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Future prediction about Pakistan and the rest of the world


Sep 5, 2007
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Some of you here will be following the current episodes of Brasstacks where Zaid Hamid is discussing about Naimatullah Shah Wali Who was a renowned Wali some 900 years ago and he predicted about the future of the world by his poems in persian.

Unlike some other predictions, all the predictions he did through his poems have been exact. For example whatever he said about Mughals, World war etc etc, exactly the same happened.

For Pakistan he already predicted that a muslim country will first have a fight in 1965 it will go on for 17 days and at the end of the day Pakistan will be in a better position than a leader of a non muslim country will go to a communist country to sign a peace agreement with the muslim country ( talking about shastri who signed agreement in tashkent). Than in 1971, East muslim country will be the main battlefield and lots of muslims will die and it will be separated.

So for us people this is past. SO lets come to the present and future. According to him Chitral gilgit tibet and china will become the batlefield. And North East country ( most likely china) will provide arms and ammunition in the month of moharram to the muslim west subcontinent ( pakistan ) and a war will start with a Hindu country ( sorry my indian friends this is not what i m saying but this is exactly whats written in his poem ) which will go on for 6 months and after six months Muslims will win with the help of Arabia. Iran and turkey. UP state of india will also become part of Pakistan and Muslims will be again ruling in the whole India. May be whatever he said is not true but whatever he said so far have been true. I am providing you with some links now which people can read for detail.

read the last 10 pages or so which is more about Pakistan

Qaseeda Naimatullah Shah Wali

and this as well
My voice Around the World forum, Shah Naimatullah Wali (RA) Predictions for Pakistan and the Military action in Swat

I hope the indian friends here will not take that in a negative way...Its not something i am saying its something a Wali said 900 years ago
Many questions arise in my mind after reading the article.
1)when you consider all non-muslims the kuffars(whatever) then why chinese are not kuffars to you.
2)when will this sub-continent fight begin.
3)when will destruction of america or england begin according to your poet.
Please clarify. Thank you.
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Many questions arise in my mind after reading the article.
1)when you consider all non-muslims the kuffars(whatever) then why chinese are not kuffars to you.
2)when will this sub-continent fight begin.
3)when will destruction of america or england begin according to your poet.
Please clarify. Thank you.

(1)Yes Mac Chinese are non muslims as well but naimatullah clearly said that the country will be a very powerful country and the name of that country starts with Alif ( means A letter in urdu alphabet ) so its probably America. and also he said that the people of Kabul will show resistence to them. so you have a clear image now what country he is talking about.

(2) I think it will not be too far...because all his poems are in sequence and before this sub-continent event, he predicted that areas of Chitral, Gilgit, will be on fire ( these areas share a border with Swat which already is in bad situation ). Also before this sub-continent fight, Naimatullah Shah Wali said that people will be giving Fatwas without knowledge... and this has already happened ( Baitullah Mehsud , Sufi Mohammad, Fazalullah are the examples) So thats why i personaly think its not too far.

(3) Russia name didnt exist 900 years ago . but still Naimatullah said exactly in his poetry that a country Russia with most sophisticated weapon will attack one of the Alif ( A letter ) and they are America and Inglistan( means England in urdu ) and both these countries their name starts with Alif. and according to him one of the jee letter country Germany or Japan will also change the stance and become the friend of Russia to attack that A country ( america or England).

So as i said its not something i m predicting it has been said by Naimatullah 900 years ago. so may be its not true but so far whatever he said exactly happened. But i cant say exactly when the was between America and Russia will start ( as i am not a wali lol ) but the sub continent fight seems to be near because the events before this sub continent fight have already happened
If i had to guess i would imagine US will withdraw by 2012 and Afghanistan will be our 5th Province again under ISI Control :).
Reminds me of this pious person in Pakistan in 1979. I remember he took a pen and drew lines across the map of USSR saying how the USSR will be defeated in about 10 years & not only that but it will dis-integrate.
I was very little back then but I have the memory of an elephant. Just thought I would share it with you. beyond that, I am saying no more.........

I read Naimatullah's predictions just recently. Can anyone say for sure if they were written way back then? The booklet does mention that the poem was banned by the British since it said that they wont rule past 100 years.
Sounds like fun!!!

One does not have to necessarily believe anything but it is indeed interesting, nevertheless!
The OP has put the contents as found but shows the decency which is not very often found here!( the last 2 lines of his article/post...).
Well an interesting information I came across, related to the thread:

Islam Question and Answer - Ruling on going to astrologers and believing them
Is it permissible to go to astrologers and to believe what they say, or not? Al-Nasaa’i narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The prayer of the one who goes to them and believes them will not be accepted.” Is this correct? Please explain to us what was narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and what the scholars have said.

Praise be to Allaah.

There are many ahaadeeth which state that this is haraam, such as the hadeeth narrated from Safiyah bint Abi ‘Ubayd from one of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who narrated that he said: “Whoever goes to a soothsayer and asks him about something and believes him, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days.” (Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh).

Qusaybah ibn al-Mukhaariq said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Al-‘ayaafah, al-tiyarah and al-turuq [kinds of augury] are all part of al-jabt [witchcraft or idolatry].’” This was narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh isnaad. Abu Dawood said: Al-‘ayaafah, al-khatt and al-turuq are all kinds of augury, whereby a bird is released and is watched to see whether it flies to the right or to the left. If it flies to the right it is taken as a good omen and if it flies to the left it is taken as a bad omen. Al-Jawhari said: al-jabt is a word which may be applied to idols, soothsayers, magicians, astrologers etc.

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever seeks knowledge from the stars is seeking one of the branches of witchcraft…” Narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh isnaad.

It was narrated that Mu’aawiyah ibn al-Hakam said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, I am still close to the time of Jaahiliyyah [i.e., I am new in Islam]. Allaah has brought Islam to us, but there are among us men who go to soothsayers (fortune tellers).’ He said, ‘Do not go to them.’ I said, ‘And there are men among us who practise augury [watch birds for omens].’ He said, ‘That is something which they make up. Do not believe them.’” (Narrated by Muslim).

It was narrated from Abu Mas’ood al-Badri that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade the price of a dog, the fee of a prostitute and the payment of a soothsayer. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).

It was reported that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “Some people asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about soothsayers. He said, ‘They are nothing.’ They said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, sometimes they say something and it comes true.’ The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘That is a word of truth that the jinn snatches and whispers into the ear of his familiar, but they mix a hundred lies with it.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever comes to a soothsayer and believes what he says, or has intercourse with a woman in her back passage, has nothing to do with that which has been revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).

… The scholars have stated that it is haraam to deal with such matters or to go to find out about them or to believe in them. It is haraam to pay them money, and anyone who is suffering from any of these things must hasten to repent from it. And Allaah knows best.
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UP state of india will also become part of Pakistan and Muslims will be again ruling in the whole India. May be whatever he said is not true but whatever he said so far have been true. I am providing you with some links now which people can read for detail.

If "UP state of india" means Uttar Pradesh, why would we want that to be part of Pakistan? India and Pakistan have no disputes over Uttar Pradesh, Pakistan recognizes Uttar Pradesh as part of India.

Kashmir and Sir Creek are the only two territories that Pakistan has a dispute over with India.

And when he means Muslims will be again ruling in the whole India, I hope he means Indian Muslims, I dont want Pakistan and India to be one country again. India is over-populated and over-polluted with a 900 million+ Hindu population, Pakistan's total population is just 175 million.

Pakistan is not intersted in Uttar Pradesh or Delhi or Mumbai.
The only dispute we have with India is over Muslim majority Kashmir and Sir Creek.

However, someone told me there is a hadith that says before the end of time Muslims will succed in their Jihad against India and then Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will return back to earth.
This is what you are hoping that might not happen. I certainly dont discard anything in life, however remote or seemingly stupid a theory may sound.
Some of you here will be following the current episodes of Brasstacks where Zaid Hamid is discussing about Naimatullah Shah Wali Who was a renowned Wali some 900 years ago and he predicted about the future of the world by his poems in persian.

Unlike some other predictions, all the predictions he did through his poems have been exact. For example whatever he said about Mughals, World war etc etc, exactly the same happened.

For Pakistan he already predicted that a muslim country will first have a fight in 1965 it will go on for 17 days and at the end of the day Pakistan will be in a better position than a leader of a non muslim country will go to a communist country to sign a peace agreement with the muslim country ( talking about shastri who signed agreement in tashkent). Than in 1971, East muslim country will be the main battlefield and lots of muslims will die and it will be separated.

So for us people this is past. SO lets come to the present and future. According to him Chitral gilgit tibet and china will become the batlefield. And North East country ( most likely china) will provide arms and ammunition in the month of moharram to the muslim west subcontinent ( pakistan ) and a war will start with a Hindu country ( sorry my indian friends this is not what i m saying but this is exactly whats written in his poem ) which will go on for 6 months and after six months Muslims will win with the help of Arabia. Iran and turkey. UP state of india will also become part of Pakistan and Muslims will be again ruling in the whole India. May be whatever he said is not true but whatever he said so far have been true. I am providing you with some links now which people can read for detail.

read the last 10 pages or so which is more about Pakistan

Qaseeda Naimatullah Shah Wali

and this as well
My voice Around the World forum, Shah Naimatullah Wali (RA) Predictions for Pakistan and the Military action in Swat

I hope the indian friends here will not take that in a negative way...Its not something i am saying its something a Wali said 900 years ago

i hope pak military don't believe in it.:D
Reminds me of this pious person in Pakistan in 1979. I remember he took a pen and drew lines across the map of USSR saying how the USSR will be defeated in about 10 years & not only that but it will dis-integrate.
I was very little back then but I have the memory of an elephant. Just thought I would share it with you. beyond that, I am saying no more.........

When my father left india in 1947, he said googbye to his 'pir' in Amritsar, the 'pir' replied they won't be meeting for a long time. My father said he was just going to Lahore, and he'll jump on a train and see him on weekends...little did he know. But the 'pir' also told him that at some stage in the future india and Pakistan will unite again.(He didin't say how).

My uncle, who was a sufi, said that at some stage there will be a great war between India and Pakistan with many deaths, but at the end pakistan will win.
Can somebody translate the last ten pages of this text, or at leat summarise it?
There must be a translation some where.
Shah Sahib said:“The Muslims of the western portion (West Pakistan) would have the blessings of Allah. The most responsible leaders, skilled scientists and highly professional and dedicated military experts would be available to them. All the Muslim countries would be looking towards them. Muslims from Turkey, Arabia, Iran and the Middle East would turn up with remarkable Ummah spirit to support them and the area of Chitral, Nanga Parbat, Gilgit, China and Tibet would become the main battlefield.”

My interpretation.

Something extraordinary happens in the war on terror in Afghanistan. What happens maybe the next lines can tell:

Hazrat Naimat Shah further said:“The people of Kabul would also come out to kill kafirs (non-Muslims) who would run around from pillar to post and would make petty and paltry excuses to save their lives. They would literally beg the Muslims for their lives. The frontier would quiver and quake with the foot-beats of ghazis and mujahids of the frontier who would suddenly emerge out of nowhere. This event would take place after Eid-ul-Azha and the next Eid ul Fitr.”

Aha, more clear now. US is defeated in Afghanistan or even in a more bizzare way, the govt of Hamid Karzai or the nation of Pakistan is defeated. ( If taken into context, that the Hamid Karzai govt and or the govt of Zardari are 'kaffir' and the taliban are the 'muslims'

Wali said:“River Attock (Kabul) would be filled thrice, with the blood of kafirs, during that period. The Muslims would capture the whole Punjab (including Lahore city), Kashmir, the land situated between River Ganges and Yamuna (Uttar Pradesh province) and the city of Bijnaur. This war would remain among the human beings for good about six months and ultimately, God willing, the Muslims would be victorious. All the enemies and the ill-wishers of Islam would be killed and the whole India would be clean of Hinduism and Hindu traditions.” Shah Naimat said:“Suddenly there would be a great roar. It would be a catastrophic earthquake like the doomsday. It would cause great devastation and disruption in Sindh and Hind (India).”

No it makes sense that India is involved in a war with China and the war clearly happened initially in the Tibet and China areas (as per initial paragraph), then gradually Muslim forces (maybe a coaliation ummah led by Pakistan) and China defeat India. North India is destroyed (by nuclear bombs) and Islamic militia moves into North India , destroying and killing Hindus and their culture in the path. India retaliates somewhat by devastating Sindh(nuclear bomb?) but clearly is on the losing side.

Hazrat Shah Naimat very specifically prophesied about the western portion of the Subcontinent’s Muslim country (Pakistan).“The king (president) of the west would invade the non-Muslims of the region due to military might and would cause them a great defeat which would be beyond their imaginations. Islam would dominate India for at least forty years until Dajjal would emerge from the city of Esfahan. There would be a lot of sedition, disturbance, violence and war in the region. Khorasan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq would not be an exception. The war would devastate and desolate these countries as well until the Best Year as described by the Holy Quran would come. Imam Mehdi would attain prominence. He would appear during the Hajj days and suddenly he would become famous the world over.” In my opinion, Imam Mehdi would appear before Dajjal’s appearance.

Now I am confused. It looks the military defeat to India is handed out by USA. However , India would be in flux after that and Islam dominating only for 40 years, as the whole region would be destroyed.

How are others reading this whole thing ??

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