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Confession : FSA Works for Israel

FSA = Fasadi Syrian Army works for everyone else execpt Syria and Syrian people.
Agree Assad is not one of the best but the change has to come from within through mutual efforts of all Syrian people. Not a select few rag tag terrorist from a region known for its terrorist activities in the past!
I think the same will eventually happen to iran, israel lovers will form a coalition to topple the government / regime in one form or another.
I think the same will eventually happen to iran, israel lovers will form a coalition to topple the government / regime in one form or another.

Iranian people are enough for that.. the govt isn't fairing any better
Iranian people are enough for that.. the govt isn't fairing any better

i'm not sure if i got what you said correct , but iranian government isn't evil , it simply lacks the tools to help her people much , maybe less than the saudi and azerbaijani governements
If Assad is so universally loved then why not step down, hold elections and let the people decide if he is so amazing.
Just another pathetic dictator trying to hold onto power and destroy the future of his people.
If Assad is so universally loved then why not step down, hold elections and let the people decide if he is so amazing.
Just another pathetic dictator trying to hold onto power and destroy the future of his people.

No different than Saddam, Qaddafi and Ben Ali.
No different than Saddam, Qaddafi and Ben Ali.

Everyone is sick of these dictators and monarchs who have no vision and no clue about the present and future.
The world is heading towards progress and development but these people prevent that in their countries just to keep power and have the ability to buy music off iTunes while their people starve to death.

These people need to be taken into the streets and beheaded for selling the future of their nation for a song and a dance.
Everyone is sick of these dictators and monarchs who have no vision and no clue about the present and future.
The world is heading towards progress and development but these people prevent that in their countries just to keep power and have the ability to buy music off iTunes while their people starve to death.

These people need to be taken into the streets and beheaded for selling the future of their nation for a song and a dance.

While the change has to come from within, i hope you understand FSA agenda is no different than Talibans and this makes Assad look a 10000 times better than the alternate. Syria better under Assad than stupid FSA! Libya did not progress much since the revolution!

Perhaps the same lessons could be applied with in our own borders so millions will not depends on Madrassash for their bread and butter or else expect many factions of "free army" in Pakistan too!
If Assad is so universally loved then why not step down, hold elections and let the people decide if he is so amazing.
Just another pathetic dictator trying to hold onto power and destroy the future of his people.

I too , fail to see how the syrian "revolution" is there to help form a better "future" , syria is more than obviously forming an alliance with egypt , and by that i mean egypt wants them to have an alliance with egypt probably because they like their girls , and that said , even i as a child of the 80s , can recall from the history i've read that syria and egypt already formed a failed alliance in the 50s/60s , So how's their revolution "futuristic" ?

Unless , one concludes that syria and egypt's alliance has more to do with cornering israel once again like back in the 60s and 70s , this time maybe a bit different in outcome
If Assad is so universally loved then why not step down, hold elections and let the people decide if he is so amazing.
Just another pathetic dictator trying to hold onto power and destroy the future of his people.

How about you give that advice to china ? or read the answer i wrote in another thread..

political ideology has nothing to do with economic growth...

US proposed the principle equality of man in 1776 it took them 100 years to get rid of slavery after that. It took them another 150 years to give votes to the women. It took them 200 years to effectively give vote to the black people.It took them soo long to get a proper functioning democracy. US cannot expect China or any other middle eats nation to change their governance to democracy in a whim. It destroys countries,lives and economies..

China will take their own time in getting a democratic system...its not far away..people will enforce it in due time..but China ain't going anywhere. It's the Asian century...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ecause-economic-collapse-6.html#ixzz2HHkDcyEY

Some people believe anything they have been told....honestly...you really think west cares about the Syrian people ? West is trying to isolate Iran by attempting to topple the Syrian govt. Once Syria falls the crosshair will be on Iran. plz dont buy into the bS.
How about you give that advice to china ? or read the answer i wrote in another thread..

political ideology has nothing to do with economic growth...

US proposed the principle equality of man in 1776 it took them 100 years to get rid of slavery after that. It took them another 150 years to give votes to the women. It took them 200 years to effectively give vote to the black people.It took them soo long to get a proper functioning democracy. US cannot expect China or any other middle eats nation to change their governance to democracy in a whim. It destroys countries,lives and economies..

China will take their own time in getting a democratic system...its not far away..people will enforce it in due time..but China ain't going anywhere. It's the Asian century...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ecause-economic-collapse-6.html#ixzz2HHkDcyEY

Some people believe anything they have been told....honestly...you really think west cares about the Syrian people ? West is trying to isolate Iran by attempting to topple the Syrian govt. Once Syria falls the crosshair will be on Iran. plz dont buy into the bS.

When the people of China are openly rebelling then I will.
If the people of China are happy as they are, then who are you or I to say anything?

Nice try troll but this topic is about Syria

I too , fail to see how the syrian "revolution" is there to help form a better "future" , syria is more than obviously forming an alliance with egypt , and by that i mean egypt wants them to have an alliance with egypt probably because they like their girls , and that said , even i as a child of the 80s , can recall from the history i've read that syria and egypt already formed a failed alliance in the 50s/60s , So how's their revolution "futuristic" ?

Unless , one concludes that syria and egypt's alliance has more to do with cornering israel once again like back in the 60s and 70s , this time maybe a bit different in outcome

You need to start somewhere.
When a dictator cannot see it's his time to go then you need to revolt.
If the revolution does the same mistakes and become a dictatorship, then well, time to rebel again.
When the people of China are openly rebelling then I will.
If the people of China are happy as they are, then who are you or I to say anything?

Nice try troll but this topic is about Syria

troll ? do you even understand what i am saying ? how about read what i have written and you will find out i was "SUPPORTING" china...If you cannot oppose a view point then call me a troll...

You mean these freedom fighters ?


Free Syrian Army Terrorists Threaten to use Chemical Weapons! | THE POPULIST

US helping to train and arm Islamic mercenaries to fight in Syria

British volunteers fighting in Syria: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism


People clearly support Assad otherwise the fighting would never have lasted soo long....

You need to start somewhere.
When a dictator cannot see it's his time to go then you need to revolt.
If the revolution does the same mistakes and become a dictatorship, then well, time to rebel again.

yeh sure ..... keep doing that until the country and its economy is completely destroyed...very smart.

IF you have any more doubts about the "evil Syrian dictator". Read the report by Rainer Hermann on the Houla Massacre supposed to be done by Syrian army.... Rainer Hermann is extremely credible and reliable....

The report is in german..

Below is the translation of the relevant points

Syrian opposition members who are from that region were during the last days able to reconstruct the most likely sequence of events based on accounts from authentic witnesses. Their result contradicts the pretenses from the rebels who had accused regime allied Shabiha they alleged were acting under the protection of the Syrian army. As opposition members who reject the use of lethal force were recently killed or at least threatened, the opposition members [talking to me] asked that their names be withheld.

The massacre of Houla happened after Friday prayers. The fighting started when Sunni rebels attacked three Syrian army checkpoints around Houla. These checkpoints were set up to protect the Alawi villages around the predominantly Sunni Houla from assaults.

One attacked checkpoint called up units from the Syrian army, which has barracks some 1500 meters away, for help and was immediately reinforced. Dozens of soldiers and rebels were killed during the fighting around Houla which is said to have lasted about 90 minutes. During these fights the three villages were closed off from the outside world.

According to the witness accounts the massacre happened during this timeframe. Killed were nearly exclusively families from the Alawi and Shia minorities in Houla which has a more than 90% Sunni population. Several dozen members of one extended family, which had in recent years converted from Sunni to Shia believe, were slaughtered. Also killed were members of the Alawi family Shomaliya and the family of a Sunni member of parliament who was [by the rebels] considered a government collaborator. Members of the Syrian government confirmed this version but pointed out that the government committed to not publicly speak of Sunnis and Alawis. President al-Assad is Alawi while the opposition is overwhelmingly from the Sunni population majority.
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