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The UnDefeated King of South Asian Skies : IAF - Mig 25 Foxbat

Indian Mig25 did not have offensive capabilities. Reason being as Oscar discussed IAF did not want PAF to go for an alternative for Mig25s.
Yeah sure, whatever.

Yeah , Kill em with Film.

I completely agree with you.
mig 25 was a product of 60s strategy. ie to deploy fast aircraft with less maneuverability ( in case of mig 25 only 3g) and to rely on AA missiles for enemy kills. many of the aircrafts in that era was built around this concept. but it was never successful practically. first due to less reliable missiles, then because of ECM. so, the concept of interceptor itself was abandoned.
unfortunately mig 25 was last of this generation, and proved very much useless for its main role. Thus it was deployed for secondary roles like reconnaissance.

watch discovery's documentary wings of Red star, if you want to know more on this.


Having said that, I also think that whatever its shortcomings may be, it had one very strong advantage. it was the best in its category. ie high speed high altitude weaponised platform capable of performing reconnaissance regardless of enemy activity.
just my two cents!
Hence calling them undefeated may be appropriate, Not Kings.
They achieved little else apart from clicking away film.
They were also a maintenance nightmare.

The Foxbat is best known for what it was, a fast runner that could not be caught.
Not a king perhaps, but definitely a jack of clubs in the line up.

Considering how mischievous it was , I would call it the


joker of the line up
Lucky you India, our air force heads should be ashamed for not being able to spend wisely
Our airforce can't handle WoT I cant imagine how if ever we'll be able to defend against IAF
One of these days India will just come and get Kashmir like stealing candy from a baby

India has no interest in Pakistani Kashmir. We want LoC as international border. I think that is fairly clear now , after all these years.
India has no interest in Pakistani Kashmir. We want LoC as international border. I think that is fairly clear now , after all these years.

Are you sure....Pakistan and China have our Land - which will be taken a back.

What cr@p theory is this ? Mig-25 with IAF proved its mettle. PERIOD. It couldn't counter SR-71 is a different issue since PAF never had it..

I posted a fact, not a theory.
Secondly, a "King" does not do hit and runs. If it stayed and fought, it's nothing more than flying metal with maintenance issues even if it survives.
Yes, satellites can do that much more efficiently today. However, how many countries can send military spy satellites into space, and get the required resolution? ... Buying a mig-31 from Russia would be a lot easier than designing and launching a spy satellite.

Agree to these points. No doubt that the MIGs remain a much cheaper alternative to satellite-based recon. But think of the constant recon available without the need to risk a pilot's life and intruding into enemy airspace. Sats are much safer and more accurate. But like you said, it's all about money and India seems to have it now.

Are you sure the eagle was designed to counter the foxbat? The eagles can't match them in speed or flight ceiling, and the mig 25s wouldn't pick a dogfight with them anyway. It was the mig 29s, and later the flankers that were expected to fight the eagles. How exactly would the eagles counter the foxbats, if all that the foxbats would do are take off from afar, launch a salvo of missiles at an incoming flight of eagles, and return to base?

That was in the Cold-War era where both sides were paranoid about everything from tanks to the enemy sneezing too hard. The Foxbat's performance prompted the US to develop a fighter that could counter the Soviets, not in speed or altitude, but in air superiority.
Mig 25 was developed to counter XB-70 Vakyrie, proposed Mach 3 US bomber in interceptro role. However escalating costs led to demise of XB 70 program but Mig 25 program bore fruits. Performance wise Mig 25 isn't what it is made out to be, but as there was nothing in USAF inventory to counter this, fighters remained in service in reconnaissance mission. A nice account of these fighters can be read here.

Mig 25 had massively powerful cameras, which could take high quality images from quite a distance. However with advent of high resolution satellites (having resolution of 1 sq m), the role of fighters is made redundant. Further not many nations want to court controversies by flying a jet over other territory especially during peacetime.


Foxbat will however remain unique for the abilities it had and considering the technology that was available at the time of its conception.
India has no interest in Pakistani Kashmir. We want LoC as international border. I think that is fairly clear now , after all these years.

Even though I don't agree wholeheartedly, it's best given the current economic conditions if more Indians thought that way - but as you can see here its not the case
MIG 25 FOXBAT is not a runner , It is invincible in the skies of the enemy and aptly suits to be a king. It do not have to run because of enemies since no enemy can conquer it at that heights and speed.
It is also leathel with missiles.

Then why were so many shot down by F-15's? and even by an F-16??
Then why were so many shot down by F-15's? and even by an F-16??

This thread is related to south asian scenario, F16s and F15s in the hands of US and Israel are different beasts with their advanced technology and force multipliers.
India has no interest in Pakistani Kashmir. We want LoC as international border. I think that is fairly clear now , after all these years.

It would be wise for both countries to make their peace with LoC as a permanent border.
Since jingoism is in full flow, a reminder is in place that PAF conducted these physiological flights over India even before the 1965 war. In the pilots own words, here is a short clip.

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