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Please dear administrator just cut the advertisement on the forum page particularly the game evony this is totaly un athical please remove this one ....

All we needed was a taliban, Dont look at it if you don't like it.
yes you are right brother but this is right in front i mean on the top of page when we scroll page it automatically come in front (But dear senior brother this doesnt mean im a extremists)
Lots of love for our army ....... Proud of being a a Pakistani
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yes you are right brother but this is right in front i mean on the top of page when we scroll page it automatically come in front (But dear senior brother this doesnt mean im a extremists)
Lots of love for our army ....... Proud of being a a Pakistani

Well may be you are right it might be my age which compels me :lol::lol:
May be you have heard that jock a old couple in there 80s the guys head goes left to right shaking all day long left to right and the women head goes up and down.:cheers:
oh forgot to tell you I am Pakistani too.
Hi Friend

Just surfing this morning I came across one the classics abou war especially Vietnam invasion “Platoon” .
Here is link for one clip

It is worth to watch and keep as collection
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Just recently I watch a whole documentary on this L&M plane with boeing as there competitor for the 200 billion dollar contract, and the L&M won. If you like i can post a link for you. Mr. Muradk.
It was the Joint Strike Fighter competition. Lockheed Martin entered with their X-35 and Boeing with their X-32 designs. It is just an amazing documentary, but not very accurate. The JSF contest was not a fly-off. The Experimental Design Demonstration phase was just one of the many phases, the design decision was not taken immediately after the flight tests. That would be unfair, since the pupose of the flight test phase was risk reduction and technology demonstration.

Please do so, That will keep me Occupied for sometime.:tup:
I will post the link in another thread, it deserves its own. It is really an amazing documentary.

Here is it: Joint trike Fighter Competition - Battle of the X-Planes - HD Documentary
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Dear All Im looking for Pak Army Drama Serial Wilco. It was on youtube but has been removed. can any body help me or upload it on youtube. Can any body help me......?
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Just saw this on youtube new song, a few things which makes me angry why put the Top Gun clip in it we have so many clips from Afghan war we can use.
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