why? actually the likelyhood that Korea abandons her actual writing characters and returns to Chinese origin is like expecting having snowfall in South Vietnam.
You have a despise for own culture. You do not understand your own culture as well as Korean. Chinese characters is like Latin alphabet and it is a international way of writing system. Chinese characters is Vietnamese own tradition as well and Ho Chi Minh adores it. Latin is imported by your colonial master.
Below is Ho Chi Minh's caligraphy.
USA tried to Latinized Japanese but Japan resisted it ferociously. Then USA tried to reduce Kanji. Their plans were taken down by Japanese eventually.
The Kana, They Are A-Changin’ | Tofugu
There is a lot of elite and grassroot support for Chinese characters in Korea. In 2009, they are able to rally an incredible 20 out of 21 living former Korean prime ministers petitioned for a return to Hanja education, to Lee Myung Bak's government. You cannot make 95% of ruling and opposition elites fighting for a common cause unless a hell lot of people agree that this is the only way good for the country.
改正 經緯
第1章 總綱
第2章 國民의 權利와 義務
第3章 國會
第4章 政府
第1節 大統領
第2節 行政府
第1款 國務總理와 國務委員
第2款 國務會議
第3款 行政各部
第4款 監査院
第5章 法院
第6章 憲法裁判所
第7章 選擧管理
第8章 地方自治
第9章 經濟
第10章 憲法改正
悠久한 歷史와 傳統에 빛나는 우리 大韓國民은 3.1運動으로 建立된 大韓民國臨時政府의 法統과 不義에 抗拒한 4.19民主理念을 繼承하고, 祖國의 民主改革과 平和的 統一의 使命에 立脚하여 正義·人道와 同胞愛로써 民族의 團結을 공고히 하고, 모든 社會的 弊習과 不義를 打破하며, 自律과 調和를 바탕으로 自由民主的 基本秩序를 더욱 確固히 하여 政治·經濟·社會·文化의 모든 領域에 있어서 各人의 機會를 均等히 하고, 能力을 最高度로 發揮하게 하며, 自由와 權利에 따르는 責任과 義務를 完遂하게 하여, 안으로는 國民生活의 均等한 向上을 기하고 밖으로는 恆久的인 世界平和와 人類共榮에 이바지함으로써 우리들과 우리들의 子孫의 安全과 自由와 幸福을 永遠히 確保할 것을 다짐하면서 1948年 7月 12日에 制定되고 8次에 걸쳐 改正된 憲法을 이제 國會의 議決을 거쳐 國民投票에 의하여 改正한다.
Above is content page and part of Korean constitutiion in Korean languages. Korean cannot do without Chinese characters. Their elites are good at it. This is a open secret.
Now the elite want to spread the good thing to peasant, that they have guarded closely to themselves.
FYI all Vietnam super cultural elites support Chu Nom. They are now waiting for the right time to bring it back.