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How to solve terrorism in Pakistan?


Jun 27, 2013
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There isn't a day without a terrorist attack some where in Pakistan

Lets brainstorm Ideas, what are the best ways to solve terrorism in Pakistan?
Give the terrorists an ultimatum to come to the negotiations table where they can air their grievance. Call all the ulemas within and out of Pakistan who are respected by both the Taliban and the state of Pakistan who can act as mediators. The number one point for the talks is an indefinite ceasefire from both sides, the control of Pakistani territory back in the hands of the Pakistani state. any group that refuses to disarm should be wiped out the last man. Pakistan should then and only when the all armed groups disarm should withdraw from the so called war on terror. WE also need to make sure our land is not used for plotting attacks on foreign soil. simples. lol
oh and if any group doesn't recognizes the state of Pakistan should be declared as traitors and hang publicly. there my solution.:cuckoo::pakistan:
Terrorism is a cancer caused due to decades of poor law and order,justice system ..remove those cancer cells and then maintain good law and order system ..you will be free from these infections
There isn't a day without a terrorist attack some where in Pakistan

Lets brainstorm Ideas, what are the best ways to solve terrorism in Pakistan?

Cut the supplies going to Afghanistan.
Pull the troops out of the tribal areas, problem solved.

& disolve pakarmy?
what next? give up nucks?
thn what?
change the name of pakistan to talbanistan?
it will all stops if, great game gets stop?
which is played in pakistan & afghanistan by saudi arabia , ùk, ùsa to dissmentlle pakistan & iran of thier nucks & a remote re-occupation of pakistan & iranian resourses!
with the help of, politicians on the ground like nawaz or zardari?
or even the arabian kings push to talibans to accept peace talks?
why they are getting so desperate for dam peace in afghanistan. or its all an effort to luanch a sunni taliban attack on shia iran, ulltimatly which would bring iran to kabul?
so can another of iraq be created in favour of saudis, english, americans, israelis,& indians?
get the answers of the above questions, will get some road map to the solution of peace in pakistan!
with total ellimination of terrorism within the whole region & not just only in pakistan?
So it is hate for army... which force civil administration to facilitate TTP?

& to give up nucks. so next time no body gets worried?
& could be punnished like turkish army?
& disolve pakarmy?
what next? give up nucks?
thn what?
change the name of pakistan to talbanistan?
it will all stops if, great game gets stop?
which is played in pakistan & afghanistan by saudi arabia , ùk, ùsa to dissmentlle pakistan & iran of thier nucks & a remote re-occupation of pakistan & iranian resourses!
with the help of, politicians on the ground like nawaz or zardari?
or even the arabian kings push to talibans to accept peace talks?
why they are getting so desperate or it?
get the answers of the above questions, will get some road map to the solution of peace in pakistan!
with total ellimination of terrorism within the region not only in pakistan!

The Americans had only asked Pakistan to secure the border against the Afghan Taliban. That was achieved quite easily.

Then Pakistan's enlightened Army thought, hey let's just occupy some nearby tribal areas and make cantonments here, you know, make ourselves comfortable here. And so, they started confiscating tribal areas like Pakistan Navy does in Southern Pakistan, assuming there'll be little resistance.

Next thing you know, things got completely out of control and this, yet another misadventure by Pakistan Army exploded right in their face. Pakistan Army got such a severe beating from the tribals, they even asked the Americans to help them out with drones.

Ten years later, our brave boys can't find a place to hide.

This "Talibanisation" mambo jumbo is nothing more than a lie... propaganda created by Pakistan Army to justify their illegal occupation, annexation and brutality against the tribal people.

Leave the region and things will normalise Insha'Allah. Otherwise, Pakistan's military will be solely held responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Pakistanis since the invasion of Tirah Valley in 2002.
So it is hate for army... which force civil administration to facilitate TTP?

& to give up nucks. so next time no body gets worried?
& could be punnished like turkish army?
The Americans had only asked Pakistan to secure the border against the Afghan Taliban. That was achieved quite easily.

Then Pakistan's enlightened Army thought, hey let's just occupy some nearby tribal areas and make cantonments here, you know, make ourselves comfortable here. And so, they started confiscating tribal areas like Pakistan Navy does in Southern Pakistan, assuming there'll be little resistance.

Next thing you know, things got completely out of control and this, yet another misadventure by Pakistan Army exploded right in their face. Pakistan Army got such a severe beating from the tribals, they even asked the Americans to help them out with drones.

Ten years later, our brave boys can't find a place to hide.

This "Talibanisation" mambo jumbo is nothing more than a lie... propaganda created by Pakistan Army to justify their illegal occupation, annexation and brutality against the tribal people.

Leave the region and things will normalise Insha'Allah. Otherwise, Pakistan's military will be solely held responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Pakistanis since the invasion of Tirah Valley in 2002.
sorry but dont misslead yourself, by declaring tribals the enemy of pakistan?
cause the tribals arent the enemy, they arent are the terrorists with whom pakarmy is hving some fun?
they are patriotic pakistanis held hostges by TTp ! which is an organization razzed from tribal areas with finances from outside to create preasure on pakarmy. to not interfere or become influentional in afghanistan?
pakarmy will not, & never surrender its nucks to anyone!
it will not take any dictation from any one against anyone!
whenever damocrazy be kicked back to its dark cells, peace wouldbe found ulltimatly with a pakarmy,skhaki uniform in blood, but still with a pakistan flag on it?
tirah velley is a part of pakistan, & thus its not invaded by pakarmy? if pakarmy can go to karachi for mentaining peace ? it can go any part of the country?

with that, just check tirah velly now, pakistani flag flying high?
making traitor TTp running away?lol
whenever this great game gets or made finnished by pakarmy , that very day peace will be seen very widly?
Follow my leader!!!! Problem solved!

Imran khan zindabad! :pakistan:

yes great khan who still a speachless person on the murder,s of his MPs in peshawar by TTp terrorists?
sory, but do you want peoples belive him as a leader still?
with nothing called anti-terror in his mind?
only pakarmy with a brave commander can bring total peace in pakistan by fighting & making terrorists surrender!
Political and military solution.

Try negotiating with the terrorists leaders and their demands. This is just a formality, there isn't any settlement to it. Generate advertisements in the local mediums on the effected regions, to offer rehabilitation to the ground fighters. Some of them are present because the clerks have messed with their minds by spreading their version of Islam, others are their because they have no choice - either they are forced to join at gunpoint or because of depriving life situation (unemployment, lack of resources and business, and no financial income/support for their families). Providing secured rehabs would provide a platform for latter to change their mindsets and path. Using awareness advertisements and Islamic scholars to declare their 'Jihad' as unethical and un-Islamic.

Hopefully, we can expect this program to have effect and rehabilitate many fighters of no cause, and possible surrenders from commanders who are slipping control over their men.

Simultaneously, large-scale ground offensive should be launched in the effected region to fight the hardcore fighters who aren't ready to drop their arms. This will help the rehabilitation program even further, by creating fear and distress in the confused minds. Those who hold arms shall be killed or sent across border to Afghanistan, where they are trained and issued resources. The border should then be closed and moderately manned.

It is always simple in words than practical approach. Situation is complex, this is why the issue hasn't been solved in a decade.

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