care, then we will not care about your security with Iran or North Korea.

Here full of BS chi bot, starting list of requirements for the 6th generation fighter to be inducted in 2030 period, straight from the mouth:


The link in my previous post already precisely stated Japan will be trying to contribute to the programme, but since you ignored it:
It's a proposal, a conceptualized class, you moron. Until there is a prototype and technology demonstration, then you can claim what can be classified as 6th gen fighter officially.

I believe I already implied to you the difference between calling an indigenous program and joint or tech-assistance program.

Japan Aims To Launch F-3 Development In 2016-17

Killed you on everything. LOL!
That's because you're a tool and can't think two replies ahead. Plus you pretend to know stuff from articles but important bits and pieces get left out from your version of events. Also, the remarks you leave out are of contradicting nature to your assumptions, but i'm sure that's just a coincidence. :lol:

Essentially, the story you are trying to sell to everyone is: Japan will be having immense trouble creating a 5th gen. fighter while China starting from a much lower technological base and no experience seems to have no problems inducting two 5th gen. fighters and first one has IOC iirc in 2016 or 2017.
Hard to swallow once we put it this way isn't it?
Now now now, you need to calm down, my man. Didn't I told you the difference between "planning" and actually "meeting that expectation"?

You just prove yourself a laughing stock. China HAD the experience building an indigenous J-10 and had conduct research on J-20 since the 90s. When it comes to experience, our avionics and defense industry are much more capable than Japanese. In fact, if the Japanese had such high technological base, why didn't they conduct a manned space flights and why they didn't build 5th gen before us? Lunatic!
Very funny. I thought we are talking about an indigenous 5th-gen fighter program, as they claimed here? First your premise still doesn't stand. Why would the USA provides technical assistance on a 5th gen program so that Japan can someday compete with the expensive F-35 program and potentially stealing America's lucrative billion dollar business? It makes no sense! Secondly, giving license blueprint to build engine is NOT the same as building their own engine. It takes a tremendous amount of research, time for testing as thousand of components are needed to assemble a turbofan engine. Can they gain the experience of manufacturing F-35? Perhaps so. That is their main reason for purchasing overprice F-35.

Yes, you thought, ofcourse. That's because you made this condition which hasn't got a connection with reality.
In any case, you thought wrong, we are talking about a possible future 5th gen Japanese fighter to which US will provide support because Japan has been denied the purchase of F-22's. It's also irelevant about the engine part, the only thing that matters in this debate is that it will have engines, contrary to your questioning about the availability of it.

Your further questioning about the transfer of 5th gen. tech. is also irelevant as i gave you sources claiming it will be so.

Idiot. If you follow the KAI F-X program, you would know that initially the Korean had an ambiguous expectation to build a true 5th-gen aircraft. Then once they started researching on a mock-up and estimated the program cost, they realized the cost associated with the program is too much and the lack of technical expertise to envision a true 5th gen fighter. So they lower their expectation from 5th gen to a 4+/4++ fighter. Now currently, they halt the program for this very reason, cost.

Nice try, mate. At least the Korean KAI F-X has a realistic vision, and a partner to shoulder the total cost and a guarantee export partner to keep future program cost down. The Japanese ADT-X program has not even write up a plan on who will buy once it actually come to fruition and that is a big IF.

It doesn't matter. We are debating about a Japanese fighter to which the KAI F-X has no influence at all. You are just using it for deflection.

I don't know if you are actually joking with me or really stupid to not understand Northeast Asia politics. I repeat to you again. Japan IS at the forefront of NPT. If they go nuke, China will be the first to protest the USA for allowing this development. In return, Iran and both Korea will go nuke and the risks of nuclear fallout will increase, thus creating more instability across Asia.

Now I don't give a **** about a White Westerner like you thinking of my dear country. We have our own foreign policy and security and if you don't care, then we will not care about your security with Iran or North Korea.

More of your assumptions that more often then not are wrong. In other words :blah: Like you would know what's gonna happen in the future. You don't even know properly for the present.

It's a proposal, a conceptualized class, you moron. Until there is a prototype and technology demonstration, then you can claim what can be classified as 6th gen fighter officially.

I believe I already implied to you the difference between calling an indigenous program and joint or tech-assistance program.

You asked for requirements, i gave you requirements straight from US gov. site. Now you are trying to weasel your way out by expecting me to give you a picture of a prototype while knowing i cannot do that. However, quite evidently, work has already begun on 6th gen. development, most people in the aviation world believe it, if you don't, noone cares. Keep sticking the air you have in between your ears in the sand.

You just prove yourself a laughing stock. China HAD the experience building an indigenous J-10 and had conduct research on J-20 since the 90s. When it comes to experience, our avionics and defense industry are much more capable than Japanese. In fact, if the Japanese had such high technological base, why didn't they conduct a manned space flights and why they didn't build 5th gen before us? Lunatic!

They weren't building 5th generation because they were trying to get approval for the F-22?
Japan has sent astronauts to the ISS, making that effectively their manned space programme, their unmanned programme is way more advanced the China's, same as delivery systems and in general, the whole army is more advanced. Society too.

Who are you kidding dude, they are building stuff on par with western tech for decades, while China has just started with copying and cobbling up together bits and pieces reverse engineered and obtained from spying.

Your air to air missiles are copy of Russian and South African, air to ground are carbon copy of Russian missiles, your planes were drawn by Israelis (J-10), some by MiG (J-20), the J-31 is the result of supposedly non critical (according to LM) tech obtained during the F-35 programme, Z-10 was drawn up by Kamov, the "new" transport helicopter is a copy of the S-70, your electronics are dual purpose things you are allowed to import from the west mixed with Russian tech. transfers etc, etc.....

So, to summarize, you exagerate your arguments a bit (to put it mildly), provide no sources for your claims in contrast to me, the highly reputable sources i provide you question with disingenious dumbass questions ala "why would the US blah bla blah", etc, etc....
Yes, you thought, ofcourse. That's because you made this condition which hasn't got a connection with reality.
In any case, you thought wrong, we are talking about a possible future 5th gen Japanese fighter to which US will provide support because Japan has been denied the purchase of F-22's. It's also irelevant about the engine part, the only thing that matters in this debate is that it will have engines, contrary to your questioning about the availability of it.

Your further questioning about the transfer of 5th gen. tech. is also irelevant as i gave you sources claiming it will be so.
HAHA so NOW we are actually talking about a semi-indigenous effort program here. I got it. My bad, my man. :omghaha:

It doesn't matter. We are debating about a Japanese fighter to which the KAI F-X has no influence at all. You are just using it for deflection.
My point is the ADT-X program could end up like the KAI F-X with so much high expectation and flop once cost and technical barrier hit in the head. Now, the Japanese 1% defense budget is not going to cut it for a ADT-X program. They have to raise the defense budget, which lead to another issue. The Japanese needs to use as much saving in the govt budget to rebuild after the tsunami disaster and Fukishima nuclear leak. With these reasons in mind, I highly doubt the ADT-X will achieve its 2016-2017 development phase as planned, just like many experts have predicted.

More of your assumptions that more often then not are wrong. In other words :blah: Like you would know what's gonna happen in the future. You don't even know properly for the present.
Bud, it's common knowledge in Northeast Asia to keep stability by not allowing Japan to go nuke. That is the status quo.

You asked for requirements, i gave you requirements straight from US gov. site. Now you are trying to weasel your way out by expecting me to give you a picture of a prototype while knowing i cannot do that. However, quite evidently, work has already begun on 6th gen. development, most people in the aviation world believe it, if you don't, noone cares. Keep sticking the air you have in between your ears in the sand.
Bud, proposal during research phase is not official okay? Do you even know the main criteria for a 4th and 5th generation fighter? In my humble opinion, the main separation between a 5th and a 6th-gen should be the UNMANNED stealth as Russia defined it. Nope, it is not official and subject to change as more research is needed to define a 6th gen. Everything is still up in the air, bud.

They weren't building 5th generation because they were trying to get approval for the F-22?
Japan has sent astronauts to the ISS, making that effectively their manned space programme, their unmanned programme is way more advanced the China's, same as delivery systems and in general, the whole army is more advanced. Society too.

Who are you kidding dude, they are building stuff on par with western tech for decades, while China has just started with copying and cobbling up together bits and pieces reverse engineered and obtained from spying.

Your air to air missiles are copy of Russian and South African, air to ground are carbon copy of Russian missiles, your planes were drawn by Israelis (J-10), some by MiG (J-20), the J-31 is the result of supposedly non critical (according to LM) tech obtained during the F-35 programme, Z-10 was drawn up by Kamov, the "new" transport helicopter is a copy of the S-70, your electronics are dual purpose things you are allowed to import from the west mixed with Russian tech. transfers etc, etc.....

So, to summarize, you exagerate your arguments a bit (to put it mildly), provide no sources for your claims in contrast to me, the highly reputable sources i provide you question with disingenious dumbass questions ala "why would the US blah bla blah", etc, etc....
LOL! It was an international cooperation. Base on your ant's brain logic, India put an astronaut in 1980s on Russian rocket, so it must mean their space program is more advance than China. Japan had NEVER developed a manned spaceflight program. Their latest plan is 2025! Currently, ONLY the USA/Russia/China independently have a manned spaceflight program.

Their army is more advance? As in what? LOL Our army enlistment is based on a volunteer basis with the BIGGEST army ground troop in the WORLD! If Japanese army is so much advance and powerful, perhaps, they should stop hiding behind the USA's shoulder, asking for the help to deal with China. HAHAH

Bud, I think you're watching too much Gundam where you equal conceptual robot fighter as some form of realistic technology superior. Their AI Robot is equivalent of a cockroach's brain from the mouth of a Japanese-ethnic physicist and modern tehnologist Michio Kaku. LOL

LOL Soviet does it, USA does reverse engineering of Nazi Germany aircraft program. It's no shame to reverse engineer, bud. In fact, it should be highly encouraged as it helps advance human technological progression.

Another lie. LOL J-10 chief designer Song Wencong and it designs based on J-9 which preceded the Israel IAI Lavi aircraft. By your logic again to undermine China's achievement when the USA intelligence accused, it supposes to be 100% accurate and real. Then in that case, what happen to the Iraq's WMD program? LOL Now you need to calm down and listen. I will admit that we did copy a few of USA's technological data to accelerate our development initially but make no mistake about it, we put in the effort to research ourselves to achieve a truly indigenous program. We can proudly say within 10-years, we will no longer need a single western import for our national defence.

Speaking of your Japanese SUPERTECH Epsilon-1 Rocket...

News aug 27, 2013

JAXA's Epsilon Rocket Too Smart; Cancels its Own Launch


On August 27, Japan’s next-gen, supertech Epsilon-1 rocket, along with its SPRINT-A satellite cargo, remained unlaunched after the live televised countdown. Perhaps not so very next-gen, nor supertech? Well, the humans forgot about a signal delay, and the rocket aborted the launch. Who’s that on?

Smartrocket Aborts with 19 Seconds to Go...

In the final moments of last Tuesday’s launch from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)’s Uchinoura Space Center in southwestern Japan - approximately 1100 km/683 miles southwest of Tokyo as the flying thing flies - the Epsilon-1 rocket, carrying the SPRINT-A orbital exploration platform, detected then unknown irregularities in things that should have been regular. It’s the second launch delay this summer (our coverage). Investigation & analysis ensued.

Turns out that, while somewhat overly dramatic, it’s not entirely inaccurate to say that Epsilon’s “artificial intelligence” autonomously aborted the launch after detecting a problem. It would be wildly overdramatic, however, to cite this as evidence of Japan’s shiny new rocket being unready, or perhaps not so high-tech after all. Not to excessively anthropomorphize the whole affair, but the rocket didn’t make a mistake or have any faults in and of itself, it did, however, expose an oversight in the Turns out that, while somewhat overly dramatic, it’s not entirely inaccurate to say that Epsilon’s “artificial intelligence” autonomously aborted the launch after detecting a problem. It would be wildly overdramatic, however, to cite this as evidence of Japan’s shiny new rocket being unready, or perhaps not so high-tech after all. Not to excessively anthropomorphize the whole affair, but the rocket didn’t make a mistake or have any faults in and of itself, it did, however, expose an oversight in the
communication/synchronization processes that the humans missed.

Don’t Blame the A.I., Man!

According to an August 30 press release, JAXA believes that a 0.7-second signal delay between the rocket’s internal control and diagnostic system’s processor and that of the remote launch control prompted the mistaken report of an attitude or posture irregularity, i.e., “Hey guys, the rocket’s like, you know, aimed in the wrong direction.” While that diagnosis proved inaccurate, it nonetheless alerted engineers to the overlooked signal delay issue. So, they’re fixing that.

Why’s Japan Making a New Rocket?

J-space agencies have been hammering away at various iterations of solid propellant, Epsilon-like rockets for more than a decade (formerly, the M-V Launch Vehicle). In JAXA’s words, the project seeks to:

“...build a system which will allow the frequent launch of launch vehicles by largely-reducing operational costs through enhancing aspects of operational efficiency, such as assembly and inspection. Through increased launch opportunities, we anticipate that space development activity will increase. The biggest goal of the Epsilon Launch Vehicle is to make space more accessible as rocket launches are made easier.”

The key advancement is the vehicle’s ability to do self-diagnosing pre-flight checks and balances. So like, you know in the movies where there’s that big half-circle room full of pocket protectored rocket scientists staring at their monitors and/or the big view screen, and then minutes before launch, each team leader sounds off:

“Weather is a go!"
"Avionics is a go!"
"Plyometrics is a go!"
"Neopilates is a go!”

...those guys are replaced by Epsilon’s on-board diagnostics. Crudely described, the Epsilon system makes launching a satellite into orbit as easy as some dude clicking “Launch Rocket Now” on a laptop. Epsilon then takes a good look at itself and decides Go or No-Go (no, in this case).

That’s the goal - through this very streamlined, high-performance, low-cost system, JAXA hopes to get a bigger chunk of the getting stuff into space business - stuff like the Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of Atmosphere (SPRINT-A) satellite. Which is now stuck on earth observing only the inside of Epsilon.

It is Rocket Science, After All

JAXA’s currently working to compensate for the 0.7-second processor delay, and with good weather are hoping for a re-do before the end of the month (the preferred launch window closes on September 30).
Stay tuned - we’ll keep you hip.

JAXA's Epsilon Rocket Too Smart; Cancels its Own Launch | AkihabaraNews


HAHAHAHA, what a joke!
And speaking of our Special Forces ability...

China takes first and second in special forces competition

Mohammed Najib, Amman - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 April 2013

The Snow Leopard Unit of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force has won the fifth annual Warrior Competition held at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) in Amman from 24-28 March.

The special duty group of the Special Police Academy of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force's came second, followed by the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. The Palestinian Presidential Guard, which has been trained by Russia, the US and Jordan, came in fourth position, a significant improvement on its 10th place in 2012.

Thirty three special operations and counter-terrorism teams from 18 countries participated, with Algeria, Bahrain, France, Greece, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and the US also sending teams.

China takes first and second in special forces competition - IHS Jane's 360


Beating out even the SUPERPOWER USA!! HAHAHA
Japan is the only country to go through the pain of Nuclear attack. They will certainly not want it to happened again. What is the solution? Nuclear Deterrence.

Japan must be developing it or might have developed it in Huge No.
HAHA so NOW we are actually talking about a semi-indigenous effort program here. I got it. My bad, my man. :omghaha:
My point is the ADT-X program could end up like the KAI F-X with so much high expectation and flop once cost and technical barrier hit in the head. Now, the Japanese 1% defense budget is not going to cut it for a ADT-X program. They have to raise the defense budget, which lead to another issue. The Japanese needs to use as much saving in the govt budget to rebuild after the tsunami disaster and Fukishima nuclear leak. With these reasons in mind, I highly doubt the ADT-X will achieve its 2016-2017 development phase as planned, just like many experts have predicted.

I did not make the differentiation between indigenous and semi indigenous. this is entirely your own construct so you can more easily defend your spin doctored arguments. I was speaking from the start about Japanese 5th gen. fighter, irelevant from where the assistance will be provided.

Your point is that you're a stupid bot hurt 50 center, cherrypicking on the arguments, and then crying out loud because Japan will be receiving technical assistance in areas long plaguing the PLAAF.
The engine assistance must really be burning, since China had so many problems with it's WindStopper-10. Flying hours still probably range in the Russian achieved 800 hrs then scrap metal it is.
And of course, as the sellout you are, you have to wail over it.

Bud, it's common knowledge in Northeast Asia to keep stability by not allowing Japan to go nuke. That is the status quo.

It's common knowledge China is a copy cat as well. Country at the forefront of NPT doesn't have nuclear fuel in amounts that are exponential to what it really needs. OP's article clearly mentions this, but still you keep your head in the sand, refusing to see anything. But since i'm a good guy and i like to help the mentally handicapped i'll refresh your memory:

Back in June 2012 Japan Times reported that Japan had stockpiled 45 tons weapons grade plutonium 239, roughly enough plutonium for 5,000 nuclear warheads. One year on the Atomic Energy Commission reported that Japan currently possesses 44 tons of plutonium, with the stockpile only decreasing by 1 ton over the past year.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...developing-nuclear-weapons.html#ixzz2eBkr1HSj

Sure sounds like forefront of NPT to me. :lol:
Also, being Chinese, i thought you'd know that what someone says he is doing isn't necessarily what he is really doing. Sun Tzu and all that, but i guess you didn't understand it even though you probably had to read it. No surprise here.

Bud, proposal during research phase is not official okay? Do you even know the main criteria for a 4th and 5th generation fighter? In my humble opinion, the main separation between a 5th and a 6th-gen should be the UNMANNED stealth as Russia defined it. Nope, it is not official and subject to change as more research is needed to define a 6th gen. Everything is still up in the air, bud.

Kido, do you understand the link i quoted to you? Those are official requirements from an official source. if technology isn't being researched in that direction, the end result has no business appearing on the tender that will be issued sometime in the future.
If the air in between your ears had any weight the fact such a requirement was listed would have stopped in your head due to friction. I guess since you failed to see it, another proof of the vaccum contents of your cranium.
It's not in my nature to post links over and over, but since you're, well, challenged:

p) Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) and Optionally Manned Systems


LOL! It was an international cooperation. Base on your ant's brain logic, India put an astronaut in 1980s on Russian rocket, so it must mean their space program is more advance than China. Japan had NEVER developed a manned spaceflight program. Their latest plan is 2025! Currently, ONLY the USA/Russia/China independently have a manned spaceflight program.

Kid, you're just stupid. You're parroting the absence of a manned space programme, while Japan's module (developed and manufactured) has been docked at the ISS for years.
What is that other then manned programme on a different magnitude then just contributing an astronaut?
And it's better then the rolling bathtub China put up in space, manned 24/7 not once a year for PR stunts to CCP brainwashed children.
Sure, you have an "indigenous" (like that renamed Soyuz is indigenous :lol:) manned programme from the 70's. They have cooperation with 21.st century tech.

Their army is more advance? As in what? LOL Our army enlistment is based on a volunteer basis with the BIGGEST army ground troop in the WORLD! If Japanese army is so much advance and powerful, perhaps, they should stop hiding behind the USA's shoulder, asking for the help to deal with China. HAHAH

Bud, I think you're watching too much Gundam where you equal conceptual robot fighter as some form of realistic technology superior. Their AI Robot is equivalent of a cockroach's brain from the mouth of a Japanese-ethnic physicist and modern tehnologist Michio Kaku. LOL

Be quiet 50 center, noone in their right mind would believe pathetic conscript PLA is technologically superior to JSDF, only chi botter like yourself who are paid to parrot this propaganda.
And btw, it's not like you're any smarter then cockroach AI. Cockroach knows to run when he is outgunned, you keep on providing me with a punching bag. I don't mind though, everyone should earn their money. LOL!

LOL Soviet does it, USA does reverse engineering of Nazi Germany aircraft program. It's no shame to reverse engineer, bud. In fact, it should be highly encouraged as it helps advance human technological progression.

Of course it's a shame. USSR and USA did it after they defeated the Germans and took it as spoils of war, who did you defeat? Apart from students around Tienanmen square? Another fallacy and attempt at whitewashing.

Another lie. LOL J-10 chief designer Song Wencong and it designs based on J-9 which preceded the Israel IAI Lavi aircraft. By your logic again to undermine China's achievement when the USA intelligence accused, it supposes to be 100% accurate and real. Then in that case, what happen to the Iraq's WMD program? LOL Now you need to calm down and listen. I will admit that we did copy a few of USA's technological data to accelerate our development initially but make no mistake about it, we put in the effort to research ourselves to achieve a truly indigenous program. We can proudly say within 10-years, we will no longer need a single western import for our national defence.

:blah: :blah: more 50 cent propaganda. You copied everything you could then you cobbled it up together. Who are you kidding here dude? Whole world knows it and you're trying to whitewash it. :omghaha:

Speaking of your Japanese SUPERTECH Epsilon-1 Rocket...

HAHAHAHA, what a joke!

Yes, and? New type of rocket got it's first launch postponed. Nothing unusual, ofcourse Chinese ones don't get postponed because it's Russian tech. not updated in decades. You're just trying to deflect dumbass.

Dude, you're a joke. Pathetic spin doctored arguments that can't stand scrutiny for 5 seconds. In short, a graduated 50 center. I hope you enjoy the bowl of rice i am providing you for the past 2 days.
I did not make the differentiation between indigenous and semi indigenous. this is entirely your own construct so you can more easily defend your spin doctored arguments. I was speaking from the start about Japanese 5th gen. fighter, irelevant from where the assistance will be provided.
Fair enough. LOL

Your point is that you're a stupid bot hurt 50 center, cherrypicking on the arguments, and then crying out loud because Japan will be receiving technical assistance in areas long plaguing the PLAAF.
The engine assistance must really be burning, since China had so many problems with it's WindStopper-10. Flying hours still probably range in the Russian achieved 800 hrs then scrap metal it is.
And of course, as the sellout you are, you have to wail over it.
Bud, listen! I don't care about Japan 5th gen development because by the time they do have one in service, we would be way ahead.

Are you kidding? The last time we heard of major development on WS-15 engine was back in 2010, and most with insiders said the core engine is finished. It has been 3 years without hearing a single major news of this development because China is keeping a tight secret. Recently early of this August, the chief director of WS-15 said that the program is moving "very well" without giving much detail and that turbofan engine is not a static technology. It will keep getting better as China continues to invest, modify and design. So I wouldn't be too worry about it. You can bet that we will have our indigenous engine by 2020.

You must admit that we, Chinese, are truly amazing. NOBODY thought we will have a 5th gen out of the blue. :omghaha:

It's common knowledge China is a copy cat as well. Country at the forefront of NPT doesn't have nuclear fuel in amounts that are exponential to what it really needs. OP's article clearly mentions this, but still you keep your head in the sand, refusing to see anything. But since i'm a good guy and i like to help the mentally handicapped i'll refresh your memory:
LOL Don't get mad because we have a J-20. Look at this beautiful copycat, J-20. How can you be mad at it? LMAO


I would say, MOST COUNTRIES, would love to be call a "copycat" and get their own J-20 program. :lol:

Listen again, bud. Nobody can stop Japan from enriching uranium because they are one of the biggest nuclear power consumption in the world. They can always make excuse to use it for civilian purpose and nobody can prove that Japan's uranium enrichment will lead to a nuclear weapon unless there is solid evidence that one exist. In that situation, there will be diplomatic consequence for Japan.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...developing-nuclear-weapons.html#ixzz2eBkr1HSj

Sure sounds like forefront of NPT to me. :lol:
Also, being Chinese, i thought you'd know that what someone says he is doing isn't necessarily what he is really doing. Sun Tzu and all that, but i guess you didn't understand it even though you probably had to read it. No surprise here.
Bud, one is speculating and the other is actual evidence. Get it? LOL

Kido, do you understand the link i quoted to you? Those are official requirements from an official source. if technology isn't being researched in that direction, the end result has no business appearing on the tender that will be issued sometime in the future.
If the air in between your ears had any weight the fact such a requirement was listed would have stopped in your head due to friction. I guess since you failed to see it, another proof of the vaccum contents of your cranium.
It's not in my nature to post links over and over, but since you're, well, challenged:
LOL Let not go over this again. I suggest you go to Sinodefence Forum and ask if 6th gen is officially define or not as many of the members are in the avionics industry and are aircraft experts.


Kid, you're just stupid. You're parroting the absence of a manned space programme, while Japan's module (developed and manufactured) has been docked at the ISS for years.
What is that other then manned programme on a different magnitude then just contributing an astronaut?
And it's better then the rolling bathtub China put up in space, manned 24/7 not once a year for PR stunts to CCP brainwashed children.
Sure, you have an "indigenous" (like that renamed Soyuz is indigenous :lol:) manned programme from the 70's. They have cooperation with 21.st century tech.
LOL. Bud, please do me a favor and go research on what a manned space programme implies for space industry and its commercial technological prowess.

Once again, we have our own space program independently of ANYONE. Only the USA and Russia can said they do. It's a trio exclusive club. Are you mad? LMAO

Btw, when we have our own space station, I hope you are not running around like a sour grape madman. LOL :yay:

Be quiet 50 center, noone in their right mind would believe pathetic conscript PLA is technologically superior to JSDF, only chi botter like yourself who are paid to parrot this propaganda.
And btw, it's not like you're any smarter then cockroach AI. Cockroach knows to run when he is outgunned, you keep on providing me with a punching bag. I don't mind though, everyone should earn their money. LOL!
LOL calm down, my friend. Look at this beautiful J-20 to calm your soul down. LOL


Everyone knows we are superior and will only going to separate the JSDF in the future. There is a reason there are multiple English-language sites and forums, delicate to China defence, technology, and development. Can you say the same for JSDF? LOL

Of course it's a shame. USSR and USA did it after they defeated the Germans and took it as spoils of war, who did you defeat? Apart from students around Tienanmen square? Another fallacy and attempt at whitewashing.
In case you didn't know, China is part of the WWII Allied Force and thus we are one of the P5 member in the UN as a WWII trophy. LOL Of course bud, we didn't defeated Germans because they are not our direct foe in WWII. They fought in Europe with Soviet Union. Now, if we receive Nazi Tech as a result, today we would be light year ahead of Japan. LOL

:blah: more 50 cent propaganda. You copied everything you could then you cobbled it up together. Who are you kidding here dude? Whole world knows it and you're trying to whitewash it. :omghaha:
Keep dreaming. The West copied our forefather's invention, we deserved to receive the modern form of payment from Western tech. LOL

Yes, and? New type of rocket got it's first launch postponed. Nothing unusual, ofcourse Chinese ones don't get postponed because it's Russian tech. not updated in decades. You're just trying to deflect dumbass.

Dude, you're a joke. Pathetic spin doctored arguments that can't stand scrutiny for 5 seconds. In short, a graduated 50 center. I hope you enjoy the bowl of rice i am providing you for the past 2 days.
LOL As if it wasn't US rocket tech transfer blueprint that Japan initially are using. But no bud, that is your accusation. Our rocket technology development is due to the result of a rocket genius named Qian XueSen.

I sense that you are getting mad. I shall stop and humiliate you from now. LOL :omghaha:
Fair enough. LOL
Bud, listen! I don't care about Japan 5th gen development because by the time they do have one in service, we would be way ahead.

You brought it up in the first place, when wanting to explain to everyone how unexistant and difficult it will all be. Now that it didn't go like you wanted when i explained a bit about the help they'll receive it suddenly doesn't matter anymore.

Are you kidding? The last time we heard of major development on WS-15 engine was back in 2010, and most with insiders said the core engine is finished. It has been 3 years without hearing a single major news of this development because China is keeping a tight secret. Recently early of this August, the chief director of WS-15 said that the program is moving "very well" without giving much detail and that turbofan engine is not a static technology. It will keep getting better as China continues to invest, modify and design. So I wouldn't be too worry about it. You can bet that we will have our indigenous engine by 2020.

If there's no news, that probably means it's failing, because if there were good news Chinese members would post numerous threads here. I believe it does power planes (WS-10), the question is how long.

You must admit that we, Chinese, are truly amazing. NOBODY thought we will have a 5th gen out of the blue. :omghaha:

Yes, you are good at walking a treaded path. After all, that's a skill too.

LOL Don't get mad because we have a J-20. Look at this beautiful copycat, J-20. How can you be mad at it? LMAO
I would say, MOST COUNTRIES, would love to be call a "copycat" and get their own J-20 program. :lol:

You keep having it, i don't mind one bit. This is another one of your assumptions, that i'm mad so you can deflect easier the lack of arguments in your posts. A masquerade of sorts. With colorful pictures to catch the attention of the stupid people.

Listen again, bud. Nobody can stop Japan from enriching uranium because they are one of the biggest nuclear power consumption in the world. They can always make excuse to use it for civilian purpose and nobody can prove that Japan's uranium enrichment will lead to a nuclear weapon unless there is solid evidence that one exist. In that situation, there will be diplomatic consequence for Japan.

Ofcourse, more of your assumptions.

Bud, one is speculating and the other is actual evidence. Get it? LOL

Speculations and assumptions are what you operate with on a regular basis.

LOL Let not go over this again. I suggest you go to Sinodefence Forum and ask if 6th gen is officially define or not as many of the members are in the avionics industry and are aircraft experts.

Yeah, i'll be sure to go and verify whatever i'm interested in to an institution that has a prefix -Sino. It's becoming a synonim for false information.

LOL. Bud, please do me a favor and go research on what a manned space programme implies for space industry and its commercial technological prowess.

Kid, their manned programme is manned 24/7, 365 days/year, while yours was manned for a week. Who has more of a manned programme? Logic fail much?
I'm sure if it wasn't cheaper to pay Russia to send astronauts to the ISS, Japan could have made a similar deal for the Soyuz like China has. However, they didn't need to, because they weren't kicked out of the ISS and the need for an independent manned programme never arose.

Once again, we have our own space program independently of ANYONE. Only the USA and Russia can said they do. It's a trio exclusive club. Are you mad? LMAO
Btw, when we have our own space station, I hope you are not running around like a sour grape madman. LOL :yay:
LOL calm down, my friend. Look at this beautiful J-20 to calm your soul down. LOL

Again, you are trying to deflect from the fact that Shenzhou is only an enlarged Soyuz. And the fact your space station is unmanned independently (!) 340 days/year.

Everyone knows we are superior and will only going to separate the JSDF in the future. There is a reason there are multiple English-language sites and forums, delicate to China defence, technology, and development. Can you say the same for JSDF? LOL

LOL! talking about speculation and assumptions hahahahaha

In case you didn't know, China is part of the WWII Allied Force and thus we are one of the P5 member in the UN as a WWII trophy. LOL Of course bud, we didn't defeated Germans because they are not our direct foe in WWII. They fought in Europe with Soviet Union. Now, if we receive Nazi Tech as a result, today we would be light year ahead of Japan. LOL
Keep dreaming. The West copied our forefather's invention, we deserved to receive the modern form of payment from Western tech. LOL

Just a pathetic attempt of justifying theft. Arab traders brought stuff to Europe. Complain to them.

LOL As if it wasn't US rocket tech transfer blueprint that Japan initially are using. But no bud, that is your accusation. Our rocket technology development is due to the result of a rocket genius named Qian XueSen.

Yes, even treading an already walked path, starting with no shoes, is no easy feat. I'll give you that.

I sense that you are getting mad. I shall stop and humiliate you from now. LOL :omghaha:

Keep talking, your "points" get debunked one by one, the rest is just exposing the dirty 50 cent repertoire. Icing on the cake so to speak.

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