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Who Killed Benazir? UN Commission Comes Pakistan Finally

What do you think who Killed Benazir?

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  • Zardari

    Votes: 19 67.9%
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Partially BB was responsible too because she stood up and compromised her own security.

I understand that she was the most popular politician in Pakistan but she was also aware of the dangers towrds her life.

My question is: Who gave her so much confidence that nothing would happen if she stood out like that?

When she saw the crowd at karachi---she just totally went 'bezerk'---her tone against the pak govt changed---her rhetoric against Musharraf went to a different level---till the americans had to step in and tame her and cool her down.

From karachi to rawalpindi---she was a woman totally uncontrolled by anyone and sundry.

Then the biggest blunder was committed by Musharraf's admin for not doing a post mortem and making an open report. The stae should ahev stepped in done its job. That was another one of Musharraf's failure.
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Partially BB was responsible too because she stood up and compromised her own security.

I understand that she was the most popular politician in Pakistan but she was also aware of the dangers towrds her life.

My question is: Who gave her so much confidence that nothing would happen if she stood out like that?

You say like it is wrong to stand up for something you believe in ?
You say like it is wrong to stand up for something you believe in ?


You are a good poster---please read your post again and kindly assess it to your better abilities---keeping in mind the threat level, previous assasination attemtp---the mindset of the opposition---.

It is the quality of a better leader or just any individual joe blow to understand the security issues----.

What if a father of 6 children walks into an area where there is firing going on and he doesnot care about the bullets flying---what is the difference between a leader who has a failed assasination attempt a few days ago and doesnot care to take protective measures to secure herself---so let them express themselves.

So---the bottomline is wouldn't you rather find a way to live---because if you are so strong against the taliban---then we want you alive---a careless dead you who wanted to speak her mind is no good to us.

You have to first learn to accept the power and threat of the enemy in question---.
My question is: Who gave her so much confidence that nothing would happen if she stood out like that?

She was drugged with emotion enhancers and this was clearly evident from her speech and later the signals of Khalid Shahansha.. I understood that he was signaling that time is ripe for the final kill.

We should not forget the mysterious group of activists those forced the BB vehicle to halt by throwing themselve upon the front bumper.
Infact, it was that moment when BB poped her head out and bang...

We all know Mr. Zardari did not allowed her post mortem...big question WHY NOT? Specially when poor people of Pakistan had to pay for her investigation later.

We should not look at BB's murder independently.... we should also consider the murder of Khalid Shahnsha and Murtaza Bhutto.

Her schedule of election campaign clearly tells us that she was ill advised.

IMO, all those in the car of BB must be interviewed.

You are a good poster---please read your post again and kindly assess it to your better abilities---keeping in mind the threat level, previous assasination attemtp---the mindset of the opposition---.

It is the quality of a better leader or just any individual joe blow to understand the security issues----.

What if a father of 6 children walks into an area where there is firing going on and he doesnot care about the bullets flying---what is the difference between a leader who has a failed assasination attempt a few days ago and doesnot care to take protective measures to secure herself---so let them express themselves.

So---the bottomline is wouldn't you rather find a way to live---because if you are so strong against the taliban---then we want you alive---a careless dead you who wanted to speak her mind is no good to us.

You have to first learn to accept the power and threat of the enemy in question---.

I understand what you are saying, but we come from very different viewpoints. Indian history and freedom struggle was based on refusing to keep quiet and using self-sacrifice as a tool for freedom. I have seen the same thing in recent history when people spoke out against Indira Gandhi's emergency or other local struggles. The idea is not to live to fight another day, but to speak up so that others may live free.

So obviously, I have some amount of respect for people who know there is danger, but nevertheless continue on their paths unarmed. Same goes for the Russian news reporters who keep falling like flies - I know they could have been more careful, but there is something admirable about the way they lived.

I understand what you are saying---a joe blow may sacrifice his or hers life for the cause and stand up---but that does not hold true for the, to be, leader of the country. Look at the turmoil Rajiv Gandhi's assasination caused in india---.

First of all, to live freely---you have to be alive---in today's market---laying down your life is not that great of a value to the cause as being alive and active is---times and tides have changed---the value of death is peanuts today---the value of of a living opponent is a threat, a hundred fold stronger than ever before.

There was a time where copnscience paid a higher price---where the death of a 20 protesters toppled governments----today---the death of a 100 or 500 looks meaningless.
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I understand what you are saying---a joe blow may sacrifice his or hers life for the cause and stand up---but that does not hold true for the, to be, leader of the country. Look at the turmoil Rajiv Gandhi's assasination caused in india---.

First of all, to live freely---you have to be alive---in today's market---laying down your life is not that great of a value to the cause as being alive and active is---times and tides have changed---the value of death is peanuts today---the value of of a living opponent is a threat, a hundred fold stronger than ever before.

There was a time where copnscience paid a higher price---where the death of a 20 protesters toppled governments----today---the death of a 100 or 500 looks meaningless.

I understand the essence of what you are saying. Often, when a single leader comes to represent an ideology, taking out the leader has actually ended the ideological movement.

But Rajiv Gandhi's death was not actually in vain. He died in Tamilnadu, a region traditionally pro-LTTE (both being Tamil). When Rajiv was killed in Tamilnadu, in public, it came as a blow to the idea of Tamil Eelam. It crystallised the idea that LTTE is a terror movement and that terrorism should be condemned. Tamilians became more patriotic after that, not less. And arguably, that was one of the biggest blows to LTTE (no more easy getaways across the sea to Tamilnadu). The big difference was that Rajiv Gandhi was not seen as an ideological leader (no ideas to be killed), but seen as a symbol of Indian unity. By killing him, LTTE seemed to have attacked the whole of India.

Same should have applied to Pakistan. Pakistani people should have identified that terrorists are bad for the country, but then the inability to find the killers meant that there was no popular outrage. Her death should have been seen as a strike on Pakistan. But I guess suspicion on Musharraf, Zardari, Taliban etc. etc. caused the rise of any mass movement that was "pro-Pakistan".

Nevertheless, I would not blame Benazir for it.
Hi wtf,

Thankyou. I understand your point better. When two peop-le start talking---each individual is listening to only what he knows and understands better---now when you take a moment and step back to listen to the other person---then you may understand the other person's point of view---.

What may hold true for india---does not hold true for pakistan---where pakistan hero worships their leaders---india puts them on a different pedestal. In pakistan---there is one man show---in india there are whole teams of politicians ready to fill in the empty shoes---so---the bottomline is that what maynot be painful to you---maybe totally devastating for us..

I was and am no fan of Benazir Bhutto---but if she was alive---pakistan would have been at a totally different pleateau---at this time when she was ready to serve the nation wholeheartedly---she chose upon not to take the the death threats seriously---.

She was actually totally clueless as to what pakistan had become since the years of her departure from the nation. All these suicide attacjks and bombings were just stories that she had heard from other---but in her heart she never believed in them.

She was extremely callous and casual in her behaviour and determination---which showed very well in karachi and the resultant suicide attack on her convoy---causing a multitude of deaths---she had barely survived that attack---then what made her stand up out of that hatch at rawalpindi. When leaders don't co-operate with their security personale---they pay the ultimate price.

Benazir knew how to 'MILK' the u s of a and britain---pakistan would not have been on the bad boyz list any more---she knew how to manipulate the american news media---actually she didnot have to---all of them were waiting to be had by her---it was a devastating blow to pakistan.
A costly non-probe

Dawn Editorial
Monday, 20 Jul, 2009

The futility of asking the UN to investigate Benazir Bhutto’s murder has now become obvious, with the probe team chief saying it would fix no ‘criminal liability.’ Then what is the probe all about?

After all, the aim of every investigation into an act of crime is to find out who committed it and give justice to the guilty. As he defined it at his Friday’s press conference in Islamabad, UN commission chief Heraldo Munoz said the mandate of his mission was limited to determining ‘the facts and circumstances of the assassination,’ and that ‘the mandate does not include a criminal investigation.’

This means we have asked the UN to conduct a costly non-probe that in the end is programmed to prove nothing. We are also reminded here of the investigation by Scotland Yard, whose finding limited itself to determining the cause of Ms Bhutto’s death. Again, the all-important question — who killed Benazir Bhutto? — remained unanswered.

The Muslim world’s first woman prime minister was killed at a time when the PPP was not in power. The party’s demand that the UN should investigate the Pakistani icon’s murder was indicative of its lack of trust in the Musharraf government.

However, even after it came to power after the February 2008 election, the PPP still had a resolution passed by the National Assembly asking the world body to investigate what indeed was a crime that had stunned the world. One could understand the UN investigating Rafiq Hariri’s assassination. He was anti-Syrian, and Damascus had troops and influence in Lebanon. A situation like this did not exist in Pakistan on Dec 27, 2007.

Before the assassins struck, Benazir Bhutto had written a letter to Pervez Musharraf naming the persons she thought wanted to assassinate her. Indeed given her lineage and gender, she had reason to suspect that, with the elections approaching, the powerful lobby well-entrenched in Pakistan’s establishment since Gen Ziaul Haq’s days could eliminate her.

Benazir Bhutto’s murder was a crime against a Pakistani citizen committed on Pakistani soil. For that reason, there is no alternative to a high-level investigation by Pakistan itself.

Source: Dawn Editorial
Hi wtf,

Thankyou. I understand your point better. When two peop-le start talking---each individual is listening to only what he knows and understands better---now when you take a moment and step back to listen to the other person---then you may understand the other person's point of view---.

What may hold true for india---does not hold true for pakistan---where pakistan hero worships their leaders---india puts them on a different pedestal. In pakistan---there is one man show---in india there are whole teams of politicians ready to fill in the empty shoes---so---the bottomline is that what maynot be painful to you---maybe totally devastating for us..

I was and am no fan of Benazir Bhutto---but if she was alive---pakistan would have been at a totally different pleateau---at this time when she was ready to serve the nation wholeheartedly---she chose upon not to take the the death threats seriously---.

She was actually totally clueless as to what pakistan had become since the years of her departure from the nation. All these suicide attacjks and bombings were just stories that she had heard from other---but in her heart she never believed in them.

She was extremely callous and casual in her behaviour and determination---which showed very well in karachi and the resultant suicide attack on her convoy---causing a multitude of deaths---she had barely survived that attack---then what made her stand up out of that hatch at rawalpindi. When leaders don't co-operate with their security personale---they pay the ultimate price.

Benazir knew how to 'MILK' the u s of a and britain---pakistan would not have been on the bad boyz list any more---she knew how to manipulate the american news media---actually she didnot have to---all of them were waiting to be had by her---it was a devastating blow to pakistan.

Thanks. Very well said!
Benazir knew how to 'MILK' the u s of a and britain---pakistan would not have been on the bad boyz list any more---she knew how to manipulate the american news media---actually she didnot have to---all of them were waiting to be had by her---it was a devastating blow to pakistan.

I agree with you on this, BUT big BUT, how exactly the suicide bomber knew she going to come out this time? while suicide bomber also knew that suicide bomb wont harm much to the vehicle?
I agree with you on this, BUT big BUT, how exactly the suicide bomber knew she going to come out this time? while suicide bomber also knew that suicide bomb wont harm much to the vehicle?

Or alternately, the guy was trailing Benazir for a while and when she came out, they fired. One would never know how long they have been trailing Benazir and the attempts not made.

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