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Democracy in Pakistan a Distant Dream

There is no religion acceptable to God except Islam. I guess people who know what's best for them in after life convert to Islam.
Indians got some hope from democracy while political parties didnot do sonething good here in Pakistan……
1-our education system is one of the worst to support thugs and lords to be re elected
2…No medical reforms
3…No land reforms these thugs have almost many villages as their land…
4…no industrial reforms
5…corruption is everywhere
6…they always run away after elections filling their pocket
Well we need something to counter then i.e Judicial process and literate Pakistan
We need some sensible and patriot in politics……
That is the hope with Imran Khan but the process of democracy favors the feudal and ethnic thugs who dominate Pakistani civilian scene. Many people simply vote as their feudal lord, or ethnic thug, tells them to.

That is why Pakistan will forever be stuck in a time warp until it undergoes a French or Libyan style revolution, with rampaging mobs going from village to village and stringing up every feudal by his b*lls. Unless that happens, I bet that in fifty years, we will still be having this same conversation. India and China will be building colonies on the moon, Bangladesh will have progressed to East Asian standards, but Pakistan (minus Baluchistan) will still be dawdling along.

Unfortunately this is also the future I see unless the government can correct itself.
I have to admit tho, the idea of mobs lynching Feudal is a really nice one, but that chaos that will bring is not worth it.
The Feudal should learn from the cultural revolution in China and give up their powers willingly or people will take them forcibly.
The Feudal should learn from the cultural revolution in China and give up their powers willingly or people will take them forcibly.

They will never learn.

They were willing to lose half the country (East Pakistan) rather than give up their domination. They will let Baluchistan and KP go, if need be. That is why I don't think anything short of a full revolution will rid Pakistan of these vampires.
Correction: Compared to the terminally corrupt oligarch's who have hijacked the civilian "democratic" scene, they see the army as the lesser evil.

its about perception, in Pakistan nobody can badmouth army even they have lots of failure with them. Pakistan's army takes majority of the budgetary allocation. Even army generals are known for lavish life like politicians.
For the love of God its the first time a democratically elected govt completes its tenure in ages and naysayers are already here. Everything will work out, democracy must continue
They will never learn.

They were willing to lose half the country (East Pakistan) rather than give up their domination. They will let Baluchistan and KP go, if need be. That is why I don't think anything short of a full revolution will rid Pakistan of these vampires.

lets pray that it doesn't get that far.
If we can get a government that would hang these feudals from their balls..... man that would be one of the happiest days of Pakistani history.
its about perception, in Pakistan nobody can badmouth army even they have lots of failure with them. Pakistan's army takes majority of the budgetary allocation. Even army generals are known for lavish life like politicians.

Another lame attempt to demean PA. Why would Pakistanis badmouth Pakistanis when its our Army? When there is a war with India the whole nation stands behind PA. Your trolling is getting tiresome :P
That is the hope with Imran Khan but the process of democracy favors the feudal and ethnic thugs who dominate Pakistani civilian scene. Many people simply vote as their feudal lord, or ethnic thug, tells them to.

That is why Pakistan will forever be stuck in a time warp until it undergoes a French or Libyan style revolution, with rampaging mobs going from village to village and stringing up every feudal by his b*lls. Unless that happens, I bet that in fifty years, we will still be having this same conversation. India and China will be building colonies on the moon, Bangladesh will have progressed to East Asian standards, but Pakistan (minus Baluchistan) will still be dawdling along.

So then you have already conceded defeat?
Another lame attempt to demean PA. Why would Pakistanis badmouth Pakistanis when its our Army? When there is a war with India the whole nation stands behind PA. Your trolling is getting tiresome :P

I wasn't talking that. But their interfere in politics and taking major portion of Pakistan's budget. Even in Kargil, Musharraf was responsible but Nawaz Sharif had to take all blames.(although Musharraf sent him to America.) I saw a TV show which revealed that the some army general was railway minister during Ziaul Haq regime and he was mainly to be blamed for ruining the Pakistan Railways since he destroyed freight transport the main revenue collection for Railways.
lets pray that it doesn't get that far.
If we can get a government that would hang these feudals from their balls..... man that would be one of the happiest days of Pakistani history.

Only the military has the power to uproot the feudals, but they have made an alliance going back 60 years.

So then you have already conceded defeat?

Insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Unless the core dynamics change in Pakistan, things won't improve.

its about perception, in Pakistan nobody can badmouth army even they have lots of failure with them.

You're kidding, right?
Half the TV channels, liberal media, and political parties base their entire career on army bashing.
Unfortunately this is also the future I see unless the government can correct itself.
I have to admit tho, the idea of mobs lynching Feudal is a really nice one, but that chaos that will bring is not worth it.
The Feudal should learn from the cultural revolution in China and give up their powers willingly or people will take them forcibly.

Cultural revolution was a huge nightmare for the Chinese people
Cultural revolution was a huge nightmare for the Chinese people

Agreed, that is why I hope it doesn't come down to that. But if that is the only way to dislodge these feudal then it is a needed evil.
PTI or bloodbath? :coffee:

can you give another realistic solution?
Noura league has been ruling for nearly 30 years, how many feudal did it take on?
PPP was born from Feudals so they have no interest in taking them on.
Military had a chance but they didn't take them on either.
So what is left?

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