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12 are from SSG, rest are from normal infantry units & may be some FC guys too.

In one incident, after killing the soldiers, they collected their bodies, sprayed them with bullets and then blew them up with explosives, that is why some of the troops bodies were in a very bad shape.

Anyway, it was a really sad day yesterday at CMH as nearly for 2 days i saw ambulances being loaded up with the martyred soldiers and dispatched to their native home towns.

12 are from SSG, rest are from normal infantry units & may be some FC guys too.

In one incident, after killing the soldiers, they collected their bodies, sprayed them with bullets and then blew them up with explosives, that is why some of the troops bodies were in a very bad shape.

Anyway, it was a really sad day yesterday at CMH as nearly for 2 days i saw ambulances being loaded up with the martyred soldiers and dispatched to their native home towns.

they are barbarians and call themselves muslims :angry:
Special service soldiers are suppose to inflict heavy damage and come back home alive-
Seems like they are falling like regular soldiers- shows the intensity of fighting and very bad planning-

SSG has shown extremely bad track record through out the conflict-
Even in Lal Masjid the SSG casualties should hv been minimal-

RIP soldiers- fcuk the terrorists-

In my opinion, SSG should not be used at all for regular operations like these. Why would they fare any better (or worse) than a regular infantry soldier? Unless this was a special op, the special forces should not have been used. It takes a lot of money to train and produce a special forces soldier, and his potential is being underused for such operations. Not to mention the morale boost and propaganda victory it provides to the terrorists, when they kill so many elite soldiers.

This is just my opinion based on reading this report. Maybe there was a need for a few special ops or raids that regular soldiers could not have performed. However it is a fact that both India and Pakistan have used their special forces for conventional operations, as stock infantry to fight wars. Recently in India there has been a clamour for setting up a separate joint special forces command, so that special forces will only be used for special ops. Battlefield commando tactics, raids etc can still be done by Ghataks.

Anyway, on topic, is this Tirah valley operation part of a larger move against the TTP, or was it a one off operation? How long has this operation been going on? Can somebody shed light on why SSG is being used? @TaimiKhan?

Also, why are so many different security agencies fighting the same war? Army, special forces, frontier force, rangers (IIRC). Wouldn't it be simpler and more efficient to have one concerted effort by one force? At this point that one force can only be the army, since the TTP has grown too strong to be dealt with by anybody else, and they are able to fight even the army on equal terms in their areas of strength.
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Fallen Soldier:


Photo of Captain Waseem, 3 Commando Battalion (115 PMA Long Course), who embraced martyrdom in #Tirah valley today.

may Allah grant him Janat ul Firdos. Amen
A decade into this and hasn't PA learned this by now, this is not a new TTP tactic. NATO knows the enemies tactics and they have Recon troops and drones patrolling before they send into infantry to a potentially hostile territory. This is why you also send attack helicopter assisting the troops.

PA operates in a different terrain than NATO. These places in TIrah and Kurram agency etc are tight and small places, small valleys in the middle with huge green mountains on both the sides. THe NATO operation theatre is much more flat than this.

PA also employs various kind of small drones but there is limit to their use. Sometimes you just cannot use a drone for every other thing...a small company may or may not have a drone.

As for attack helicopter, they are always used for an offensive or for coming in to help. They don't go together with a convoy or small company passing through.

We simply don't have the resources to put up a helicopter and drone everywhere with a platoon or a company.

These kinds of ambushes can be averted with proper countermeasures what is PA doing? Poor command? Low money? Lack of brains?

Almost all of the above/
Absent understanding of what the ground realty is,if this was a planned offensive, the casualty rate for ssg is unusually high.

anyways good luck.

Also tells you how well trained and armed these bastards are!!
Why were SSG troops deployed here in the first place they are designated for spec ops not counter-insurgency.
Fallen Soldier:


Photo of Captain Waseem, 3 Commando Battalion (115 PMA Long Course), who embraced martyrdom in #Tirah valley today.

may Allah grant him Janat ul Firdos. Amen

why are the young inexperienced ones fighting in the front lines?-
A major screwup. By the looks of it, They were willing to sacrifice the SSG guys yet they didn't send the Cobra to cover the bakcs of our guys. Whoever is incharge needs to be kicked hard. Those upper echelon guys who sit in their AC offices comfortably, They need a chittar simply
Also tells you how well trained and armed these bastards are!!

It's not the training. It's the advantage of high peaks. Similar incident happened at M.Waziristan where 60+ soldiers were killed and cobra saved the rest of guys.
Why were SSG troops deployed here in the first place they are designated for spec ops not counter-insurgency.

You would be surprised to know the amount of involvement of SSG in this war.

They are alongside the normal infrantry or called in as backup if things get bad.
Can someone plz tell me, IS it normal for Special forces to operate along side regular troops ..

Because if i remember correctly... PA used SSG along Regular troops in kargil as well .. I have never heard any other Army operating their Spec Forces like normal infantry men ....

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