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British women of Pak origin raped in Libya

i HAVE IN Ary News--the government of Pakistan is still in connection with Libyan and British authorities.Furthermore brithish news will try all its best to dilute this issue I assume!

If the ladies were traveling on British passports on valid Libyan visas, then the Government of Pakistan has no legal standing in this matter. Of course, unofficial contacts may be able to help them out somewhat in these difficult circumstances.
Four Libyans have been arrested over claims they sexually assaulted two British aid workers earlier this week.

The workers were apparently abducted at a checkpoint near the city of Benghazi and held for hours before being freed on Wednesday.

The women were in a convoy travelling overland to Gaza.

A Libyan army official said the arrested men were former members of the security forces who had been dismissed from their jobs several months ago.

The BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli said Friday prayer sermons in some mosques began with condemnations of the assault.

The women were in a convoy driving from Morocco to Gaza.

They reached the Egyptian border, where officials refused permission for them to cross.

Five members of the convoy, including the two women, took a taxi to Benghazi in the hope of catching a flight back to the UK.

They were stopped at a checkpoint, abducted and the two women were allegedly sexually assaulted.

UK ambassador Michael Aron told the BBC that the incident was horrific and the Libyan authorities were investigating.

The group of aid workers were taken to the Turkish consulate in Benghazi after their release. British officials said they had now returned to the UK.

BBC News - Libyans held for 'sex attack' on Britons in Benghazi
US' favorite Govt. & this is the kind of people they want in Muslim world.
IMO, women (foreigners) should not visit war-torn/unstable nations for humanitarian missions; men should do the humanitarian work themselves and not bring their female relatives to assist them in such regions. In addition, international organizations should refrain from sending female employees in such regions.


It is unwise to hold USA responsible for this incident. Libya have been ravaged by war recently and the country is unstable. Libyans are themselves responsible for inviting foreigners to address their internal issues.


B/W The lack of foresight of the father of these two girls is also deplorable. Common sense is not very common these days.
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Do you guys realize, how western nations have successfully created the mess in the Arab countries and in particular among Muslim population yet citizens of these nations keep on practicing the violence on their fellow brothers and sisters? Oil rich nations can do many positive things to lift the poor out of poverty and educate the uneducated but they are happy to be slave to Western bankers.
Four Libyans have been arrested over claims they sexually assaulted two British aid workers earlier this week.

The workers were apparently abducted at a checkpoint near the city of Benghazi and held for hours before being freed on Wednesday.

The women were in a convoy travelling overland to Gaza.

A Libyan army official said the arrested men were former members of the security forces who had been dismissed from their jobs several months ago.

The BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli said Friday prayer sermons in some mosques began with condemnations of the assault.

The women were in a convoy driving from Morocco to Gaza.

They reached the Egyptian border, where officials refused permission for them to cross.

Five members of the convoy, including the two women, took a taxi to Benghazi in the hope of catching a flight back to the UK.

They were stopped at a checkpoint, abducted and the two women were allegedly sexually assaulted.

UK ambassador Michael Aron told the BBC that the incident was horrific and the Libyan authorities were investigating.

The group of aid workers were taken to the Turkish consulate in Benghazi after their release. British officials said they had now returned to the UK.

BBC News - Libyans held for 'sex attack' on Britons in Benghazi

The quick apprehension of the criminals is to be appreciated.
You mean British women were raped.
One of my friend has spent three years in libya from 1993 to 1996. According to him more than ten thousands pakistanis were working there, libiyans themeselves were useless and least educated people. Libiyans used to give lot of hospitality to pakistanis. But there were frustrated jobless youth who were very aggressive towards pakistanis...qadafi was giving them every kind of facilities but not much money....according to him some times libiyan boys used to throw stones at their school bus and chant some anti-pakistani lines...but qadafi was also strict and he used to strictly punish such non-sense.
According him libiyan are so rough, savage and crude that only iron hands like qadafi could control them.
You mean British women were raped.
One of my friend has spent three years in libya from 1993 to 1996. According to him more than ten thousands pakistanis were working there, libiyans themeselves were useless and least educated people. Libiyans used to give lot of hospitality to pakistanis. But there were frustrated jobless youth who were very aggressive towards pakistanis...qadafi was giving them every kind of facilities but not much money....according to him some times libiyan boys used to throw stones at their school bus and chant some anti-pakistani lines...but qadafi was also strict and he used to strictly punish such non-sense.
According him libiyan are so rough, savage and crude that only iron hands like qadafi could control them.

Yaaar Luffy, kasaam see tou item hii haiii - Kabhiii kissiii ko tou baksh diyaa kar abbb Libyans ke peecheiii par giyaa haiii ! :omghaha:
The new Libyan govt is said to be keen on maintaining good ties with Pakistan so it will be in their interest to ensure that justice is served to the animals who would overpower a helpless woman.
You mean British women were raped.
One of my friend has spent three years in libya from 1993 to 1996. According to him more than ten thousands pakistanis were working there, libiyans themeselves were useless and least educated people. Libiyans used to give lot of hospitality to pakistanis. But there were frustrated jobless youth who were very aggressive towards pakistanis...qadafi was giving them every kind of facilities but not much money....according to him some times libiyan boys used to throw stones at their school bus and chant some anti-pakistani lines...but qadafi was also strict and he used to strictly punish such non-sense.
According him libiyan are so rough, savage and crude that only iron hands like qadafi could control them.

The Pakistani diaspora is actually quite large in Libya though many workers and residents of Pak of origin fled following the Arab spring

On a side, Nadia Ali (from the group "Iio") is a famous Pakistani-Libyan origin singer/composer.

Libyans are not at all savages. I have Libyan friends and they are wonderful human beings. But I know people on this forum who have the mentality of ignorance and savagery

Of course to protect their dignity and honour I won't name them. Ahem.

I am sorry but where is US in picture.

Hope rapist get the taste of law.

Yes USA didnt attack Libya and destablised an already fragile state :cheesy:...........IGNORANCE cant be cured if you refuse to cooperate.
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