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'Death Squads' in Swat?


Dec 3, 2007
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Pakistan 'army death squad hangs Taliban body from lamp post'

Pakistani security forces have been accused of sending death squads to execute suspected Taliban militants, in one case hanging a body from a lamp post.

By Dean Nelson in Islamabad and Emal Khan in Peshawar
Published: 6:00AM BST 19 Aug 2009

The country's leading human rights lawyer, Asma Jahangir, accused the armed forces of waging a campaign of extra-judicial killings in the Swat valley and called for an independent inquiry after reports that 20 bodies were found in a mass grave at the weekend.

The Human Right Commission, which she founded, said it had compiled evidence that at least six of the dead had been shot by the security services.

It also alleged that more than 100 bodies have been found dumped in the streets of towns and villages in Swat since July 13 when displaced residents started returning to their homes after a Taliban offensive was repelled by the army.

In Dargai in the neighbouring Malakand district, the body of a Taliban militant was left hanging from a lamp post with a note pinned to his body saying "anyone who joins the Taliban will meet the same fate". Mimicking a Taliban tactic, the act was a clear warning to the group.

One man from Swat's capital, Mingora, told The Daily Telegraph his brother, a Taliban fighter, had been arrested by soldiers two weeks ago. He alleged that four days later his dead body was found dumped on wasteland by neighbours. Locals said the bodies of four more militants were found in similar circumstances.

An army spokesman denied any of those killed had been in its custody. But Asma Jahangir said she had hard evidence and challenged army claims that local mass graves contained the bodies of militants killed by other Taliban fighters.

"We have allegations to the contrary, from eyewitnesses, that these were militants but they were not killed by other militants. We're asking for an investigation because no-one should be above the law," she said.

A western diplomat in Islamabad said he was concerned innocent civilians were being killed by mistake. "The local population is glad to see the back of the Taliban. Now we're getting these extra-judicial killings and most of them seem to be bona fide militants, but some were not."

He said security forces had burned down the homes of those who had been mistaken for militants.

"One of the reasons we don't do extra-judicial killings is that mistakes are made. [The Swat operation] was supposed to be the re-establishment of the state's writ, not summary executions," he said.

these kind of allegation do come up in such conflicts........his is bread and butter for people like Asma Jehangir and other human rights organization
Rubbish. The same people were crying when the government struck deal with Taliban now they speak against security forces. Forces know how to deal with militants. now let them finish their job. These people have their own agenda. The same bi.... cries over everything.
why didn't they spoke against Taliban when SSG men were slaughtered by Taliban. nobody talked about them even our so called media. It may be Taliban's propaganda and these stupid human rights activists are being played by them.
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asima jahangir is a *****

every one know who finances her

its utter bull **** to blame Pakistan army

yest police and FC may be behind and both come under Provincial govt
secondly it at all Police and FC is involve ...then we must not forget how taliban treated them
Extrajudicial deaths in Swat?

The expected double standards are truly sickening.The Taliban are accused of being savages barbaric etc etc but its perfectly fine for the army to execute suspected militants. What happened to the rule of law? The self professed moral high ground? Or is this the writ of the state that I heard so much about?

The fact that the bodies of the 18 to 21 militants were found dumped in Swat a day after the first suicide bombing in the district after a gap of several months also created suspicion that these men were summarily executed to send a strong message to the Maulana Fazlullah-led Taliban. The suicide attack on the security forces' checkpoint at Waliabad near Khwazakhela on Saturday was followed by another one the next at Naway Killay in Mingora, killing four soldiers and two civilians, and causing injuries to nine troops. Through the suicide bombings, and earlier through the beheading of a policeman in Sangota and the attack on government installations, the Swat Taliban wanted to show that they retained the capability to strike back even after suffering severe losses at the hands of the security forces. Such attacks were to be expected and could continue for some time, considering the fact that the militants know that for them to surrender is no longer a safe option due to fears of being killed and dumped. Besides, after the destruction of their houses by the security forces as part of the punitive measures against them, the militants are in a vengeful mood and ready to fight on.

So apart from being illegal immoral etc etc the execution of suspects is counter productive.

HEIL our SS squads :yahoo: they deserve it... next target Asam Jhangir

On what grounds do you advocate/justify the murder of a female human rights activist ? Simply for the reason that she has highlighted the crimes being committed by the security forces? This statement of yours speaks volumes about the type of person you are. Truly disgusting
Dear Conscientious objector
May I ask how do you know Asma Jahangir is a human rights activist. I simple wish you do a bit research about her.
Well Concious Objector will be calling her kafir after reading her articles!!Right now he is suppporting her because of the pro taliban article.Anyhow i completely agree with SS Squards and undercover Army men taking out talibans however i think they should dump or bury the body somewhere people cant find.I know then international media will bark there is no proof etc but who gives a ****.We should do what is best for our national interest.
Well Concious Objector will be calling her kafir after reading her articles!!

I'm aware of her beliefs but that doesn't mean I would advocate her murder

Right now he is suppporting her because of the pro taliban article

Why do you guys apply twisted logic to everything.I'm defending her or what she stands for simply because I disagree when someone calls for her execution?????:what:

Anyhow i completely agree with SS Squards and undercover Army men taking out talibans however i think they should dump or bury the body somewhere people cant find.I know then international media will bark there is no proof etc but who gives a ****.We should do what is best for our national interest.

Such actions are counter productive and will have negative consequences in the long run. I'm fairly certain that these killings are being carried out by rogue elements within the army and that many military personnel themselves will be against this practice.
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This is absolutely absurd. We kill in the name of defense not to make a mockery of death or those who get killed. Putting and hanging bodies on the lamp post is not something that the military the govnerment or the people should be doing. We are not Taliban.

And its shameful to say the least that the members of this forum support this nonesnese and are calling out to kill a female activist. Shameful and degrading to say the least. We all live in a democracy where everyone has the right to protest and say what they feel like and Asma Jehangir is right regarding this issue. What difference is there between Us and the Taliban who do these things? Seriously grow up.. and stop using fowl language against a female who is a mature and well respected member of society.

Yes i disagree with her on some issues when it comes to national security, but her intentions are nice and she is a great women who has stood in the face of many odds fighting for Human rights and is also a Pakistani representative to the United Nations for the humanitarian work she has done and fought for womens rights..

I am thoroughly disappointed to see this thread and the responses
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