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Jais chief will not apologise to Shia


Aug 3, 2012
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The Selangor
Islamic Department (Jais) director Datuk
Khusrin Munawi defended today the arrests
of 200 Shia made two weeks ago.

Khusrin claimed that those arrested were
practicing deviant Islamic teachings and
stressed that he need not apologise.

“We have been observing the group for the
past two years, we have enough evidence
to declare they have deviated from Islamic
teachings,” Khusrin told The Malaysian

“So I will not apologise, why should we
apologise to the people we arrest,” he said.

“It was not a usual gathering, they were
there to promote their teachings which is
illegal. That was why we acted swiftly as we
did not want things to get worse,” he

Jais raided a shop house in Gombak two
weeks ago and arrested the group which
included foreigners in what was the largest
crackdown of Shia in the country.

The raid was conducted on Asyura Day, a
day of mourning for Shia over the
death of Prophet Mohamad’s grandson
Husayn in a civil war against the Umayyad

Yesterday the Shia group asked Khusri to
apologise over the arrest, describing as a
violation of human rights.

“If they are not happy, they can take us to
court. We have proof to show that they
have deviated,” said Khusrin.

“Even a fatwa issued by the Selangor
government clearly said that the Shias are
considered deviant group,” he added.

According to a fatwa issued by the
Selangor government in 1998, Shia
teachings were considered unIslamic and
contradict the Sunni doctrines, which is
widely practice in the country.

A special consultation by the National Fatwa
Counil in 1996 also declared that Malaysian
Muslims must only subscribe to the Sunni

The arrest of Shia however, was
condemned by former Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd
Asri Zainul Abidin, who described it as a sign
of ‘Talibanisation’.

Jais chief will not apologise to Shia - The Malaysian Insider

It's look like accusing people as Taliban and Wahabi is the only thing they can
well they have the common trait of Taliban and Wahabi.
whenever they are in power they won't tolerate Deviant ones

This is called Islam, we don't tolerate non Muslims branding Muslims as "Wahabis or Talibans" just because they call devious as devious. They got arrested in Malaysia while minorities get executed and oppressed in Iran. If you really care about minorities, then start with you country first.
It looks like 1.5 bn Muslims are Wahabis to you Shia.
Malaysia, despite being 40 percent Non muslim, can really be more idiotic than the talibs at times. Religion makes people mad. They once held a woman in a re-education camp for 6 six months and took away her kids because they claimed the woman was a muslim, although she claimed she was a hindu.
Old news. The first clue was that the incident happened on Ashura day.
Malaysia, despite being 40 percent Non muslim, can really be more idiotic than the talibs at times. Religion makes people mad. They once held a woman in a re-education camp for 6 six months and took away her kids because they claimed the woman was a muslim, although she claimed she was a hindu.

Malaysia is one of the few countries that overtly discriminates its minorities in every field in spite of its majority making barely 65% of the population. But you can escape the descrimination by converting Islam and follow Malay culture, which further marginalises the unconverted.
Malaysia is one of the few countries that overtly discriminates its minorities in every field in spite of its majority making barely 65% of the population. But you can escape the descrimination by converting Islam and follow Malay culture, which further marginalises the unconverted.

The central theme is always common. So is the modern source and inspiration.
well they have the common trait of Taliban and Wahabi.
whenever they are in power they won't tolerate Deviant ones

just for the curiosity i m asking..........Indonesian is more torrent than rest of world,best community in world...no doubt.....this are resent development..........many times i have heart in news that Iranian is coming to Indonesian and going to village...........teaching something else which is creating dispute in remote area ........every year more than 2000 student they are sponsoring Indonesian student for religious study ........my mill operator were discussing that, this is main reason, now in indonesian village dispute started..i am not against Iran or shia.................

if fact if you will ask any Indian , what is their opinion about Indian shia.....every buddy will answer you same......they are well qualified....well established....Mordred..... in India every buddy like Indian shia Muslim....... than why thing is different in malaysiya or in indonesia
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