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Egypt vs Ethiopia...

Type 052D

Sep 29, 2012
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Who will win over an hypothetical confrontation over the issue of the River Nile? Will Egypt take the lead because of technological superiority or will Ethiopian political support and geographic parameters will defeat Egypt?
Doesnt most of the water enter Egypt through groundwater like in Iraqs case ? if so then the dams will not be a huge problem afterall.
Ignore the ground water... Just imagine war did break out over the Nile..

There is simply no military comparison, why are you drawing any such parallel?
Any such confrontation will be limited to the use of the Air Force and Special Forces at best. Egypt is overwhelming in both.
Political support, i believe Egypt is a lot more powerful and important in the Middle east power politics than Ethiopia. You don't think so?
People on this site are running out of ideas about opening new thread....lol...Egypt vs Ethiopia...seriously
Hard to tell.

The West will back Ethiopia in any fight.

Secular Egyptians lost terribly against so called "Israel" in 1967, in six days, together with their other secular brothers.

Heavily equipped Libya also lost against ill equipped Chad.

One common trait amongst secular Arab militaries in the modern era (last 100 years) is their tendency to be clobbered by most non Arabs.

This one's a tough call, but I'd say, it's 55-45. 55 to Ethiopia.
Hard to tell.

The West will back Ethiopia in any fight.

Secular Egyptians lost terribly against so called "Israel" in 1967, in six days, together with their other secular brothers.

Heavily equipped Libya also lost against ill equipped Chad.

One common trait amongst secular Arab militaries in the modern era (last 100 years) is their tendency to be clobbered by most non Arabs.

This one's a tough call, but I'd say, it's 55-45. 55 to Ethiopia.
You are kidding wright?
No need to go further then just comparing the Airforces.
24 MIG-21
10 MIG-23
8 SU-25
38 SU-27


32 F-4 Phantom II
240 F-16 Falcon of which 220 upgraded to block 40,20 are block 52
53 Mirage V
18 Mirage 2000
63 Mig-21 upgraded with western avionics
57 Chengdu J-7

So when we add all up,Egypt has three times more airpower(forget the armies).
You still give Ethiopia 55% chance against Egypt?
You are kidding wright?
No need to go further then just comparing the Airforces.
24 MIG-21
10 MIG-23
8 SU-25
38 SU-27


F- 4 Phantom II 32
F-16 Falcon 240 of which 220 upgraded to block 40,20 are block 52
Mirage V 53
Mirage 2000 18
Mig-21 63 upgraded with western avionics
Chengdu J-7 57

So when we add all up,Egypt has three times more airpower(forget the armies).
You still give Ethiopia 55% chance against Egypt?

No, I am not joking.

Only amateurs or Arabs would compare numbers of troops, or numbers of various equipment (fighter jets, MBT, frigates, etc) to determine warfighting capability.

So called "Israel" should have been eliminated by secular Arab Egypt in 1967 alone, if numbers of fighter jets alone decided the outcome of war.

Instead, it was so called "Israel" that defeated multiple Arab secular regimes in Egypt, Jordan, Syria all at once, in less than six days.
Looking at the secret funding of the dam... I guess, there is similarly a hidden political support for Ethiopia.

While Saudi Arabia will support Egypt on this issue, fully.

Therefore, until Iran come to the salvation of Ethiopia, Egypt will have more weight.
Ethiopia has a Army, Airforce, Navy????

NATO can come for help!

May be al-qaeeda or Taliban, surface in Ethopia, and it becomes imperative for US to get involved!

Who knows... these days these terrorists tend to surface mysteriously, any where.
No, I am not joking.

Only amateurs or Arabs would compare numbers of troops, or numbers of various equipment (fighter jets, MBT, frigates, etc) to determine warfighting capability.

So called "Israel" should have been eliminated by secular Arab Egypt in 1967 alone, if numbers of fighter jets alone decided the outcome of war.

Instead, it was so called "Israel" that defeated multiple Arab secular regimes in Egypt, Jordan, Syria all at once, in less than six days.
Well im not an Arab,in 1967 things were different.
The Egyptian Armed Forces is better trained(western standarts)better equiped,so im thinking you are a bit the amateur here.

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