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Should India Provide Direct Military Aid To Afghanistan?

We are already involved by providing Logistic ,intelligent,adviser,trainer and money in AF but to put boot on AF we are openly opening new front in AF and in our country . pakistan will start full support with weapon and manpower to taliban and will make hell in AF and will also use these mujahidin against us.

Economically even US cannot afford this war any more so what make you think that we can afford this camping trip and the Mighty Nato cannot destroy taliban what make you thing we can do it .

We should focus on our economy and well being of our people and take care of Naxals .

What makes you think that terrorists will take into consideration about India not getting involved in Afghanistan directly or indirectly and provide a respite? If Afghanistan does not stabilize, then it is India which will be affected pretty heavily. So it is in India's interest to see to that Afghanistan is stabilized.
We are already involved by providing Logistic ,intelligent,adviser,trainer and money in AF but to put boot on AF we are openly opening new front in AF and in our country . pakistan will start full support with weapon and manpower to taliban and will make hell in AF and will also use these mujahidin against us.

Economically even US cannot afford this war any more so what make you think that we can afford this camping trip and the Mighty Nato cannot destroy taliban what make you thing we can do it .

We should focus on our economy and well being of our people and take care of Naxals .

Again I am raising a question - What makes you think that Pakistan will not start full support to Taliban if India is not involved?

As for the defence funding of Afghanistan, US and NATO has pledged $4 billion dollars every year till 2024. If India does not get involved with providing the logistics, then it can bid goodbye to whatever investments it has done till now. But I do not think India had the non-involvement in mind when it developed the Chabahar port and also developed plans to lay railway line from Bamiyan to Chabahar port.
Again I am raising a question - What makes you think that Pakistan will not start full support to Taliban if India is not involved? ....

As an Indian, you have already figured out the answer. And now just presenting your point as a question. So no debate there.

However if you have an impartial view, then perhaps perhaps perhaps you could see that Indian involvement with Uzbeks and Tajiks and leftie Kabulis, plays a huge part of Afghanistani Pashtuns to do the bidding for Pakistan.

All this can be resolved in 6 months, if India and Pakistan sit together and chalk out cohesive policies regarding Afghanistan.

6 months tops.

But as I said, we are "mental slaves" to a time that existed long time ago.

And we are unwilling to see the changed world of 2013 AD.

This is because of the unique mindset of Indians and Pakistanis and Afghanistanis.

Indians are mental slaves to the "superior Afghan hoards" of 1000 AD.

--- How else Ghaznavi could descend on Somnath and destroy it?
--- Answer?

--- All the local rajas, and Indian rajas were using Afghan hoards to dominate other rajas.

All those years of dominance by these small rag tag bands have f'd up Indian mind, and now the slave minds are lapping up the same old $hit.

Pakistanis on the other hand want to dominate Afghanistan one way or the other, since the time of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh.

Maharaja was the first Indian ruler since the time of Ashoka who could put the genie of Afghanistani hoards back in the bottle beyond Khyber.

Never happened this in the history, where Afghanistanis were kicked out of KP and Kashmir with so much skill and so much planning.

Afghanistanis in all this have become toothless tiger who can now barely defend the regions beyond Hindu-Kash.

And any defense that may come in, is due to warlords and not a cohesive Afghanistani army.

In summary:

--- Indians are mental slaves still living in 1000 AD
--- Pakistanis are still living in the time of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh

--- Afghanistanis are still living in 1000 AD, still dreaming to dominate and extract free money from India (and to some degree they are successful)

They are the new Afghan hoards.

but you fail to recognize because you are living in the 70s.

Move to 2013 and you will understand my posts.


Seems you conveniently forget the more than 20,000 Punjabi youth recruited and trained by the LET, and then again you have the Kashmiri, G&B youth who train and engage in cross border terrorism, Baloch haave a couple of big armies blowing and routinely terminating car and bus occupants, Karachi where bombs go off routinely, and the wild militant North West.

So your attempt at blaming Afghanistan and the Afghan hordes just like blaming India and the Indian Raja's is a FAIL...because you fail to recoqnize the real problem of the region - the one who militarized the region, the one who militanized, Jihaadized the region for its own purpose, the one who wahaabized the region for the sake of petro dollars, the one who uses its ports and airports to spread the fine Afghan poppy to all regions of the world for foreign revenue. The one who under its watch f@cked up Afghanistan for its ulterior motives by creating AQ and the Taliban, the one who made the region into a battle zone between superpowers - first the americans and the russians and in the future, the americans and the chinese. The one who considers terrorism as a state policy and who is the university for terrorism training. I hope you now know which country I am talking about.

I suggest you focus your attention towards the real problem and cancer of the region and stop blaming your neighbors - who incidentally just react to the grave provocations of wars, proxy wars and land grabs.
Then ask your leaders not to cry when we invest or do any military activities in Afghanistan .

Ask your leaders to grow the balls. We are on board. :lol:

But instead of providing cash, how about you bhartees put boots on the ground. :D
S.......... the one who uses its ports and airports to spread the fine Afghan poppy to all regions of the world for foreign revenue. The one who under its watch f@cked up Afghanistan for its ulterior motives by creating AQ and the Taliban, the one who made the region into a battle zone between superpowers - .

Open the books.

Your talk is just like the old rajas.


Like you the old rajas mutilated history, and guess what, as a result, history will mutilated those rajas.

Please read a little. You are bringing so much shame to an otherwise educated lot of Indian posters.

Super power aka Commie Russia made Afghanistan a battle zone.

And if you don't even know this much,

then surely you too are mutilating history like the India rajas of the old, and perhaps you you are so ignorant that you don't even know you are mixing up bunch of things. This is the worst kind of world view.

Ask your leaders to grow the balls. We are on board. :lol:

But instead of providing cash, how about you bhartees put boots on the ground. :D
Thats not proper reply to my post . Any way because you are so excited , let me tell you a thing . To defeat Pakistan one need not have balls
#Source : Indira Gandhi
Then ask your leaders not to cry when we invest or do any military activities in Afghanistan .

Its our right to stop india diplomatically or in anyway to stop india from creating afg into a proxy battlefield... u cry literally infront of white house whenever we buy weapons.. but honestly i would like to see india sending its "troops" to afghanistan... where NATO couldnt do crap..with all the trillions of dollars worth weapons and all..
waiting for the day indian soldiers are deployed in afghanistan.

would be the day we will start decreasing them each day passing.thanks to ISI
Its our right to stop india diplomatically or in anyway to stop india from creating afg into a proxy battlefield... u cry literally infront of white house whenever we buy weapons.. but honestly i would like to see india sending its "troops" to afghanistan... where NATO couldnt do crap..with all the trillions of dollars worth weapons and all..
We have alternate options for that . We cry because we dont want your citizens to get killed by R/c aircrafts in a video game controlled by White house . As far as i know its the losers who cry and i dont think India never lost to Pakistan . NATOs mission was to keep Afghan under control while we want to develop Afghanistan and use it as strategic asset against Pakistan . So you cannot compare NATO to India . FYI NATO never lost citizen on its land while it looted both Afghan and Pakistan .
waiting for the day indian soldiers are deployed in afghanistan.

would be the day we will start decreasing them each day passing.thanks to ISI

It will be a wait till eternity :coffee:. Again thanks for being a buffer state for India, we owe it to you.
We have alternate options for that . We cry because we dont want your citizens to get killed by R/c aircrafts in a video game controlled by White house .

Man go sort your own sh!t first... i dont even want to mention the massive issues ur so called shinning india faces.. your a ignorant troll..

As far as i know its the losers who cry and i dont think India never lost to Pakistan .

Must be the reason you celebrate 1948,1962 and 1965? right..

NATOs mission was to keep Afghan under control while we want to develop Afghanistan and use it as strategic asset against Pakistan .

Wasnt it NATOs mission to destroy taliban etc? also what "strategic asset" can you develop afghanistan into after NATO leaves? nothing but bickering..

So you cannot compare NATO to India . FYI NATO never lost citizen on its land while it looted both Afghan and Pakistan

Than why was afghanistan invaded? you know nothing abt anything do you? my hyderabadi fnd!

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