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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

that is bullcrap, no Filipinos have been stabbed in Taiwan because of the row.

stop spreading rumors, idiot.

stop spreading rumors, idiot.

only a few vendors refuse to sell food to Filipinos, rest are business as usual.

only a few vendors refuse to sell food to Filipinos, rest are business as usual.

those vendors are in the rural, southern part of Taiwan. You will not find any discrimination in Taipei and other big cities.

those vendors are in the rural, southern part of Taiwan. You will not find any discrimination in Taipei and other big cities.
I guess you have never been to Taipei, or Taiwan for that matter, which means you probably don't have much experience in international business.

you will never encounter ethnic cleansing like in Indonesia or and Philippines, so please, don't call the Kettle black, it takes one to know one.
Ma’s antics
COMMONSENSE By Marichu A. Villanueva (The Philippine Star)
May 20, 2013

It was indeed very unfortunate that a Taiwanese fisherman was killed when a patrol ship of the Philippine Coast Guard accosted his errant fishing boat last week. The Philippine vessel – actually a joint patrol ship of the Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) – chanced upon the Taiwanese fishing boat straying into the disputed, overlapping sealanes in Balintang Channel.

While nobody wanted or intended anyone to be killed, opposition leaders in Taipei used this sad incident to bear upon their incumbent government officials led by their President Ma Ying-jeou. The incident has been blown out of proportion and thousands of innocent Filipino workers are now bearing the brunt of undeserved wrath and scorn of the Taiwanese people.

Having in mind the welfare of more than 90,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) all over Taiwan, President Benigno “Noy” Aquino III issued a “personal apology” to the family of the slain Taiwanese fisherman. Adhering to the “one-China” policy, this is all that P-Noy could do.

At the time of the incident, the Taiwanese fishing boat was sailing some 80 kilometers off the Balintang Channel. Or this was 304 kilometers southeast of Taiwan based on the Coast Guard account of the incident. The Taiwanese fishermen who did not obviously understand any English words were probably surprised to find a Coast Guard accosting them and telling them they were in Philippine territory.

The Coast Guard admitted it fired at the Taiwan-flagged fishing boat to “disable” its engine because it reportedly tried to ram its vessel several times. If not for its maneuvers, the Coast Guard ship could have sunk, or so the Coast Guard claimed.

This certainty of sinking in Balintang Channel has high risks, as anyone who has sailed there will tell you. I experienced this myself on board the former presidential yacht BRP Ang Pangulo when it conked out while we were in Balintang Channel.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

Along with several other Malacañang reporters and photographers and members of the Presidential Security Group (PSG), we were going back to Manila after having covered the visit to Batanes of P-Noy’s late mother, former President Corazon Aquino. While the yacht was running with just one engine, we were tossed around by turbulent waves as the crew repaired the ship. We were later told the Balintang Channel is one of the most dangerous parts of Philippine waters where the China Sea meets the Pacific Ocean.

Thus, the Coast Guard personnel, in defending the country’s territory and themselves, were not trying to kill anyone in Balintang Channel. They were trying to save their lives as well, and were just doing their job.

The truth is, Taiwanese fishermen have long been poaching in our territorial waters in Balintang Channel, the small waterway that separates the Batanes and Babuyan islands. Both Philippine islands lie in the Luzon Strait, clearly Philippine territory.

Ask the local Ivatan fishermen of Batanes. The Taiwanese commercial fishing vessels have been lording it over the channel because they are the only ones who could. Local fishermen, with their small boats, cannot handle the gigantic waves in the area. Indeed, they regularly hire local Ivatans to do the dirty work in their boats and pay them a pittance.

Despite this, P-Noy also asked the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) to make unspecified donations to the family of the slain Taiwanese fisherman. But even P-Noy’s personal emissary, MECO chief Amadeo Perez, who flew to Taipei to do this errand, was prevented to do so. Perez was bullied, physically and otherwise, the minute he stepped in Taiwan soil.

There have been some reports that some of our OFWs in Taiwan were experiencing different kinds of maltreatment from their employers. To put it in perspective, these complaints have been reported even before the Batanes incident.

But for the sake of diplomacy and for the sake of our workers in Taiwan, President Aquino ate humble pie and formally apologized. For now, the commander and crew of the Coast Guard vessel were relieved and the incident is being investigated by Philippine law enforcement authorities led by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

That’s what a President is supposed to do. He is supposed to put the welfare of his people first. I’m sure there are many who disagree with the decision to apologize to Taiwan when the Coast Guard people were just defending Philippine waters against poachers. They would rather have the President play hardball, stand toe-to-toe and do some macho posturing, but what good would that do?

Nothing. Like Taiwanese President Ma’s saber rattling, it would do more harm than good to both the Taiwanese and the Filipino people. But we must think about the plight of our OFWs employed in Taiwan’s factories and homes who might be affected by the escalation of adversarial relations with a bully.

Filipinos comprise the third-largest group of foreign workers in Taiwan. Figures from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Manila show that Taiwan was the seventh top destination country for OFWs in 2012.

The president of Taiwan recalled back to Taipei the very amiable and hardworking Raymond Wang as TECO representative in the Philippines. President Ma also froze the hiring of Filipino workers after rebuffing President Aquino’s apology. The Taiwan government also issued a “red” travel alert urging Taiwanese not to visit the Philippines. But the more rational Taiwanese people ignore their government’s perorations and are still coming here.

Over the weekend, Taiwan leaders have notably toned down their previous demands. In their latest official statements, they just renewed their request to conduct a joint investigation into the incident in line with the existing mutual legal assistance agreement and to hold bilateral talks on fishery to prevent the recurrence of a similar incident.

Taiwan doesn’t have enough local skilled workers to keep its economy going. They need our OFWs more than we need Taiwan. With Taiwan’s economy in doldrums, President Ma cannot afford to look soft because his approval ratings are hovering at a very low 14 percent.

Taiwan’s tough stance and show of force are openly meant to score brownie points for their embattled President Ma. But why must we be dragged into Ma’s antics?

Ma’s antics


Do you know how hard it is to control each and every citizen of your country? the beating of innocent Filipinos in Taiwan was wrong, but that was not the intention of the Taiwanese government, and the government has put such incidents on high alert, making prosecution of such mob actions a high priority.

oh, I forgot zero wing is a mindless minion who cannot be reasoned. Why do I even bother to respond to you.
I am not agreeing with either side in this post.....but it is true that a government cannot control the actions of each citizen on an individual basis. If they could....that would be scary.
I am not agreeing with either side in this post.....but it is true that a government cannot control the actions of each citizen on an individual basis. If they could....that would be scary.

But they should wait they hurting people who are innocent of any crime but being the nationality of filipino
maybe MAtopac has made a media block out to hide the true from the people

in case you don't know,in the latest 2013 ranking, Taiwan ranked 47th in the press freedom index, while Philippines 147th , so it's more likely Philippines media to have a media block by government than Taiwan.

in case you don't know,in the latest 2013 ranking, Taiwan ranked 47th in the press freedom index, while Philippines 147th , so it's more likely Philippines media to have a media block by government than Taiwan.


Do i care its filipino lives am concern about the people who are now being prosecuted
Taiwanese, think bigger, be smarter. Don't let China take advantage from this accident.
If not, go ahead then you will be just an island province.

China is trying to separate 2 allies of US. With China, human life is nothing, don't pretend to have compassion for the fisherman. Many many Vietnamese fisherman were and are bullied by Chinese Navy on sea with no mercy. A Vietnamese fishing boat has just been set on fire by Chinese Navy recently. Vietnamese' ve got angry and opposed a lot but Chinese are absolutely safe in Vietnam. You will see our real power once we enter the fight like 1979 at border war, this time on sea.

The only reason You can say so is because that was not your father or husband killed by maids.
The only reason You can say so is because that was not your father or husband killed by maids.

Yup because ho's (chinese mainlander trash) killed more people then maids by many ways (Viruses and diseases, killing you in your sleep while stealing from you etc) Oh tell use you murdering Red guard how many people have your drone imperial state killed in the past 5,000 years of meaningless existence? Oh ya Billions
what do you mean?

he means: Do I care[?] it[']s Filipino lives am concern about[,] the people who are now being p[er]secuted.

You have to add in the punctuation for this guy, b/c he is too lazy or ignorant to do so on his own, not to mention his tendency to exhibit "Diarrhea at the Mouth" syndrome, as many Filipinos have here..
Really now what is then?

And this?

Even Indonesians, Vietnamese dragged into Taiwan harassments

Even Indonesians and Vietnamese are being dragged into the harassments by some Taiwanese groups over the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman in disputed waters last May 9, a Filipino worker there said Monday.

Marissa de Guzman, who works at a Taiwan semiconductor firm, said the groups behind the harassment are targeting people who look like Filipinos, even if the victims are of different nationalities.

"Magkakamukha kaya minsan napagkakamalang Pilipino, nasasaktan nila," she said in an interview on dzBB radio, when asked about Indonesians being targeted in the incidents of harassment.

When asked about reports of Vietnamese also being beaten up, she said, "magkamukha kasi talaga."

"Kaya lang sa pananamit ang difference. Mas maganda tayo pumorma," she added.

When asked if the situation had improved, she said it has not, at least based on posts on Facebook.

"Sa ngayon sa dami ng post sa Facebook, parang nagiging worse din po," she said.

Filipinos had been targeted in harassment incidents since a Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead in an encounter between a Philippine surveillance ship and a Taiwanese fishing boat off disputed waters last May 9.

The incident prompted Taiwan to impose sanctions, including freezing the hiring of Filipino workers and imposing a travel alert discouraging travel to the Philippines.

Last Saturday, de Guzman said a fellow OFW in Taiwan had been attacked and injured by a gang of Taiwanese.

De Guzman also said that while she had heard reports of some victims getting killed, there had been no confirmation so far.

Medical insurance

De Guzman also said their employers had advised them not to go out of their dormitories for their safety.

She said their employers had promised to shoulder their medical expenses if something happened to them in the factories, while their brokers would shoulder their expenses if they are injured in the dormitories.

"Sa labas hindi kami sagot. So kung hindi importante lakad sa labas, huwag muna," she said.

De Guzman said the dormitories are relatively well-equipped, with facilities for Internet as well as stores and establishments allowing money tranfers and remittances.

Meanwhile, to avoid further trouble, de Guzman said Filipinos communicate with each other using Tagalog.

"Nilalaliman lang namin ang Tagalog kasi marunong sila kahit papaano mag-Tagalog. Dapat laliman mo kaunti ... para hindi nila maunawaan," she said.

Even Indonesians, Vietnamese dragged into Taiwan harassments | Pinoy Abroad | GMA News Online

And this?

Santiago: Harassment of Filipinos in Taiwan may warrant MECO abolition

MANILA, Philippines — Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago warned on Sunday that injuries sustained by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) from Taiwanese attackers could be considered “an act of aggression” that could serve as basis for the fold-up of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) in Taipei.
“The 87,000 overseas Filipinos in Taiwan had no hand in the death of the Taiwanese fisherman allegedly shot by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). If the victim were a Filipino, I don’t think the Taiwanese also want this sort of retaliation,” Santiago said in Filipino.
The senator repeated earlier observations that Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou could be using the incident that occurred last week in the waters off Balintang Island north of the Philippines to distract from domestic problems occurring in his country.
“Their president has become unpopular but he should not use this incident as a distraction just so the hostility meant for him is deflected to us, as he seems not to know how to run his country,” Santiago noted in Filipino.
The senator lamented how Taiwan officials seemed not to make an effort to protect the OFWs.
There have been reports of Filipinos being refused service in stores and restaurants and that one was even mauled with iron pipes following reports of the death of fisherman Hung Shih-cheng.
“From the point of view of international law, the (hostile acts against Filipinos) is already an act of aggression. Also, there is already a fact-finding effort. Let us first establish whether they violated our baseline law,” Santiago said.
Under this law, the Philippine baseline stretches up to 12 nautical miles from the coastline.
“Foreigners can only claim the right of innocent passage. Now, if the Taiwanese fishermen admit they were fishing…,” Santiago trailed off.
The senator cited Philippine laws allowing the PCG “to stop suspicious persons” from entering the country’s waters.
Santiago, a member of the Senate foreign relations committee, also lamented what she believed to be a display of “bad faith” by Taiwan when its officials unilaterally joined Philippine authorities investigating Hung’s death.
“The (Taiwanese officials) were not invited and they even brought the entire Taiwan media. It cannot be helped if one suspects the effort was for black propaganda. That is not friendly behavior,” she complained.
Santiago warned that further acts of provocation could force Philippine authorities to rethink whether the MECO should remain in Taipei.
“Under the One China policy, there are only 23 countries that recognize Taiwan as a separate country. The rest identifies Taiwan as a province. If Taiwan continues to make us a scapegoat for its domestic political problems, we should start thinking carefully… maybe we can just withdraw our office there,” she said.
Santiago pointed out that the Philippines has not established an embassy in Taipei “since we do not recognize Taiwan as a separate country from China. But we have a so-called cultural office, which (serves as the de facto) embassy. Eh, kung withdraw kaya natin ang embassy natin dun?”
She also said suggestions to repatriate arbitrarily the 87,000 OFWs would be considered a violation of their human rights.
“Why, that would be like the Holocaust, like Nazi Germany where the innocent is meted harsh punishment when it is so obvious that their president is only engaging in political posturing,” Santiago huffed.
Senator Francis Escudero blamed the “diplomatic complications arising from the One China policy” for worsening the rift between the Philippines and Taiwan.
“The situation is unique, and it requires a unique approach. But whatever it is, it will have to be decisive and it has to come soon. The issue is an emotional one, and situations like this can change from bad to worse in the blink of an eye,” he said in a statement.
Escudero pushed for a formal inquiry into the shooting of Hung.
“The family of the slain Taiwanese fisherman deserves no less,” he said.
“The only way to diffuse the situation is to convince the Taiwanese government that we are pursuing the path of justice earnestly. We should find out what happened, and what led to the unfortunate slaying of the fisherman. And then let’s move on from there,” he said.
So far, Taipei had rejected the apology issued by Philippine Representative to Taiwan Antonio I. Basilio over the fatal shooting.
Taiwanese President Ma claimed the statement of apology failed to satisfy the demands of his government and ordered a freeze on applications by Filipino laborers to work in Taiwan.
He also recalled the Taiwanese representative in Manila and requested the Philippine representative in Taiwan to return to Manila.

Read more: Santiago: Harassment of Filipinos in Taiwan may warrant MECO abolition | Inquirer Global Nation

Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan
Asia News NetworkBy Joy Lee in Taipei/The China Post | Asia News Network – Sat, May 18, 2013


Taipei (The China Post/ANN) - Police confirmed that a Philippine worker was attacked by four Taiwanese and beaten with iron sticks and baseball bats in Tainan City on May 16 following the recent heated dispute between Taiwan and the Philippines.

There have been unconfirmed reports regarding random attacks on Philippine workers in Taiwan triggered by the Philippines' responses to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fishing boat.

According to the police, a 30-year-old Philippine worker was surrounded and beaten by four Taiwanese men on May 16 when he was on his way to work.

The police said no one that the worker knows has any resentment against him, so the police suspected that it may have been a random attack.

President Ma Ying-jeou posted on his Facebook page, stating that it is the Philippine government which should be responsible for the Hung Shih-cheng shooting incident, so the public should not vent anger against Filipinos in Taiwan.

Hong Hocheng, vice chairman of the National Science Council, said that there are currently over 7,000 Philippine workers employed in the three major science parks in Taiwan, and based on basic human rights, employers should not discriminate against Philippine workers.

"If Taiwanese people do not wish our fishermen to be insulted," Hocheng said, "then Taiwanese should not mistreat innocent Philippine workers in Taiwan."

Hsia Hsiao-chuan, the head of Shih-Hsin University's Graduate Institute for social Transformation Studies, said that Philippine nationals are also victims under the incompetent leadership of the Philippine government.

"The Philippine government does not equal Philippine nationals," Hsia said, "and the Taiwanese government should step out and stop the public from venting their anger on innocent Philippine workers."

Amid intense public anger over the fatal shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, the government has introduced a second wave of retaliatory measures, including a halting of all technology, trade, fishery and agriculture exchanges, as well as discouraging travel to the Philippines as the Philippine government appears unlikely to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands.

Are this rumors jerk? Before you call me names arrogant jerk take look at this am what going to take your word over my countrymen are you insane? I believe them and this is true you people are uncivilized animals for doing this to foreign workers filipinos or otherwise!
May araw rin kayo mga hayop kayo puntang ina niyo lahat magbabayad kayo! Hindi tulog ng diyos magbabayad kayo sa mga kasamaan niyo!
The Philippines can never be touched. She is too precious and too strategically important in American Strategic interests for it to be touched by any foreign power. Any foreign power who dares touch the Philippines shall suffer the full might of the United States Navy, Air Force and the Army.

United States conducted the largest naval invasion in human history back in 1944 to retake the Philippines from the Japs. That illustrates the shear will of our resolve to preserve Philippine-American homeostasis.

Taiwan, because it is subservient to its American Daddy, will not do anything. Else it will be punished. As for China, LOL. Well, c'mon. The 7th Fleet will eradicate the PLAN from the face of the earth if need be.

Indeed. The moral of the story is that our Pinoy buddies got their revenge. Come hell or high waters, they shot at a Chinese alright...hahahaha! :omghaha:

Do you have something against people of the Chinese descent? who are the pillars of communities all over the U.S., or did you contract STD from a Filipina that fried your brain?

you are repeating the same incident three times over, as though ppl in Taiwan are attacking minorities randomly. As usual, you make yourself appear ignorant and disingenuous. There has been but ONE attack incident. Any additional incidents will most likely be punished severely by the Ma government. So, STOP SPREADING RUMORS TO MISLEAD THE PUBLIC.
OH good, I wonder what Rush Memorial Medical Center (in Chicago) thinks about the inflammatory comments made by its general surgeon, proven by a photograph.

China has tried to overrun Taiwan, but couldn't take its remote island back in '54 or so with little or no help from the U.S., and the U.S. has already abandoned Taiwan when it recognized mainland as the true China, and the lowly life of a 65 year-old fisherman is someone's father, and it's quite shocking to hear that from a General Surgeon of a major hospital. Tell me, do you selectively choose who should live or die at your hospital based on age???? Or perhaps based on race????

The bulk of your air force is composed of F-16 A/B variants (144 or so) and you also operate 32 F-5s. American made.

The navy you use relies on the power of the Kidd-class destroyers, a moth-balled destroyer class that the USN no longer uses as we have phased out the Kidd-Class with the Arleigh Burke-class (AEGIS combat system) destroyers.

Do you seriously think that the USN, particularly the 7th fleet will allow you to use American warships to target Mutual-Defense Treaty Ally of the United States? You've got to be kidding me, kid.

unless you apologize, I think I will report you to your employer.

So does that mean Taiwan can use the Mirage 2000 and the Lafayettes on the allies of U.S.? You are such a dumb **** you deserve to be reported.

Go ahead, tell me you have no compunction, I dare you.

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