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India Tops World's Racism Charts

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) now includes discrimination based on caste. Dating back to 1969, the ICERD convention has been ratified by 173 countries, including India. Despite this, and despite the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights reiterating that discrimination based on work and descent is a form of racial discrimination, the Indian government's stand on this issue has remained the same: caste is not race.

Haq's Musings: Dalit Victims of Apartheid in India

British parliament's decision to recognize the existence of caste alongside race as a form of discrimination could hurt India's long-held argument that the two sources of bias could not be equated.

Worse, it may give a strong push to portray caste as a global phenomenon like race, undercutting India's claim that caste prejudice was indigenous to Indian society and it could not be a subject of policy at international fora like the United Nations.

As the law in the UK became a reality earlier this week, experts said it would trigger lobbying for similar legal protection in the United States, Canada, South Africa and Australia - countries that are more sensitive to human rights issues and have a strong presence of Indian diaspora, but have little awareness of caste.

The presence of Hindu/Indian diaspora and a good chunk of dalits is the pre-requisite for such laws to come into effect. Officials and the civil society said a reluctant House of Commons could be persuaded because of the presence of around four lakh SCs in the UK.

While the development has led to glee among civil rights groups, the government is worried. Senior government sources said the UK law would pile pressure on India aided by noises from international bodies and greater scrutiny.

A laxity by Indian states in dealing with caste issues, as are routinely reported, could find mention in reports of Western countries and institutions. In the long-term, it could render India vulnerable as child labour and gender bias did earlier.

India has till now rebuffed pressure by arguing that caste was an Indian problem that stood proscribed by law with legal mechanisms to address it, including the affirmative action to help dalits. The official Indian stance on caste was unveiled at the 2000 Durban conference on racism.

Vivek Kumar, a sociologist with the Jawaharlal Nehru University, said, "The studies on diaspora will have to acknowledge that caste exists outside India. The new law in the UK has strengthened claims of academics that caste is not a local problem, but is part of diaspora."

According to Anand Kumar Bolimera, country director of Christian Aid, "India should take the leadership position to deal with caste globally. India need not be defensive about it. Indian constitution barred caste discrimination half a century ago and it has the best laws to deal with the issue."

Globalization has been sending Indians across the world, but in future, experts say, their movement would be seen as not just of biological entities but also of a cultural baggage that includes decadent practices.

Casteism equal to racism? UK law holds key - Times Of India

The casteism is wrong I agree. Though the people from dalit and from Brahmin caste belong to the same race. Can you deny this? For example, you were once a dalit and you converted to islam, does that mean you became an Arab? I hope you are getting what i am talking about.
The casteism is wrong I agree. Though the people from dalit and from Brahmin caste belong to the same race. Can you deny this? For example, you were once a dalit and you converted to islam, does that mean you became an Arab? I hope you are getting what i am talking about.

No once you convert to islam, you don,t become an arab. But you remain a muslim and stand at equality with all other muslims. In hinduism, you have no choice, once your born (low caste), your pretty much fu....ed for life untill your reborn. This then becomes a root cause of racism. Also just to remind you that muslims in india were not just converts from dalits, but jats, gujjars, brahmins and also my own ancestors the rajputs of rajisthaan.
No once you convert to islam, you don,t become an arab. But you remain a muslim and stand at equality with all other muslims. In hinduism, you have no choice, once your born (low caste), your pretty much fu....ed for life untill your reborn. This then becomes a root cause of racism. Also just to remind you that muslims in india were not just converts from dalits, but jats, gujjars, brahmins and also my own ancestors the rajputs of rajisthaan.

I actually was not talking about casteism effects. I was talking about how casteism and racism are two different things. Casteism in Hinduism can be compared to sectarianism in Islam. Peace.
No once you convert to islam, you don,t become an arab. But you remain a muslim and stand at equality with all other muslims. In hinduism, you have no choice, once your born (low caste), your pretty much fu....ed for life untill your reborn. This then becomes a root cause of racism. Also just to remind you that muslims in india were not just converts from dalits, but jats, gujjars, brahmins and also my own ancestors the rajputs of rajisthaan.

Do u really believe all muslims treat each other equals?:what:

The other part is true but too quite n extent specially for northwest pre-independence Indian subcontinent(Pakistan) which remained under heavy muslim influence for substaintial period of time.

N u guys to follow caste system in the name of jaat, its just that there is no out right discrimination with dalits. But u guy too very much practice it whether u admit it or not.:)

Sometimes it makes me wonder why every Pakistani on this forum claims to be Rajput, Jaat or Gujjar as if there were no dalits in pre independence Pakistan...:lol:

Or may be dalits r still subjugated at the hands of upper caste people in Pak but it gets covered up under Islam.:)
Do u really believe all muslims treat each other equals?:what:

The other part is true but too quite n extent specially for northwest pre-independence Indian subcontinent(Pakistan) which remained under heavy muslim influence for substaintial period of time.

N u guys to follow caste system in the name of jaat, its just that there is no out right discrimination with dalits. But u guy too very much practice it whether u admit it or not.:)

Sometimes it makes me wonder why every Pakistani on this forum claims to be Rajput, Jaat or Gujjar as if there were no dalits in pre independence Pakistan...:lol:

Or may be dalits r still subjugated at the hands of upper caste people in Pak but it gets covered up under Islam.:)

Ha ha Muslim Rajput kahe ka rajput........

Jo dar gaya woh mar gaya........
Ha ha Muslim Rajput kahe ka rajput........

Jo dar gaya woh mar gaya........

The funny part is though they claim equality among all muslims n no caste system but still every Pakistani keeps on calling himself Rajput, Jaat or Gujjar n have also maintained social restrictions like they won't marry outside their caste thats pretty much the same as Hindus....:lol:
Do u really believe all muslims treat each other equals?:what:

The other part is true but too quite n extent specially for northwest pre-independence Indian subcontinent(Pakistan) which remained under heavy muslim influence for substaintial period of time.

N u guys to follow caste system in the name of jaat, its just that there is no out right discrimination with dalits. But u guy too very much practice it whether u admit it or not.:)

Sometimes it makes me wonder why every Pakistani on this forum claims to be Rajput, Jaat or Gujjar as if there were no dalits in pre independence Pakistan...:lol:

Or may be dalits r still subjugated at the hands of upper caste people in Pak but it gets covered up under Islam.:)

Pakistanis will always claim that they are not castes but they are tribes. :omghaha::omghaha:
Pakistanis will always claim that they are not castes but they are tribes. :omghaha::omghaha:

How else do u suppose they would carry on caste system under so called Muslim equality...:lol:

Actually i think there might be more inter-caste marriages happening in Hindus than Muslims...:)
there are a lot of Gujarati hindus in North America. after the neo-nazis, i have never seen such a racist group of people. even one baniya hindu gujarati caste does not attend the mandir of another gujarati hindu caste just because of their caste/bloodline!

This article is indeed just a glimpse of the racist reality of this group of people. i feel pity for them, and the 250 million dalits in India.

This is the reason why millions of both high caste and low caste hindu families converted to Islam over the past 1000 years, because they realized this reality.
I actually was not talking about casteism effects. I was talking about how casteism and racism are two different things. Casteism in Hinduism can be compared to sectarianism in Islam. Peace.

no. hindu religion establishes casteism, which is PURE RACISM. It is the world's largest, most brutal form of institutionalized racism. Even Budhism and Sikhism were created as a proof of its brutailty in society.

sectarianism is free from racism in itself.
Purity ? my foot. The Indians these days are ashamed of their dravidian culture and race and are trying to prove through fake Indian originated researches that Hindus are Aryan NOT dravidian

the whole of south asia is still predominantly dravidian with a varied mix of aryan.majority of pakistanis are as dravidian as majority of indians.now dont show me all tht nonsense dna analysis.facial features are more than enough for me.
no. hindu religion establishes casteism, which is PURE RACISM. It is the world's largest, most brutal form of institutionalized racism. Even Budhism and Sikhism were created as a proof of its brutailty in society.

sectarianism is free from racism in itself.

Do u you know what is racism???

Caste system is not racism as Hindus belong to the same race so can they practice racism. Although i m no fan of casteism or racism n condemn both of them.

Hinduism has Varna system which is categories people on the type of work done by them n not by in which family they were born. There there many examples in our sacred texts where people from different Varnas have changed their Varna through their deeds. For eg. - Rishi Vishwamitra was a furious Kshatriya warior who went on to become the highest level that could have been achieved by a Bharmin i.e. Brahma Rishi.

There was no casteism the casteism u see today among Hindus is a by product of wrong interpretations that developed over thousands of years...:)
I must admit that there is no other institution which is as racist as casteism.But i must also admit tht we have pretty much succeeded in lessening its evil effects.majority of north indian states especially in rural areas the discrimination towards lower castes is still prevalent.take my word for it;south india except tamil nadu is much better when compared to rest of india regarding the treatment of dalits and backward classes.we still have a long way to go though.
Do u you know what is racism???

Caste system is not racism as Hindus belong to the same race so can they practice racism. Although i m no fan of casteism or racism n condemn both of them.

Hinduism has Varna system which is categories people on the type of work done by them n not by in which family they were born. There there many examples in our sacred texts where people from different Varnas have changed their Varna through their deeds. For eg. - Rishi Vishwamitra was a furious Kshatriya warior who went on to become the highest level that could have been achieved by a Bharmin i.e. Brahma Rishi.

There was no casteism the casteism u see today among Hindus is a by product of wrong interpretations that developed over thousands of years...:)

Couldnt have said better than this.
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:omghaha: :omghaha:

Australians, South Africans, Brits and Americans are the least racist?????? :omghaha:

How much more fake can this survey get?? :no:

Because Australia, USA, Britain have multiple ethnics living in it. Just because we're past slave owners and have small groups of KKK doesn't mean we're still racist as a country.
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