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New RMK Marine warship projects

There are 3 Contenders in the Tender...

- RMK Marine LHD (With British Naval Yard Assistance)
- Juan Carlos Class LHD (Probably the best duo V/STOL Capability)
- Dokho Class LHD (Said to be a failure in Korea, Less Likely)

I would go for a Turkified Juan Carlos any day, Atleast they have V/STOL capability which really makes it a Light Aircraft carrier.

It's because we're trying to locally develop the technology for an aircraft carrier. Obviously, we weren't going magically invent the carrier technology on the first attempt. But, the results of the Dokdo LHD were very disappointing to Seoul as we already know how to build destroyers and container ships. The journey continues....
It's because we're trying to locally develop the technology for an aircraft carrier. Obviously, we weren't going magically invent the carrier technology on the first attempt. But, the results of the Dokdo LHD were very disappointing to Seoul as we already know how to build destroyers and container ships. The journey continues....

S.Korea is no doubt one of the leading nations in naval defence industry. Question, does Korea has its own Combat management system?
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