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Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results


Dec 25, 2007
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From my not-so-favorite Afghan locale, the Korengal valley comes this bit of drivel from the NYT-

Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results-NYT

"An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife."

Well, you know, if a platoon of American infantry were to take a hike into the Hindu Kush, they'd be mincemeat for those expert guerrilla mountain warriors who've lived in those lands all their life. They've defeated everybody and the only way you Americans EVER win is with "overwhelming firepower".

You win some and you lose some and we win a lot more than their best in the Korengal. This goes on every single day there. Read how.
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From my not-so-favorite Afghan locale, the Korengal valley comes this bit of drivel from the NYT-

Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results-NYT

"An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife."

Well, you know, if a platoon of American infantry were to take a hike into the Hindu Kush, they'd be mincemeat for those expert guerrilla mountain warriors who've lived in those lands all their life. They've defeated everybody and the only way you Americans EVER win is with "overwhelming firepower".

You win some and you lose some and we win a lot more than their best in the Korengal. This goes on every single day there. Read how.

In Islam there's no glamour, no happiness or excitement to be shown at killing an opponent in war. Because we're all human beings in essence. and killing another human being is very sad and regrettable event of life. Especially one that dies without faith is the most unfortunate soul. Even the Prophet PBUH wept at the death of Jews and Christians that were close to him yet didn't convert.

Whereas your attitude towards your enemies and how you'd like to "light 'em up" and kill them all with such excitement and amazement gives us a small insight into a dangerously violent ideology that you espouse. The Taliban were never your eternal enemies- remember they were your friends once.

It is the ideological difference. It is an ideological war that is being fought. Hearts and souls can never be conquered by bombs and sheer military might. Russians are a testimony to it.

Only one will survive. one will prevail. One that is on justice.
"Only one will survive. one will prevail. One that is on justice."

Well on this lonely night high up on a ridgeline in the Korengal where a battle was fought between two small groups of men using only small arms, claymore mines, light machine guns and a knife we know who survived.

We know who prevailed.

Put that justice in your pipe and smoke it.:agree:

"In Islam there's no glamour, no happiness or excitement to be shown at killing an opponent in war."

So all those cries of "Allah Akhbar!" repeated over and over at the top of their lungs in bated breath when an IED blows a Humvee to crap is a quiet sad lamentation for the departed dead?:rolleyes:

You're sooooo full of crap.
So all those cries of "Allah Akhbar!" repeated over and over at the top of their lungs in bated breath when an IED blows a Humvee to crap is a quiet sad lamentation for the departed dead?:rolleyes:

So you actually fell for it didn't you. Do you really believe them saying Allah Akhbar makes them a muslim....you better think again. knight Rider is right in saying that in Islam there is no glamor or happiness in killing, only the so called militants who proclaim to be the champions of Islam do it. Hope you understand the difference between the two before relating the two.
The 21st century Taliban aren't Muslims. No religion applies to them because their actions from the last 9 years have been full of hypocrisy and have used Islam as a shield to justify their immoral acts. I won't cheer on their death but If I HAVE to pick one, I'd rather cheer on their death because it's better than frowning upon the deaths of our OWN innocent countrymen whom these SAME Taliban would've butchered after crossing the border into Pakistan.
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Human Rights Watch has made clear repeatedly that their studies show that the taliban are the largest killers of afghani civilians in this conflict and that they intentionally target civilians.

Wasn't a shia mosque hit recently in Pakistan. Maybe even two-one sunni. Point being a civilian target. Buses destroyed by command-detonated IEDs. Suicide bombers in markets.

What's the target over and over?

Gotta tell ya-given all the muslims killing muslims, you've got a crapload less of the faithful than you thought...and not because of the dead and dying but the people doing it.

Say what you want and disown these men but if so you'd best kill them because, should they know that thought, they'll kill you for damned sure.
From my not-so-favorite Afghan locale, the Korengal valley comes this bit of drivel from the NYT-

Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results-NYT

"An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife."

Well, you know, if a platoon of American infantry were to take a hike into the Hindu Kush, they'd be mincemeat for those expert guerrilla mountain warriors who've lived in those lands all their life. They've defeated everybody and the only way you Americans EVER win is with "overwhelming firepower".

You win some and you lose some and we win a lot more than their best in the Korengal. This goes on every single day there. Read how.
Only 13?

I remember an old Pepsi slogan in Pakistan, "Dil mangay Aur!" (The heart desires more!).

There's plenty to kill in Korengal. Is it true that the US presence in Korengal is in the mere hundreds? I don't know if thats going to do the job, how about pumping the area with a few thousand more and finish the job.
Say what you want and disown these men but if so you'd best kill them because, should they know that thought, they'll kill you for damned sure.

I'm not the only one saying it, Muslim scholars have already disowned them calling suicide attacks haram. I hope you understand what Haram is. Anyways i am not afraid of them and nor am i afraid of expressing such thoughts. They are abusing Islam for their own agenda and hence yes when the time comes given an opportunity, they should be eliminated.
From my not-so-favorite Afghan locale, the Korengal valley comes this bit of drivel from the NYT-

Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results-NYT

"An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife."

Well, you know, if a platoon of American infantry were to take a hike into the Hindu Kush, they'd be mincemeat for those expert guerrilla mountain warriors who've lived in those lands all their life. They've defeated everybody and the only way you Americans EVER win is with "overwhelming firepower".

You win some and you lose some and we win a lot more than their best in the Korengal. This goes on every single day there. Read how.

Damn good shooting. (And claymore placing, grenade throwing and stabbing). I expect to see plenty more of this kind of performance.
There is always a feeling of satisfaction when you ambush the Taliban, giving 'em a taste of their own medicine. With better results than their ambushes by far.

I would very much like to shake these men's hands.
You know this better than I but our tactics of either reaching out in communities through daylight patrols or night ops with more "malevolent" designs in mind, make us vulnerable to ambush. Nothing happens without leaving the wire (besides getting rocketed and mortared).

The moment you leave the front gate, though, you're vulnerable to an IED. The moment you lose LOS with the base, you're vulnerable to attack by groundfire. Most of the time they have the initiative because of our simple willingness to seek contact and permit them to bring on their WORST just to close and kill them.

That seems missing elsewhere nearby. We've had some hard fights. Your Foresters had a tough one in Garmsir. We had a tough fight last year in the Korengal where they almost got a platoon COP and then the French got hit. That's as close as it's become.

People forget that having three platoons of infantry become decisively engaged over the course of a year isn't squat except to the TIC.
That seems missing elsewhere nearby. We've had some hard fights. Your Foresters had a tough one in Garmsir. We had a tough fight last year in the Korengal where they almost got a platoon COP and then the French got hit. That's as close as it's become.

People forget that having three platoons of infantry become decisively engaged over the course of a year isn't squat except to the TIC.

S-2. Do elaborate on the acronyms you use. Not all of us would be aware of them apart from the general ones.
Taliban Attack on American Base
********.com - Taliban Attack on American Base

Well done taliban......kick fu*k out those yankee perverts.
From my not-so-favorite Afghan locale, the Korengal valley comes this bit of drivel from the NYT-

Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results-NYT

"An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife."

You win some and you lose some and we win a lot more than their best in the Korengal. This goes on every single day there. Read how.

Dear S2,

Not a one to cross swords with u for the sake of. Actually i am scared how as how do you know that they were Taliban ? They could be local miltia ? You and me know that every guy carries a weapon there. You could have made another 50 militants to the rebel cause with this blunt action. However if this ambush was made after good INT. Hats of to the guys.


In Islam there's no glamour, no happiness or excitement to be shown at killing an opponent in war. Because we're all human beings in essence. and killing another human being is very sad and regrettable event of life. .

I must say ur living in delusion. I dont know mr PUBH but all ur floggings and beheadings are public. Remember carresing the *** of the girl in swat (as per RR). So there must be some glamour thats why Islam does it publicaly.

The Taleban haver no respect for their soldiers... Getting wounded or killed is stupid. Firing with kalashnikov as long range is hardly effective... Why no go for Sniper actions? Surround and kill at once and then move out... Less dangerous, more effect and it will destroy the morale of the opponent. Now they are walking around as sheeps. Ready and loved to be killed...

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