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foreign NGOs were behind Indian anti nuclear protests in 2011 says Singh

to get clearance from political parties which dance with orders of christian Priest ...

I guess its Congress...Then why pay this to church??Throw it in front of them and they would do whatever you want to.:cheesy:
I guess its Congress...Then why pay this to church??Throw it in front of them and they would do whatever you want to.:cheesy:
Not just congress , Communist as well... Hah thats the Fun Part ... the political party cant take money directly so Church & Party shares the booty ...
Not just congress , Communist as well... Hah thats the Fun Part ... the political party cant take money directly so Church & Party shares the booty ...

please...We know our politicians very well!!!Which is the 'Church'?Is church involved in Aranmula Airport fraud too??:lol:
please...We know our politicians very well!!!Which is the 'Church'?Is church involved in Aranmula Airport fraud too??:lol:

U never see wrong in any thing where church is involved ... Let that be Anti-Nuke project , Italian Marines Issue or Kerala Political Church Nexus ... look who am i taking to ... people who thinks Israel is there first mother land cause Jesus was born there...
Most NGOs are scams. It's all for the greenbacks that pour in from gullible Western countries. I know of a guy in an NGO that does diddly squat but he is paid Rs 1 Lakh (Rs 80,000 under the table to avoid income tax!) for doing zilch. The darn NGO is just on paper! Jeeez! I'm seriously thinking of signing up to make a fast buck on the side!! For doing sweet fu@k-all and getting paid for it!!! :cheesy:
U never see wrong in any thing where church is involved ... Let that be Anti-Nuke project , Italian Marines Issue or Kerala Political Church Nexus ... look who am i taking to ... people who thinks Israel is there first mother land cause Jesus was born there...

Answer my questions please...................
You were the one who started making derogatory remarks about the RSS. There is no doubt that the priest involved in highjacking the nuclear powerplant is no better or worse compared to the RSS.

There no comparison between RSS a Nationalist organization & a some Anti-Indian priests ...
There no comparison between RSS a Nationalist organization & a some Anti-Indian priests ...

Well......openion's differ and likeing the RSS here brings a lot of wrath though I dint agree with all they do.
Well......openion's differ and likeing the RSS here brings a lot of wrath though I dint agree with all they do.

wrath doesnt Hurt if the cause which ur standing for is right ... I was an RSS member for 4 years until i was removed ... & BJP member as well as local committee vice-president for 1 year until i resigned ...

Faced many oppositions with in my Extended family members ... Most of my paternal Family Members where Communist ... My dad who passed away when i was 13 ... was again a Hard core CPI carder when he was in Kerala... but i never left my ideology ... stood with it ... i lost many job opportunity due to it ... had to battle with financial problem...was Discriminated at many places But still i am here beating my chest proudly, i am Hindu Nationalist... thats my biggest identity ...
wrath doesnt Hurt if the cause which ur standing for is right ... I was an RSS member for 4 years until i was removed ... & BJP member as well as local committee vice-president for 1 year until i resigned ...

Faced many oppositions with in my Extended family members ... Most of my paternal Family Members where Communist ... My dad who passed away when i was 13 ... was again a Hard core CPI carder when he was in Kerala... but i never left my ideology ... stood with it ... i lost many job opportunity due to it ... had to battle with financial problem...was Discriminated at many places But still i am here beating my chest proudly, i am Hindu Nationalist... thats my biggest identity ...

Like I told you mate, I dont accept to all what they do nor am I a hardliner.
Caste system needs to be gotten rid of - whether it is within hindu religion or christian or Islam. Within Hindu religion, it is an acknowledged evil and reservation is one way of getting rid of this evil(I advocate reservations for SC/ST communities - not for others but with reforms like the son/daughter will be denied the quota if the father/mother had made use of it before) - in Christianity and Islam, caste system is officially denied - hence the reason for not bringing them under reservation quota(christian dalits and muslim OBCs) - but the stark reality is muslim OBC as per Sachar committee report does pretty badly when compared to Hindu SC/ST.

Caste system ll always exist my friend,

If you want to go nihilistic and abandon all traditions of the community and live the urban,unconcerned life,that too becomes a cultural catch point.

White collar people go with white collar people,blue collar with blue collar and any XYZ with XYZ.

So,these factors are a non point.

Community is ethnicity and it can exist without hurting one another.

Look at the matrimonial sections in newspapers or matrimonial sites - Needed - Christian vellala bride , Christian Nadar - The caste system stays - And many a time religion changes as well (when it comes to reservations) ;)

Thats because the etnic group/community called vellalar/nadar is much older than christianity.
Caste system needs to be gotten rid of - whether it is within hindu religion or christian or Islam.

Man needs order and a social stratification will always exist. Im not saying caste alone..but on economic, vocational..something or other..Then for some people it gives a sense of one-ness..and I'm also convinced that as strong is the reason that caste system contributed to conversions, it also acted as a check in another sense..I dont know if people are going to picturize what Im going to say..but let me try..when you see a surface being plastered on the floor, you would see the masons sometimes tapping a string onto the freshly laid cement forming an impression..then they criss cross it so that it results in large square patters on the floor..why that is done is because the cracks which may develop on one square would stop when it reaches the division and not spread into the other square..I believe the inherent inorganization the caste system brought to the Hindu society was also one of the reason why the islamic invasions were by and large not sucessful in conversions while more homogenous cultures like persia, egypt etc completely got converted..

so the need of the hour is to educate people so that one's caste remains just a matter of sub-identity to him and does NOT end up being a discrimination tool..its the discrimination based on caste that gave rise to conversions..caste can be just one identity like religion, language and people must respect the person for what he is and not what caste he is..

but the stark reality is muslim OBC as per Sachar committee report does pretty badly when compared to Hindu SC/ST.

Not bad when compared to STs...and sachar committe itself was a highly politicized vote catching exercise.. and my doubts about that increased once I found that sachar was on the invitee list of Ghulam Nabi fai which advocates secession of kashmir..

Community is ethnicity and it can exist without hurting one another.

+1..It can and it should..

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