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Expert: China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concep


Aug 20, 2011
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China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concept weapons, Chinese naval expert Li Jie said while communicating with the netizens of People's Daily Online's Qiangguo Forum on Nov. 27 about the country’s first successful fighter jet landing on its aircraft carrier.

Li said that China should develop larger aircraft carriers. The larger an aircraft carrier is the more aircraft it can carry, including fighter or attack aircraft. The United States has integrated fighters with attack aircraft, which can reduce the number of aircraft types and is more suitable for future wars.

Li said that ski-jump takeoffs place limits on the takeoff speed and payload of an aircraft, so China should make efforts to deploy steam or electromagnetic catapults on its future aircraft carriers.

Li said that the United States plans to completely arm its next-generation aircraft carriers with new-concept weapons such as electromagnetic rail guns and laser guns. China should follow suit in this regard.

Expert: China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concept weapons - People's Daily Online

Are we ready for that?
I think that China will be better able to compete with totally new weapons systems such as electromagnetic rail guns and laser guns as this relies more on theoretical knowledge in specific sectors and raw cash.

Established technologies like jet engines will take decades to catch up as the West(US in particular) has decades of extra experience under it's belt.
Carriers are big targets for enemy submarines and modern anti-ship missiles, it would be smarter to use that money on new ICBM research etc. Stealth bomber is better choice than carries if you want to bomb far away lands...
Well currently at the Shanghai based ship yards, a carrier battlegroup of 7 Type 52C and 52D's are being contructed. What we need the most is a Cruiser that can contain 90+ missile cells that can provide AAD for the Carrier battlegroup.

Carriers are big targets for enemy submarines and modern anti-ship missiles, it would be smarter to use that money on new ICBM research etc. Stealth bomber is better choice than carries if you want to bomb far away lands...

A possible CBG would contain 7 Type 052D and a carrier that has 5 cells of FN-2000 that can intercept incoming projectiles from 30KM + along with the goal keeper CIWS.
Carriers are big targets for enemy submarines and modern anti-ship missiles, it would be smarter to use that money on new ICBM research etc. Stealth bomber is better choice than carries if you want to bomb far away lands...

It is safe to say that China is developing multiple platforms.
The above deleted message was system fault. It replicated many times all by itself. All i did was to post it and suddenly i saw the message repeated many times.
Carriers are not just weapons, they are also political statements.
Develope a bigger carrier is not a projectivity but rather an necessity. Before you ask can Chinese Construct those platform, you should ask yourselve, do Chinese need bigger and better carrier?

Looking at Chinese Foreign Policy, they almost exclusively use their carrier in Homewater or Near-Homewater. The need for those force have a diminishing clause. Up until a point that Chinese want to use their carrier for oversea and ocean going operation, there are no need for China to build a bigger and better carrier.

Of course, you can always waste money on building a supecarrier and train its fighter group. But money are better spend elsewhere.

So my answer is, they can, but they don't need it
Develope a bigger carrier is not a projectivity but rather an necessity. Before you ask can Chinese Construct those platform, you should ask yourselve, do Chinese need bigger and better carrier?

Looking at Chinese Foreign Policy, they almost exclusively use their carrier in Homewater or Near-Homewater. The need for those force have a diminishing clause. Up until a point that Chinese want to use their carrier for oversea and ocean going operation, there are no need for China to build a bigger and better carrier.

Of course, you can always waste money on building a supecarrier and train its fighter group. But money are better spend elsewhere.

So my answer is, they can, but they don't need it

Well foreign policies do change over time don't they, also the comment seems to be by a naval expert giving his take on the situation. Its to be seen how the govt of China decides, also may be it would be better to invest more on capable and advanced destroyers and Fast moving crafts. I mean in current scenario we either have a heavy destroyer type ship with badass firepower or a fast moving craft with limited firepower giving headache to the opponents.

Some where in future if some naval expert could mix both i.e. a fast moving craft with firepower of a destroyer then it would be a nightmare. The world seems to be moving rather on to stealth class.May be the redesign of all systems and weapons too (miniaturize them ??), is what makes this idea impracticable now.
Well currently at the Shanghai based ship yards, a carrier battlegroup of 7 Type 52C and 52D's are being contructed. What we need the most is a Cruiser that can contain 90+ missile cells that can provide AAD for the Carrier battlegroup.

A possible CBG would contain 7 Type 052D and a carrier that has 5 cells of FN-2000 that can intercept incoming projectiles from 30KM + along with the goal keeper CIWS.

That only works if those ships see all those anti-ship missiles coming, but now days several countries are developing stealthy anti-ship missiles, and we have never seen carrier battle group going against modern military. Prestige projects like carries will never be useful against countries like US.

If China wants to avoid war with US, then it's better to build at least 300 semi-hardened (to save cost) silos armed with DF-31A ICBM's and 100+ mobile launchers, robust early warning system should be in the list too. China should adopt "launch on warning" policy to make sure that those silos are truly effective deterrence against any country.
If China wants to avoid war with US, then it's better to build at least 300 semi-hardened (to save cost) silos armed with DF-31A ICBM's and 100+ mobile launchers, robust early warning system should be in the list too. China should adopt "launch on warning" policy to make sure that those silos are truly effective deterrence against any country.

Both China and US want to avoid a war.

Chinese are smarter than that...we have constantly 20-40 silos but a lot more than 100+ mobiles.
well one carrier is good enough for scs...another???for pacific or ior????
With or without carriers does US dare put up a real fight with China? I doubt it. I know too well of your American boys

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